| Continued from Pant- t the table with the problem on the table.'' she said In addition. Gibson has "quick and dirtv" tips on con flict management "One ot them is turning accusations into requests." she said, add ing that more problems get solved when a person expresses a wish rather than an accusa tion. 1 I II I T 1 ■ S "I I lacquie Gibson Gibson .ilso said that many conflict situations can be im proved i>v omitting the word "but" from critical statements "For example, a professor might tell a student I really like that report, but it was late or messy.' " she said. Special Student Rates EUGENE FAMILY YMCA 2055 Patterson 686-YMCA [_ "Our tendency when we re an the receiving end of tti.it is to disregard all the good stuff that was said in the beginning of the sentence, and only hear the criticism that comes w ith the hut.' " Gibson said, add ing that a simple solution is to use the word "and" instead lie cause that reduces .1 whole lot of emotional garbage, and it al lows the receiving person to hear those two things as ecpml However people learning conflict management have <1 if ficulties understanding that their behaviors i .in he altered Ciibson explained that wh.it usually happens, as it would in an arms reduction system, is that it somebody makes a nil e move, tlm other person is more disposed to doing that also, ami the conflict c an lie redtn ed and managed Hibson also applies conflict management to her own prob lems When she' was working in Montana in 1 *IH4. she (level oped a c hildren s sexual abuse prevention program that was lining considered and c ritic ized by the local sc hool board. In order to avoid becoming defensive. Ciibson said she fo cused on the board's and her mutual interest in preventing sexual abuse. "Once 1 un hooked myself from the posi lion, then we were open to lie gotiations." she said, adding that the school hoard ultimatelv Open 24 Hours kinko's Great copies Great people 860 E uth jaa ?89p ★ IMJNDCRIAWP + GREAT FOR PARTIES AND BIRTHDAYS CeviDEO O GAMES ALL GAMES WORK WITH NICKELS ADMISSION *1 40 I 5TM STMIIT PUStlC MAAIf T I • iUfiiHi • M3 M*4 THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON / II l 3 .0 L ■ "There goes Williams again trying to win support for his Little Bang theory. adopted her program Mthough shi> believes cun flii I c an lie reduced ami man aged. Gibson said it < an not In rlmimalrii from ju’ople's lives I I relieve c onflic t is real pro ductive and we can learn to maker it more prodiu live In managing it lietter ourselves." she said The mediation program is funded ecjualls In the students and the administration, and its services .ire available to everv one in the l!mversit\ mmimi mt\ "25 Years ot Quality Service” GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Datsun • Toyota 2025 Franklin Blvd 342-2912 Eugene. Oregon 97403 C'omiminii.ite oitli IriciuU through ODI personal classified ads. C( H ii'i >N COUPON COUPON TRACK TOWN PIZZA IS()‘> I r.mklin Blvd 484-2799 4 c.ood (or sl50 OFF any L.arqe or Giant Pizza >Nf ( ( M t’l >N (’( K »'I.VA I I I I Rf l ntl lVI RY »*uf**il itrrot I I i N. »r . .un. f 'jnnvi i How to get through college with money to spare: 1. Buy a Macintosh. J 2. Add a peripheral. 3. Get a nice, fat check. W through March M, when you bus selected Macmtosh’SK or Macintosh II computers sou II get a rebate tor up to half tlx suggested retail price of tlx Apple* peripherals sou add on - so vou ll sase up to SHOO Ask fesr details today where computers are sokl on campus S Apple Pays Half Microcomputer Support Lab Room 202 Computing Center Hours M F 9am Spin, MP h(>2 C WWV Ct* (i*V*fc* Im iff* ^ V** *«" J"*' '»**»*emi ,y Vplr temp** lm ijrtux rntr*t*»u jffk) HI *d»*1 *■ *%l.i*i**nur «* A fm .if*/ ( J ** iff* >** >**if ^4T« '*■**»« **14*,**- xar m4**v*t iff* >mrikr (0r tm/ atom to km