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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1989)
CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. u'o'iifsrrcrgTHiiig NEED CASH? (FAST) Man A Woman CASH pe*d to* you* unwanted clothing No appointment needed SECOND THOUGHTS rt w nth 663 6901 - BUYING USED BOOKS HUNGRY HEAD BOOKS Upstairs horn the Great Society Cate t tth end Patterson 'oven 1SO.OOO BOOKS IN stock AM Selling 35*50r» oft Met price* •T«*tbooA» ‘Clitt Notes Maga/me* USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE mu STATE OF THE ART TRAVEL Where YOUR BEST DEAL is our best business We can handle ALL travel needs PAY TOP SSS CASH* tor Dented Boarding Compensation BUMPS vouchers, coupons FREQUENT FLYER AWARDS and more* 663 8186 RT EUGENE/TUSON 3/17 to 3/24 S2S0 080 Call 1 <6678765 __ AIRLINE TICKET One round trip ticket San Francisco to Hawaii leave Sun March 26 S3S0 080 Can 683 9648 Shellie 1 WAY UNITED to SFO or LAX tv Eug MarchjB. 4 30pm $100 080 342 8606 BEEN BUMPED? MERIT ONE Turn those airline compensation vouchers into cash Call Debbie ADVENTURE IN TRAVEL 4840600 ?1o OPPORTUNITIES OPENINGS AVAILABLE for Spring Term Practicum experience Early Childhood Center laboratory, preschool of Teacher Education Integration of Theory and practice with 35 yr olds training in child observation students welcome from all departments One work study position available Contact before spring break Lory Freeman 686-5527 Mon Thurs 8 30 1 00 or Dr Jan Jipson 686 4591 OVERSEAS JOBS. $900 2000 mo Sum mer, Yr round, all countries, all fields Free Info Write IJC. PO Bx 52 OR03 Corona Del Mar CA 92625__ Summer Jobs To Save Environment Earn $2500 $3500 National campaign positions to pass clean air act. stop toxic pollutions, tighten pesticide con trols & promote comprehensive recycl mg. available in 18 states & DC Intvs on campus 3/8,9 Cali Kate 1 800622 2202 of in Oregon Call Sandi 503 343 4 725 WANT TO DEVELOP THE BEST RESUME TO GET THE BEST JOB FOR YOU9 Plan to attend the RESUME WRITING WORKSHOP Today 2 30 4 OOprn Call Career Planning & Placement at 686 3235 or come by Room 12 Hendricks WOMEN SAFERIDE NEEDS YOU! Volunteer drivers needed permanent drivers one 2 hr shift per week Alternate drivers are on call as needed No special license required These and additional volunteer opportunities are available for credit Drop by our office in the ASUO Women s Center. Suite 3. EMU or call 686 4239 for more info ?,o6WfcTmilM CHEERLEADING TRYOUTS APRIL $4 Application* available in The At hi# tic Department informational Meeting for Men and Women March 7, 8 OOpm Mac Court Cultural Forum Film Committee Program naif year * Cultural forum movie* on r.ampu* Four perton commitiee w»H be hired for 1969 90 Call *4373 or atop by Suit# 2 EMU Tb# Cultural Forum 1* an equal Opportunity affirmative action employer Deadline 3/17'99 Earn Credit and gam valuable t*p#n enca white you spend Spring term wtfh children rather than tn the class room Cali the EMU CMtd Care and Develop ment Center* 6ft 4304__ EARN MONEY reading book*' SJC OOOyr income potential Detail* < 140*487 6000 1st Y9643 Government Job*' $18 01? to U »1 ‘ Immediate hiring' Your area Cali (refundable) 15 IMS* 3611 E*!F1759 for Federal list 2* hr* _ _ HEADING FOR EUROPE THIS SUMMER (OR ANYTIME) Jet there from Seattle of 5FO tor no more than $369 from Minneapolis for no more than $229. or from the E ast Coast for no more than $160 with AirHlfchfO a* reported in Consumer Report* NY time*. Let's Go. Nowaday Good Housekeeping and national network morning shows For details. Cali 2t2 864 2000 or write AIRMITCM, /901 Broadway Su'te 100A NY NY 10025 KAN DU SVENSKA? Conversation leader needed for enthusiastic class 12 hrs/wk, good pay 34 S 7021__ NANNIES!!! As the fastest growing agency in the East we offer immediate placement *n the New York areas Our agency's plus is that you personally meet with our parents and children before you accept a posihon Certified tram ing classes offered Great benefits paid vacation, health insurance and more Over 250 nannies placed yearly Yearly employment only NANNIES PLUS 1 800-7520078 S350./0ay Processing phone orders people call you No experience neces sary Call (refundable) 315 73^6063 Ext P2802 ™heli>wkm .. MALE SINGERS for singing feiegrams trim, charming and must sing A Cappala Flexible schedule 345 8026 NANNY Au P*f Mothers Helper needed ASAP for three wonderful boys ages 2. 4 & 7 in Wash DC Call collect #02)362 3459 __ RAX RESTAURANT is now hiring'pan time help for day and night shifts Flexible hours starting wage at S3 50 hr Apply in person 2 5 pm Mon Sal at Ra» Restaurant, corner of Hiiyard and E Broadway _ RIVER GUIDES WANTED Spring Break Guide School 5 day session plus 3 weekends Full time |0fos opening in May Contact Wild Water Adventures P O Bo» 249 Cresweli OR 97426 Ph 895 4465 SECRETARY/RECEPTIONIST halftime for law office Musi be able to speak one foreign language Send resume lo 362 Hwy 99N Eugene 97402 SOCCER REFEREES WANTED tor UO Recreation and Intramurals Work weekends Paid training , provided Pick up application at ! 103 Gerlinger or call X4113 SUMMER CAMP JOBS » • ’ women Hidden Valley Camp interview mg March 7th Make appointment at Employment Office 15th & Agate_ ml CNILO CANE ASSISTANT M W f 1 **0?* S3 65- hr to Start Steady r«*es tp *5 00 an hour Mull enjoy intents end young tOddHWS BA»tMNA 345;A<9t f OUR MASON LANGUAGE SCHOOL .» tootling tor hardworking personable end #nthu*<a*Wc native English speaker* to TEACH conversation »n HAMAMATSU JAPAN Positions avail able in April and August Mtfwnwst Oegutrama-t ba Conditions |26 OOOry? salary Roundtnp airfare provided Minimum of two year contract If interested please tend resume current photo, and two letters of recommendation to William S Anton four Seatons tankage School 4 32 t1 Sanarudw Hamamatsu 432 Japan__ JOURNALISM INTCRNA You could wort lot Oregon s most un>Qo« weekly newspaper this summer We promise to improve your wotmg photography and news instincts Call Pay Mom at 630 3241 mmmiwm: CANOE HOUSE ATTENDANTS immediate openings In Nee Center tor Canoe House attendants WorS study approved. 