_Inside_ WINTER FINAL: • OTB a winning place to show. Page 2 • Preparing for nuke site protest, Page 3 • Shedding light on campus, Page 4 • Duck women edge Beavers. Page 13 Oregon Daily_ , Emerald Monday. March Kt. 1989 Kugene. Oregon Volume 90. N'tnntM'r 120 Protesters dragged out of lobby By Frale de Cu/man Emerald Associate Editor Police officers Friday dragged nine demonstrators against U.S intervention in FI Salvador out of the Federal Building, to outside chants of "Stop the killing! Stop the war! Get the U.S. out of FI Salva dor!" For four hours, the nine dem onstrators. supported hv about 100 protestors who surrounded the outside of the Federal Building. 211 F. 7th Ave.. sat in a circle of solidarity inside the building's lobby before fat ing bodily dragged out by po lice officers at about H p in. No one was arrested in the incident. The demonstrators are among "thousands of American citi zens nationwide participating in a national call to action to stop U.S. war in FI Salvador.” said Sarah I-awton. spokes woman for Committee in Soli darity with the Central Ameri can People. "This is an important time for the peoph; in FI Salvador," Lawton said. The country has suffered from nine years of civil war and more than 70,000 people have been killed because of the "im moral and illegal policies of the U.S government, which has precipitated the current crisis in the country." she said To emphasize her point. Lawton read from a copy of a Turn to Protest, Page 7 H/ \/P* Pholu ht Skcrlvn H|orki|'*’M Kory Canada joins about 1(H) other l 'Diversity anil community protesters against to U.S. involvement in til Salvador at the federal Building on Friday. Child care measure, budget plan gain OK By Brian Blot h Emerald Reporter During its last meeting of the term I'ridav, the KMU Hoard voted to support placement of 7 -M;t measure on the Spring ballot li approved, the money will cover the start up and operating costs of the proposed Westmoreland Child Care (tenter I he ballot measure must now he offit tally placed on the ballot through approval by the Incidental l ee Committee or _KMU Board. (he ASl'() Kxet til n r The iin.inl approved the plm ement of the ballot measure 10- 0 2 after discussion concerning whether part uf the costs could he covered In Int ident.il fees In other business, the board approved for submission to the ITC its 1'IK'I 'll) budget request The request will represent .1 I I pert enl increase over this year's budget, although salary int reases mandate almost I I pert ent of the total Although Ixiard member Doug 1‘vle expressed concern about needing more time to review the request, it passed 11- 0-1 I he board also heard