CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 686-4343 - TM* to ?ha aummar fot> you ha*a baan waiting for Th# Parti Cato A Grocery »n St Mary. Montana aaat antranca to Otaciar Nal l Parti Hat po*it»oni opan m tha cat# gift A grocary ttora* Cali Kathryn at 91M7WI10 tor into I A/Iu= ANNOUNCING BE A UOsBMMER SENIOR DESK ASSISTANT On* Senior Desk Assistant position with University Housing available Earn room and board |t#17S • and valuable 10b experience OUTlES coordination of alt chack-m and checkout activities. auditing and posting all paperwork, monitor mg and fitting hall vacancias. super vising all distribution, ate QUALIFl CATIONS two yaars offica expert anca or aquivatant must ba regie fared UO student excellent people skills, ability to organize, capacity to adapt to an ever changing work anvi ronment FOR POSITION DESCRIPTION ANO APPLICATION CONTACT University Housing. Resident Services Walton Hail Complex, 686-4277 Application deadline has been extended to 5pm March 13. 1969 An Equal Opportune ty. Affirmative Action Employer Attention Hiring* Government |Obs your area *17 640 *69 465 Call 1^ 636 8665 Ext R12164 BABY SITTER WANTEO for 1 year otd Occasional evenmgs/weekands Ext 4600 day. 3423 4756 evenings Disabled Lady needs part lime help $6/hr Flexible hours Mate or Female Call after 1pm 484-5423__ _ JOURNALISM INTERNS: You could work for Oregon's most unique weekly newspaper this summer We promise to improve your writing, photography and news instincts Call Ray Horn at 630 3241 __ NANNY Au Pair Mothers Helper needed ASAP for three wonderful boys ages 2. 4 & 7 in Wash . DC Call collect (202)362 3459_ NOTETAKERS needed Spring Term Juniors, seniors and grads only Physics, law. science and social sci ence classes *8 50-S11 50/lecture starting wage Apply at FOOTNOTES. Rm 21. EMU (EOE) RAX RESTAURANT is now hiring pan time help for day and night shifts Flexible hours, starting wage at S3 SO hr Apply in person 2 5 pm Mon Sat at Rax Restaurant, corner of Hilyard and E Broadway_ TRACK TOWN PIZZA Immediate opening tor delivery driv ers and in house pizza makers lle*i ble part time or full time shifts Must be able to work late nights Apply at T T P 1809 Franklin Blvd NO CALLS! Why settle tor less than the best''*! SfCURlTY WIKHI NCCOCO 8«at mghtty Chack O* budding CHMM fO c am put Fo* information call 464 1 ror mmmmm: EMU CRAFT CCMTER Work study position* avaiiaoi* to# Spring and Sumnw' Knowtadgs O* jawatry. photo, •oodwortwng or othar art attract prafarrsd Apply ground floor, CMU 666-4361 LAW SCHOOL VIOCO OPERATORS immadtata opanmga for **d#o oparalon to v*daot spa* pi ay hat . * law School cImmvcIui malarial* (trial p» act tea appatiat* advocacy ate) and law School program* Poor vtdao avpananca prafarrad 10-16 hrVwk SSOOmr MUST BE WORK STUOV APPROVf O Cali 666 3637__ ' LIKE WORKING WITH PEOPLE? Work study position* avadabia Oam valuable aipartenca wortimg a* a r*c*pt»oni*t/r*f*rrai parson m a busy campus offtca Pick up application in Acadamic Advtsmg & Studant Sarvica* 164 Or agon Hall. 666-3911 WORK STUDY SfubiMT NICOCO for ramaindar of school yaar 64 50hi Ganaral offtca work Pos*ibi« position for nail ya*r Contact Carta or Dabbta Daan s Offtca Cottage of Art* A Sci anca*. Room 114 Friandiy Hall, 666 3905 J2£*MIH£ AVAILABLE MARCH ft* Clun 2 bed room apt 1250 deposit $410 month no pats Call 344 1089 C A M PU S F U R NIS H E D I ar ge one/t wo bedrooms $325/$480 no p#U 485 2823 CLEAN 2 BEDROOM Apt ■ campus $395 CattMS 8483 CLUB MILL 1255 Mill Si Apartments Room mile needed now' Also taking application a for 2 bedroom apts for spring 5 blocks to U of O and downtown 2 bedroom nicely furnished, dish wash •r. disposal, fireplace balcony, cov ered parking, outdoor pool laundry free cable t v . and on site manager Key Stone Real Eslafe Ken 345 4322 EMERALD APTS 2 BDRM Furnished 3 blocks from campus 344 8315 FURNISHED 1 BEDROOM UTILITIES PAID. Vi block from campus, fireplace $320 month 484 5589_ LARGE STUDIO 1* BLOCKS FROM CAMPUS Furnished laundry & parking. $30(Vmo 343 1832 5pm Apm LARGE 1 BDRM Pool, parking. 