Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 13, 1989, Image 1

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• OTB a winning place to show. Page 2
• Preparing for nuke site protest, Page 3
• Shedding light on campus, Page 4
• Duck women edge Beavers. Page 13
Oregon Daily_ ,
Monday. March Kt. 1989
Kugene. Oregon
Volume 90. N'tnntM'r 120
Protesters dragged out of lobby
By Frale de Cu/man
Emerald Associate Editor
Police officers Friday
dragged nine demonstrators
against U.S intervention in FI
Salvador out of the Federal
Building, to outside chants of
"Stop the killing! Stop the war!
Get the U.S. out of FI Salva
For four hours, the nine dem
onstrators. supported hv about
100 protestors who surrounded
the outside of the Federal
Building. 211 F. 7th Ave.. sat
in a circle of solidarity inside
the building's lobby before fat
ing bodily dragged out by po
lice officers at about H p in.
No one was arrested in the
The demonstrators are among
"thousands of American citi
zens nationwide participating
in a national call to action to
stop U.S. war in FI Salvador.”
said Sarah I-awton. spokes
woman for Committee in Soli
darity with the Central Ameri
can People.
"This is an important time
for the peoph; in FI Salvador,"
Lawton said.
The country has suffered
from nine years of civil war and
more than 70,000 people have
been killed because of the "im
moral and illegal policies of the
U.S government, which has
precipitated the current crisis
in the country." she said
To emphasize her point.
Lawton read from a copy of a
Turn to Protest, Page 7
H/ \/P*
Pholu ht Skcrlvn H|orki|'*’M
Kory Canada joins about 1(H) other l 'Diversity anil community
protesters against to U.S. involvement in til Salvador at the
federal Building on Friday.
Child care measure,
budget plan gain OK
By Brian Blot h
Emerald Reporter
During its last meeting of the term I'ridav, the KMU
Hoard voted to support placement of <i $t>7 -M;t measure on
the Spring ballot li approved, the money will cover the start
up and operating costs of the proposed Westmoreland Child
Care (tenter
I he ballot measure must now he offit tally placed on the
ballot through approval by the Incidental l ee Committee or
_KMU Board.
(he ASl'() Kxet til n r
The iin.inl approved the plm ement of the ballot measure
10- 0 2 after discussion concerning whether part uf the costs
could he covered In Int ident.il fees
In other business, the board approved for submission to
the ITC its 1'IK'I 'll) budget request The request will represent
.1 I I pert enl increase over this year's budget, although salary
int reases mandate almost I I pert ent of the total
Although Ixiard member Doug 1‘vle expressed concern
about needing more time to review the request, it passed
11- 0-1
I he board also heard <i report from the Skylight Food \l
ternatives Committee during the Triday meeting According
to sub < omnntlee i hairwnmeu Man horlott the food alterne
lives committee has draw n up a list of requirements for plat e
rnent of <t restaurant in the I Ml tli.it w ill be organized and in
corporated into a revised request lor proposal (KIP)
The KM’ w ill Inter by reviewed by the committee and sent
out asking interested contractors to bid on the projei I
During its next meeting in early April, the board w ill dis
i u s s a letter it received from I 'niversitv President Paul (Hum
staling that he will not support the board's in ent amendment
to exclude all fat uity and stafl members on the board from
voting positions
Some Ixiard members who support the amendment t ur
lenlly are looking for possible < omprome.es w 11li the adminis
tratinn. or possibly Irv ing to uphold the amendment through
legal ai lion Pyle said
Caffeine from colas keeping students awake
Habit, however, can be addictive
By Lindy Holt
Emerald Contributor
The alarm goes off. the battle
is over It's ‘I it) in the morn
ing Only two hours of sleep
has been managed. Another
"all-nighter" is over
Downstairs, on the table,
there are scattered papers, a
typewriter and other remnants
of the previous night's light
Empty, one-quart, paper cups
give a due to how the battle
was won.
Students at universities all
over drink cola beverages for
the calleine they need to sta\
awake and study "There’s no
way I'rl make it without it."
said an architecture student .it
the lhiiversitv
Since 11IH7, cola drinks have
become the number one sourt e
of ( affeine intake, said Kit hard
Schlaadt. a University author
and health professor Coffee is
now in second place to carbon
ated drinks, he said
Hut there may be bail news
for students hoping the stim
ulant will improve their grades
Schlaadt, reading from the
American Journal of Psychi
atry ( ited a study done on
1.500 undergraduate college
students in whit h the group
consuming the most caffeine
had lower academic perfor
mance. as well as a higher fre
quency of psyt ho-phvsiologii al
disorders, than others partit i
"It must be remembered that
once any stimulant agent is me
tabolized there follows a peri
od of behavioral and mental de
pression." wrote Robert Julien.
of St Vincent s Hospital and
Medical Center ill Portland, in
his book. "A Primer of Drug
According to lulien toler
ance to caffeine may develop
after prolonged ingestion of
large doses and it can induce a
physiological dependence
Boon Sim. a University se
nior majoring in finance and
marketing, estimates that he
drinks about two Seven 1 I Su
per Dig Culps (44 oz. eat h) a
day It s .1 habit from tin- sum
mer." he said "If they are on
sale I'll drink three a day
"Protect your Ihg Culp,
Sim said "Once .liter buying
one. I ran into a group of
triends I gave one of them a
sip and In the time my ihg
Culp got back around to me it
was empty "
Photo illu«l» utiim hi M.uk*
More and more students are relying on megadoses nl ml.i beverages to get themselves through
an .ill-night stuih session. Hut he warned — studies suggest excessive amounts id caffeine anil
sugar i an allei t behavior and even decrease ai ademii perlormani e.
Tui ker Teague. *i senior m.i
(tiring in tnlecomniunioa
lions film and art history, said
he drinks two to three Super
Hig Gulps a day. He estimates
that lif spends i lose to $40 .1
month on coin Irevernnes
"I total I v not into .1 routine,
lie said "It is .1 tradition he
tween friends, no net 1 Gulp
.Hid talk
TtMKUf said that there are
limes when he lm\s a Bi^ (Blip
I urn to ( .lffoine, Pago