(>raphi< b> larrrl |r«t»r 745-8522 • 125 S.W. 2nd Corvallis tiVc Muiit » CRAZY 8’s , O ^ < & BILL RHODES a Friday March 10 & v SUE MILES March 17 & 18 A “ MAYTHER BROTHERS * q March 24 & 25 TUESDAY NIGHT A Hevfr»|f $3*5 WED. NIGHT Chicken A Beverage $3*5 THURSDAY NIGHT Kcnucuu A $4*5 FRIDAY NIGHT BBU »ata $375 SAT. * SUN. NIGHT Sul A F ||. •2" Steak, Fries A Salad •2’* __ Oregon Daily - . 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Newsroom 666 5511 Classified Advertising. 666 4343 Display Advertising 666 3712 Production, Graphic Services. 666 4361 City garden plots thrive in spring Bv C ami Swanson Emerald Reporter Would-be gardeners who have no plat e to grow vegeta hies tan choose from several community garden sites offered by the city's Outdoor Program Although the Alton Baker Park Community Carden Coun cil may decide to disband, gar den plots will still lie available in the park Four other t ommu nity garden locations are also provided by the city Registration for garden plots began Feb. ti and continues un til all spat es are full, according lo Outdoor Program leader Rog er Ha i lev Hailey estimated that more than half of the available gar tlen plots have been fillet! al ready Hecause of the demand for the plots, the Outdoor Pro gram is restricting applit alions to only one plot at the River House gardens. :il)i N Adams St ami the Amazon gardens. .JHth Avenue and High Street Bailey said one additional plot mav be rented for the year after March 15 at the North Polk gardens, located at the end of North Polk Street. and Mathews gardens. 15th Avenue and Hayes Street The Alton Baker garden was developed in 1973 by the coun ty However, budget cutbacks eliminated many of the park department staff and the com munity garden users decided to form their own council in 1983 Diminishing numbers of gar deners have forced the count il to consider whether it wants to reorganize the garden count il or to ask the t it\ parks depart men) to take over the garden's operation A meeting to discuss tills com ern will lie March 13 in the lame (iountv Kxtension Auditorium. 950 VV 13th Ave In the i it\ \ gardens, organit methods are encouraged. but not required, Hailey said N'atu ral pest control techniques, such as using ladybugs or pra\ ing mantis, are allowed, but chemical pesticides and herlii DEAD WEEK... FINALS WEEK ... GIMME A BREAK... Call PIZZA ANSWER. We’ve got your study break covered. Pizza Answer starts serving at 11 00 AM 4 FEAST for 4 — Buy a 16" - 3 Item Pizza and 3 Quarts of Pepsi for only $9.95 Reg. $13 00 Save $3 05 Name_ Address_ 687-8600 One Coupon Per Pi/sa Expires 3/12/89 (ides am forbidden. In addition to renting garden sites, the Outdoor Program sponsors gardening workshops. This spring, workshops arc of fered in organic gardening, growing indoor or container herb gardens and organic pest management TERRIBLE BOB'S POSTERS SATURDAY SALE T ROC K POSTERS PROM LONDON, ENGLAND REGULAR PRICE $3.99 SATURDAY S PRICE SI 35 Fin1 Foot R<k L Posters From England REGULAR PRICE $6.99 SATURDAY S PRICE S2.35 Marilyn Monroe Posters REGULAR PRICE S3.99 SATURDAY S PRICE SI .35 Marilyn Monroe Snapshots REGULAR PRICE SI.99 SATURDAY S PRICE 70c Heavy Metal Posters Made In USA REGULAR PRICE SI.99 SATURDAY S PRICE 70c Pop ( hart Posters MADE IN LjSA REGULAR PRICE SI.99 SATURDAY'S PRICE 70C Mit Lev Moose Posters REGULAR PRICE S3.99 SATURDAY S PRICE SI.35 FINF ART Rl PRINTS ARE NOT ON ABOVE SPECIAL HOWEVER ARE REDUCED TO S3 00 FOR SHRINK WRAPPED ART REPRINTS AND ART REPRINTS FROM ITAIV ARE REDUCED TO $6 00 ABOVE PRK FS ONLY GOOD THIS SATURDAY 12:00 PM TO 5:00 P.M. TERRIBLE BOB'S POSTERS LOCATED AT 12f> W. BROADWAY IN THL DOWNTOWN MALL NO MERCHANTS PLLASF