2 blocks U of O, laundry, $335 Brian 683 5692__ LG 1 BORM CLOSE TO CAMPUS Available March 16 Take over lease until June But March rent already paid' $3l0/month 345 5409 or 345 9960 UUAU *109 STU0I0 1215 1 BEDROOM UNFURNISHED 5305 Call 343-4109 ROOMY 2 BDRM DUPLEX a * *•; <» - $420 683 94S3 before 11am 5 aft*f 5pm._______ WANTED: Furnished 12 bedroom apt or houaa to rent of sublet tor spring tarm (April 1 to Juna 15) UO visiting (acuity Jack 686 3006 1342 ALDER 1 bdrm 5270. 1 block from campus Avail March 18 343 6346 1 BEDROOM APT (or 1 parson light clean laundry, parking Available now 5280/mo No pats Spyglass Associates 686 1130 1 'At Blocks From Campus Furnished studios, (rue water A sewer on site laundry facilities 524Qrmo 344 6186 CEDARWOOD QUADS 441 E l 7th Ava Contemporary furnished Quads units in eicellent carnpu# location New carpet A drapes Off sheet parking on site laundry ALL UTILITIES PAIO 5206 Manager ill call 144 3998 for NOW AVAILABLE 4BB-4H C IMA N*c# OUAO UNIT in tmaii compi#» udi'Ni pakt. taoosa^ngo_ OUAO Furmihtd utmttat parti pn.ala bafh covarad parking pa»d to and o» March. S220fm©oth Mika Thor pa 2345 34 n _ _ SSACtOUt OUAO «M» artmrta MN bath Oapaait ntgoBafcN Parting -K^ui4 #MMn apaaa oampaa. CaB 144 —44_ 1923 GARDEN AVE Vary larga unlit dattgnad to accom modal a t lo 3 roommatat Furmthad diihwaaha* off atraai parking, on aita laundry Cicallani campus location 1425 Only ona la ft Jannmga A Co ia®SE== IDEAL FOB COUBLE SINGLE o# STUDENT 1 badroom Mot*la Mom# cant rally local ad naar IKVICC Adult park inch*)## patio export thad gardan tpol and pod plus low tpaca rant Mutl aaa1 N000 74803—_ LARGE MOUSE, hug# shop or studio *700 or by unit. *125*250 2113 Rnrarviaa 3435128 SMALL UNFUBNISMED ONE BEDROOM MOUSE Spring Taim only Ona rmla cam put Aatpont«b«a. matura qutat non smoking *220/mo plus ubiitiasdapotit A*aiiaWa April 1st 3458344 LLiSiim iiL OmrmiMtnl Horn*** From ft 00 iu r* pair) foreclosures repo* \*» delm quent proportion Now tolling ttw* •roof Coll (refundable) t 315 7336064 art G2902 For curronl listings' DORM CONTRACT FOR SALE Coll Jodi at 466 9644 DORM CONTRACT FOR SALE M/F, contact Anita at 3426535 DORM CONTRACT 4647424 FEMALE DORM CONTRACT Karoo 466-9674 NEEO A CHEAP PLACE TO LIVE SPRINQ TERM? Not on* but two dorm contracts for tala 3446799 U INN DORM CONT FOR SAL l 6 pack Spring Tarm Amy 6666020 ?M ROOMMATES WANTED MALE ROOMMATE WANTED Clean quiot. NS in my home Foreign encbange student welcome 343 9701 M/F TO SHARE iRfl * female grad 4 nice dog In W Eug 1 miles to DO Non smoking grad or mature person, pet OK. 1210 Cali 343 2077 after 9pm_ ROOMMATE WANTED ‘ female to snare 3 bdrm apt close 10 campus $142/mo * utility Can be fur mshed Available now Cat) 48b 6645 ROOM AND STU0Y N»c# location S225/mo * utilities 344 5636 or or 687 8636 V Applications ara now being eccepled at the fMU Child Cara and Develop man! Centers tor Spring larm Stop by 1511 MOW or call flftti 4 BABYSITTING CONNECTION A New Referral Sarvica Parents and Babysit ters Sava Tima A Eipense Find Tha Right Situation For You W« Need Quality Sitters and Parents loosing For Reliable Sitters Cali 74b 5740 BE A BOSTON NANNIE Boston's leading Nannie placement agency invites you to spend a < hai lengmg rewarding and profitable year with carefully screened professional families Complete Support network awaits your arrival Round trip an beautiful New England neighborhoods and good benefits WE CARE' Cal1 AMERICAN AU PAIR t BOO 877 \ ■??o M AM* BEGINNING