Deadlines approach for spring election By Fralc de Gu/man Emerald Associate Editor U ith the end of the term around the corner, finals have not Stopped students from gearing up for this year s spring elec tions On Tuesday, the Election Board made public its offi cial elections timeline and elections packet to all stu dents interested in running for student government, and the Constitution Court on Thursday will l»*gin the first set of hearings to approve the wording of proposed bal lot measures According to an Flection Hoard release, 27 ASI () po sit ions will he open for the 1 MUM-BO academic year They • are ASI H > President and Vice President, four one year seats and one two year seat on the Incidental Fee Committee, and 14 Slu dent Senate seats. Additional ASUO posi tions inr hide two one-year seats on the President's Ad visors IASPAC), as well as three two-vear seats and a one-year seat on the KMC Board of Direc tors. Students interested in run ning for office in the spring must submit their applica tions for candidacy to the Flections Board March K- 11 A general meeting loi c an didates will lake place April 4. prior to the primary elec tions. which will he held April 19-20. General elections are sc heduled to take place April li(> 27 In addition to Flee lion Board deadlines, student groups interested in placing posed measure approved by the Constitution Court. Hearings on the proposed wording of ballot measures will take place at 0 p m Thursd.n March <>. in the KMl' Gitmwood Koom and Friday, March 31. in the KMl' Walnut Room Five copies of the pro posed measure must bo sub mitted to the Constitution Court s Ijox in the ASCOOf fice at least 24 hours prior to the hearing The sooner people have the wording on their pro posed ballot approved, the iptii kei it will he for them to go out and collect voter Mg natures, said Carolyn l-adil Constitution Court chair w oman Before a petition can he come a ballot measure sponsors must culler t the signatures of f> pen ent of the student body population |Hon i .pooi. I .add said The deadline lor ballot measures to be turned into the Flections Board tor printing is April "> All ballot measures turned in by this date will he on the general election ballot The Voter's Guide will be available to students \pril 10. Anyone interested ill run ning tor office should pick up an Flections Packet, which includes position di sc riplions, elei tion tides samples of \ olet s (illicit statements and a tiling peti tion Information and pack els are available at the ASl'() Office in Suite 4 of the KMC. or through the Klei turns Board at UBli-.t724 Looking for a good deal?? Head the Oregon Daily Emerald Classifieds y THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON _University_ Nations unite for Women's Day By Frale de Gu/man Emerald Associate Editor Women u n itt*’ This i .ill for solidarity will be heeded tod.iv .is women throughout the world ( elebrale the Hist anniversary of Interim tional Women's Day and the University is no exi eption During the dav. the Women's Task lone will sponsor several events, including a panel dis Mission and brown Img him h from noon-1 p m in the f \H' s International Students l.ounge and a lake Hat k the Night rails and mart h beginning at i to in the IIMI' (lourtvard Today "we yy ill t elehrale our solidarity with other women around the world. said Kita Harper, member ot the Worn I’li’s I'ask l one "We also yydl reineinber women's struggle tor equality and t elebrete their t ontributions to sm iety \ year later the lust Interna tional Women's Day celehra lion was held under the slogan The vote for women w ill unite our strength in the struggle lor socialism Sim e then women have < on tinned to celebrate the spirit of loi al and global struggle and have carried on the lighting tra dition of the movement In hthiopia women will gather to disi uss the paradoxes of women's role in their sot ie tv ()n one hand women have held high positions ill govern tnent and played an important role in our country's develop ment and international affairs." said Kebe< ( a Murphy an Fthio pian graduate student in inter national studies "Hut on the other hand, the vast numtiers of edui ated people tend to lu men. and until the las! It) tfi years it has been perfectly le gal for men to their wives This same paradox also lakes plate in Japan In sorno fami lies. it is reaper table for women to work outside their homes and openl\ express their opin ions of their lives and their so iiet\. said Kn I'ujiuda. a Japa nese graduate student in inter national studies However, there still .ire some households in whu h women are restru ted in their mterai turns with others outside their homes Impede said 0030-OZ BUY 1 get 1 FREE* Posters • Waterpipes CD's—$2.00 + cost 10PK CZ Whip Cream Charges $3 99, "Selected regular priced water pipes only Lazar Bazar 1 yr.i» minimum 57 W. 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Coupon good through 3V13/89 I J ATTEND A SPECIAL SEMINAR and learn to: CONTROL STRESS for better health, relationships, and problem solving USE THE BASIC MENTAL EXERCISE that millions, worldwide, have used to be healthier, more intuitive, creative and successful in all ways WED. MARCH 8, 10am or 2pm or 7:30pm PLACE: Black Angus, Trophy Room 2123 Franklin Boulevard This powerful seminar is the first 3 hours of the Silva Mind Con trot Method 4 Day Seminar which is now being formed This will he the las! Silva Seminar until September For info about the May Seminar < all 686 1664 after 8pm CERTIFIED LECTURER: S Naomi Curtin ORGANIZER: Nancy Acheson CLASS SCHEDULE —MARCH (Classes must be taken in sequence) 101 Sat. March 11, 9am-7pm 202 Sun. March 12, 9am-7pm 303 Sat. March 18, 9am 7pm 404 Sun. March 19, 9am-7pm Classes are field at the Country Squire Inn. 13100 Van Duyn Rd Eugene