1020 hourtwS at ter noons and evenings Apply ertth Nec Center Manager m Nec Canter. EMU Prior canoe eipertence heipful X3711 LAW SCHOOL VIDEO ONENATONS Immediate openings for nd#e operators to videotape'play beck Law School cl as sestet ass materials final practice, appellate advocacy etc) and Law School programs Prior video eipenence preferred 1015 hrww* SSOOrnr MUST BE wobk study APPftOV£0_Ctf> 688 3837 The 'JOURNAL OF FNVlNONMENTAL LAW AND LITIGATION seeks a work study Qualified Macintosh e«pen enced typist Hours ftenble but irregular fftWir Call 686 1891 or 663 5470 An Affirmative Action Eguat Opportunity Employer WORK STUDY STUDENT NEEDED ' remainder of school year |4 50rhr General office work Possible position for ne*t year Contact Carta or Debt** Dean a Office College of Arts A Sc» ences Room 114 Friendly Hall IlfSiTlilfl* AVAILABLE MARCH Itth Clean 2 bed room apt 1250 deposit 1410 month nopals Call 344 3120 CAMPUS FURNISHED large onaflao bedrooms 132VS4H0. ho pal* 4*5 2B23 CLUB MILL 1265 Mill Si Apartments Room mala needed now' Also taking applications for 2 bad room apt a for spring 5 blocks to U of O and downtown 2 badroom meaty furmahad dish wash er. disposal, fireplace balcony cov nr ad parking, outdoor pool laundry fraa cable t v and on site man agar Kay Stona Raal Estate Kan 345 4322 _ LARGE 1 BORM Poi , « ‘ block* U of O laundry. 1335 Boon 683 5692__ LG 1 BORM CLOSE TO CAMPUS Available March 16 Take over lease until June But March rent already paid1 13UVmonth 345 5409 or 3459960 i 1 BEDROOM APT for 1 parson light Clean laundry parking Available now 12B0/mo No pats Spyglass ' Associate* 686 It 30 1 Vi Blocks From Campus Furnished studios, free water & sewer on site laundry facilities l?4Qfmo 344 5185 mm CEDARWOOO QUADS 441 E 17th Ave Contemporary furnished quads units in esceilent campus location New carpet & drapes Off street parking on Site laundry ALL UTILITIES PAID 1205 Manager lit cell 344 3998 for details __ Luxury Quad W/ bath, new carpet, new refrigerator, great location Call soon 344 9931 WHAT A DEAL' ' Quarl 1209 spring 1orm Call Jenny Suckling 343 4371 USE 1923 GARDEN AVE Vary i*rga u«>t» '.>«»»gn4Kj 10 accom modal* 1 to 3 roommates Fur* *h*<l d»sh¥*AS*«' off ttraaf parking oh tita laundry Esceilanl campus loc at >on H?*> Only ona l«fi Jannmgs 4 Co M3 4219 *» houses IDEAL FOR COUPLE SINGLE Of STUOENT 1 Mdroom Mob* la Mom* contrary toe at ad naaf IK>LCC Adult park inciuda* pat»o carped «#*ad gavdftn spot and poet (Wu» »o« tpaca font Muti «*«’ 16000 7464369 REPOSSESSED VA A HUO HOMES A*a«iaMa from govammani from |» antnout CWNt chack You rap**’ Alio ta* datmqoant t<*acto«ura* Cali I80S» 602 7555 Cut M1454 for rapo f»*t you# araa rot ON CAMPUS DORM CONTRACT FOR SALC Piaas* call Rati, at 346 460ft for mora mlornirtwn **° ROOMMATES WAIlTtp ROOM FOR RENT 10?9 W 111ft »133 par month plus Vi ulilttta* Call Oa*a or Jim 344 0064 2£L annua Application* ara now ba»«g act aptad at tha EMU Cft*W Ca#* ami Davatop mant Cant*«f for Spring t#rm Stop by 1511 Mots or cat16A6 4364 mn»' ATTENTION CYCLING CLUB MEETING CEDAR RM. F TUESDAY 7th. 8:00pm IMPORTANT!! Sponsored by Club Sport* -UO-Bookstore txperience can make the ditlerence Get some April 6 1 tapenence can make the difference in getting a job Here s An I opportunity to yarn valuable mpenance to *OXJ *u‘ i:***’'1 in i today s tough job market Be on the Board ol Director* of an established I corporation your own University of