ESOTERIC GROUP Magic. Mediation Ufology eic Jim 342-BOO? [.’iriirr* mi -UOBookstore» Experience can make the difference Oat tome April 6 Cspenenca can man* the difference in getting a fob Mere a an opportunity lo gain valuable eipertence to help you succeed «n today • tough fob market Ba on the Board of Director* ot an established corporation you* own University of Or agon Boo* a to<« Bon for a seat on tha DO Bookstore Board o* Director* and t>a a pan of guiding an important campus organi/atton tor tna tutura Board mamtoars attand monthly meetings and receive a $30 stipend par month These • year position* ara opan for tult ttma students fac ulty and staff * t freshman Position • 2 Sophomore Positions * t Graduate Student Position *1 Teaching Faculty Position Nominations for Board member s will ba taken at tha ANNUAL MEETING Wednesday. April 6 3:30 pm Rm 341 Gilbert Hall I | Tha Annual Mealing agenda will j j include reports from Board Officers J * and a Stated The Bookstore j j editress by the Bookstore General | | Manager f:o« more information about tha UO j Bookstore Board of Directors or the j Annual Meeting please contact Jim ; Williams or t va Burkhart rWtlS 43Jt IKli: 2Z5J SALVADORAN STUDENT LEADERS Speak on current crisis, U S. War. Student Movement & Human Rights Abuses In El Salvador. Tonight 7:30pm 150 Geology $2 donation VV'I SIIH'AKI) Far NORTH Jessica Lange stars «n this light hearted family story Funny lyric An American fall Tale Held over thru Mar 16 Frt Sal T JO A 6 JD Sun 4 JO & 7 00 Mon Thurt 7 30 pm only Students W/l 0 S3 7S Sun Mat S3 00 ontiioiumm RUSSIAN POETRY READING BY LEV PRYGUNOV (Moscow Mm ftudist. USSR) TODAY 4PM OERLINGER LOUNGE Conactwi doaa much bul ancouraga ■n#f'i doa* mot a H A mmm imw«T «*•*»« snww »m» J| ■ Women on the n S Verge of a Nervous" I Breakdown bi ■1, KZEL 96 LATE NIGHT 4, ri O0tl0* on tm by $crtmn lam of "’\rH LA nI RMOPVT 4 K - •; •*; c AfA rUAfff aw«41 ***>» roAMOicr JIMI HENDRIX I rtui R«M THC .."'ATHENS P= [dirty J TLJ 4/ ruR»«ff | ii jo i LIVE is, gaJ hi adm Su Th »2 SO ft Sa 13 «W4l iflQW TOmCHT I ? » DIRTY ROTTEN SCOUNDRELS i m wmrwrw rmoAv THE NAKED GUN m FWOAITmE r Ufa q» PPEiCt ft«>oAO « ® Mkhaal Caina. Ban Kingaley ^ * WITHOUT A CLUE * iTh* tfc|» akte of Shafloc^Holma^j TONIGHT! ROCK N' ROLL RAWHEADREX WITH GUESTS SNAKEPIT COMING SATURDAY THE JACKAls MAX’S t jlh A P»«l***o*i n LIVE MUSIC TONIGHT IT’S WEST SIDE JAM AT _ m&MB tavern ? A Wa^>MlNOTON IIV* UISIMDI ACHTUNG! Of A 410 praesenttert Scherz, Satire, Ironie und tlefere Bedeutung voo Christian [>i*t»*ch Grabb* A rom«J> in three acts Mar i. 10 • 00pm Arena Theatre Tickets at door Ont*»t 00 Un«v*t»ity fNald itw THca'iv P«w _.THE . Tadys ^ NOT FOB Burning V February 24,25 / 'March 2. 3. 4. 10, 1V Ny 8:00pm / ROBINSON THEATRE *♦ Ganaral Public 14 Studtnlt A S*mo<» Ticket* available «i the Rcbmvon Theatre Boi Offtcc M6 41»1 215 f66'0 & DRINK The cafe at COLLIER HOUSE Welcome* Student*. Faculty Mr the Public ('mile enjoy our historic selling Si modt-rule pr ices Tor lunch! linn JiOO Wrrkilci « 2St Gourmet Hoi Dogs % (with paid baeatayai t I Mi 4 Att.l« 14*1 W i Itlhj 105 SERVICES utomoti i^l providing a comptala artsy ot services to tha British cat ontnat 579 Garfield Street I uyeoe Or ay on 97402 (S03) 444 AM] NEED COPIES? 4< wwif service copies tliyoef saving* on t>ig copy |Ot>« Cali oa for a price' City Copy (formerly Kta^y Kais) 144 528/ 'V'OIA/'O Owners Spring Maintenance Special Alpine Import nOO"' / / Service^^ Offers a FREE Safety Inspection Springfield • 12th & Main • 726-1808 Call lor appointment • ALL WORK GUARANTEED (sJAr VOL VOc^pecuvf&f BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed 4? *% me mutmi rettum mrt* t fjOP HUSOMPMP GcaMTK): wr a a*UH n*. MfWli MS mxrvMV VrtUMUH Kf a -my Kftr ~V LAW 3 '■J