Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 31, 1989, Page 3, Image 3

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Control guns with amendment
By Maurice |. Holland
I am in general agreement
with the editorial "Deadly
weapons fail as inalienable
rights" (ODE. |an. 25) lament
ing the irresponsible and often
tragically easy availability of
weapons in this country, espe
cially weapons such as the AK
47 which lack any legitimate
purpose in the hands of private
But I take exception to the
editorial implication that those
who, like the National Rifle As
social ion. assert a constitution
al right to acquire and possess
weapons, enlist a "tired de
fense. stretched to absurdity.”
While counting myself
among those favoring much
more stringent gun controls, l
nonetheless think they have
been mistaken in concocting
ever more clever arguments
that the Second Amendment
does not mean what it clearly
stales: "(t)he right of the peo
ple to keep and bear arms, shall
not be infringed."
That is about as clear and un
equivocal a right as can be
found stated in the Constitu
tion. I am aware of the lan
guage of the amendment I have
omitted expressing the back
ground purpose for the right
|"A well regulated militia, be
ing necessary to the security of
a free state ... “}. but the right
is set forth independently of
the purpose
Although logically uncon
nected. it seems that most peo
ple who favor gun control also
favor the right to an abortion
The problem is that what these
people would restrict is literal
ly protected by the Constitu
tion. whereas the constitutional
right they would assert is no
where stated or even hinted at
in the text, and was not in fact
"discovered" until the Consti
tution was nearly 200 years
To urge courts or legislatures
to ignore rights plainly provid
ed for in the Constitutional text
and also to create rights lacking
Little hope
Christopher Ramko’s letter
"Medication" (ODE, March 3)
made it apparent that once
again it must be pointed out
that the animal rights move
ment does not advocate or pro
mote saving non-human ani
mals instead of or before hu
Let me spell it out clearly:
Millions of animals are being
exploited and are suffering
each year for human benefit,
and many humans have bene
fitted. Unfortunately, however,
a great deal of animal experi
mentation does not lead to
medical breakthroughs but is
done out of simple curiosity or
for military purposes.
The amount of money going
into this unnecessary research
each year is astounding. Con
sider the possibilities, given
human ability to advance tech
nologically, if all the money
put into unnecessary research
was instead used on research
for alternatives to animals in
the laboratory. Within five to
ten years, we could very possi
bly eliminate the need for ani
mals in research.
I would like to add in ref
erence to Ramko's statement
that humans are "the only spe
cies known to adapt its envi
ronment to Itself” — that hu
mans certainly do manipulate
the environment, and just look
at the slate of the planet now
The exploitation of animals is
an integral part of the environ
mental crisis. Until humans re
alize they can’t place every
thing on the globe second to
themselves, there is lilt It; hope
|ill Freidberg
_Letters Policy
Letters to the editor must be limited to no more
than 250 words, legible, signed and the identification
of the writer must be verified.
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any textual support is to risk
playing fast and loose with the
central premise of our Constitu
tion. which also includes quite
explicit methods of amend
Those outraged by ready
availability of lethal weapons
should confront the problem
candidly and straightforwardly
by working for an amendment
to repeal the Second Amend
ment That would place both
responsibility and authority on
our legislatures to begin to get
this national disgrace under
some semblance of rational
control while at the same time
respecting the commands of the
There are many precedents
for amendments repealing or
modifying other provisions of
the Constitution which have
become archaic, obsolete and
harmful, such as those prohib
iting a federal income tax. pro
viding for election of U S. sena
tors bv state legislatures, and
permitting states to deny wom
en and blacks the right to vote
Maurice /. Holland is Dean of
the University Imw School.
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