Oregon Bookstore ! Run for a seat on tha UO Bookstore : I Board ol Director* and be a part O* j tjuKtmg an important campus ; organization for toe future Board member* attend monthly meeting* i and receive a UO stipend per month j Thase 2 year position* are open tor »uM time student* faculty and staff ! * 1 Freshman Position * 2 Sophomore Positions * t Graduate Student Position *t Teaching Faculty Positron Nomination* tor Board members will be taken at the ANNUAL MEETING Wednesday, April 6 3:30 pm Rm 341 Gilbert Hall The Annual Meeting agenda will include report* from Board Officer* and a Slat#of The Bookstore address by the Bookstore General Manager For more information about the UO Bookstore Board of Director* or the Annual Meeting pleas# contact J*m Williams or Lisa Burkhart 6rtb 4131 275 EVENTS SEXY, ZANEY ] OR BIZARRE Come put money in your favorite jar LEGGS WORKING FOR WILLAMETTE AIDS COUNCIL in affiliation with CHI OMEGA March 6,7,8 in front of the Bookstore The” RUSDIE Controversy: An Islamic Perspactlve By M. Al-Asi Active Muslim feeder from Washington 0 C Wad March 8th 7:00pm EMU Fir Room PUSIIC INVITED THE POLITICS OF RAINFOREST DESTRUCTION BRAZIL A slide show presentation on the (actors involved m the deforestation crisis Monday. March 6th. 7 00pm 123 Sci ' 00* IMG ro Gf T OUT 0^ a BINDING SITUATION1* iiiw our SKI STUFF se, a sitfirrmimrij Hull / Cultural Forum Student Tickets $12 tickets tor only $7 At EMU Mam Oath ONLY Russian Cellist Karine Georgian Modern Tap Dance Anacrusis March it A 12 at Mult Canter TONIGHT! TRIVIAL PURSUIT ^NOLDg •Eiuinofl ACHTUNG! Of B 4SO piMttntwl Scherz, Satire, Ironie und tiefere Bedeutung *\ D*«!»tCh Qr*|>tN8 A < offltdy in three act* Mar 9 10 i OOpm Arena Theatre Ticket* at door Only *1 00 31*: ART CINEMAS 492 E 13th • 606-2458 [plftCOVMf tWOWt Sm Mb » T» We 1* U V f»WAL 4 6AV1I 2 4% 4E ACCIDENTAL TOURIS’ m*Al I &AY9 TWvtftgittS .THE THIN BLUE LINE /•fCNDSOON feThtJO.tM [^Mississippi Burning Vi»y«e« ?* a Neivout tv»^ 4.K2EL 96 LATE NIGHT 4< a on fh# by itrean in'* rtf nyh^ i jrvNN»rr oetmtf rr*rimct MUST AMD BOON IWTM1«) JIMI HENDRIX LIVE MM THf . ►»*•••*mq««»aTHENS, ga. l ah? Night adm ft $« $3 Su Th $2 SO [Di'rtVrOTTEN SCOUNDRELS J Txf KA*H» ILL'S VfrtTMQUT A I University Theatre Present* .THE Tady's -V*_r not HOB Burning February 24, 25 ‘March 2, 3, 4, 10, 11' N, 8:00pm / ROBINSON THEATRE General Public 14 Sludtfnlt A Senior* Ticket* available al the Robinson Theatre flo. Office AM 4191 2S5 FOOD & DRINK The cafe at COLLIER MOUSE * now offers ESPRESSO and Allann Bros. COFFEE 8:00 am • 3:00 pm 305 SERVICES NEED COPIES? 4« »«lf service ' opien* Bigg«f savings on big copy |Ot>* I Call us fo» a pi»c«' Cily Copy (formerly Kf*/y Katsi 344 52S<’ Cash For Textbooks Mon. • Fri. Smith Family Bookstore 768 E. 13th 1 Block From Campus 345-1651 LJ Oriental Buffet Lunch Downstairs C Try Our Dinner Upstairs Hours: Downstairs M Th II 00 7 00. F So 1'00 4 3C Closed Sundays Hours: (Jpstslrs Su Th 4 30 10 00 FSaSOO 10 30 ■, Slrtt1 * 663 8886 by Berke Breathed ^ I BLOOM COUNTY ’PfjxeprWK 1 mm my*N •*« <**■/»r mo me* wkwup c ook Moou/n t y UN60HY . x r a*t© " mi mn no r OCNC (MX too mu- arm xw reus X ( tn*?'*") h X. /7 *