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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1989)
-Forum_ Jews, Palestinians must ally in resisting human injustice By Alan Wolfe It is unfortunate that the Em erald headline "Zionist crimes compare with Nazi Holocaust" (ODE, Feb. 6) sensationalizes Fahad Alzarah's commentary on Jewish responsibility. Alzarah's appeal will be dis missed by those who feel that no other acts of brutality can compare with Nazi crimes. But that is precisely the impasse here between two peoples who _Commentary have every interest in realizing their common humanity and victimization instead of argu ing about whose suffering is greater. Both Jews and Palestin ians. along with other con cerned parties, would do well to look to those issues which should bring them together as resistors of injustice instead of playing into the trap set by ex tremist or unscrupulous inter ests. One might begin by putting to rest a notion of difference which suggests that one human group’s suffering is somehow more genuine or significant than another's. It is right that we be reminded of the horrors of the Holocaust, and that we debate the possible uniqueness of Nazi criminality. But such efforts should not result in the suggestion that any group has a monopoly on human suffering, ll is equally important to recog nize that contemporary victims of oppression may appeal to the Holocaust as a way of commu nicating their own anguish, and not in an effort to trivialize Jewish suffering, in which each individual or group is as val ued as the next. There can be no doubt about the massive and systematic hor ror inflicted by Nazism on its many millions of victims. Yet the immediate issue for those who seek a world free of horror is to join together with pres entday victims of injustice. As privileged residents of western capitalist democracies, we should see our role as one of being on guard against direct and indirect support of govern ments (including our own) when they engage in state ter rorism. and when their overt and covert acts result in the suffering of innocent civilians and in the suppression of popu lar democratic movements. For those who identify with past oppression it is important not to distance oneself from present acts of brutality by claiming historical privilege or "unique" suffering. What bet ter way to honor the victims of the past than by joining with those of today, even or espe cially when we are foreed to ac knowledge our own complicity in their victimization? Can we not all as human beings empa thize with those who have suf fered the loss of family and friends, the destruction of homes. incarceration and forced evacuation. de humanizing torture and humili ation? Which is to say that both Jews and Muslims. Israelis and Arabs have more to share than to fight about. An honest recog nition of differences will lead to a better understanding of their common aspirations and goals. Conscientious Palestini ans must recognize that lews and Israelis have the need and right to feel secure, while con scientious lews must recognize the legitimate desire for justice and independence on the part of Palestinians. They can then join with each other in a united front against anti-Semitism and anti-Arabism. against racism and chauvinist extremism, both within their own ranks and in eminent cannot r.all Palestini ans 'grasshoppers.' break their bones, and expect people who support the underdog (the Pal estinians) to speak up in Isra el's favor ... You are blowing up homes This has got to stop " (Register Guard, Feb. 7). A Northwest delegation of lews. Palestinians and Chris tians just returned from Israel as "witnesses for a Middle Fast peace." Along the model of the program that has sent several thousand American citizens to Nicaragua to investigate the Contra war and the American role in it. American Jews came together with American Pales tinians to investigate the mle of the relevant governments as part of an effort to pave the way for peace Numerous American lews, moreover, as well as leading Is raelis. have recognized that the Palestinians' desire for and right to their own state is as compelling as that ol Israel's One Israeli activist, on a recent visit to a hospital with wound ‘Both Jews and Palestinians, along with other concerned parties, would do well to look to those issues which should bring them together as resisters of injustice instead of playing into the trap set by extremist or unscrupulous interests. ’ -Alan Wolfe society lit large. Fahud's appeal to Jews of conscience is appropriate, al though it would be more effec tive if coupled with an appeal to Arabs of conscience and a recognition that the Jewish cause was no less just or genu ine than his own. That the state of Israel came into being at the expense of Palestinian Arabs must be seen as the conse quence of imperialist oppres sion of both Arabs and Jews, of internal minorities and third world peoples, and not as the ■‘evil1’ of people who were themselves desperately escap ing from the clutches of geno cide. It is also encouraging to note that in the United States, as well as in Israel itself, more and more Jews are already act ing in accordance with their consciences. Two major Ameri can Jewish groups have gone to Israel and spoken in no uncer tain terms to the Israeli govern ment of their concern about the treatment of Palestinians. Lau rence Goldmountz. president of the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs, told aides to Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir: "People in this gov 300 Erb Memorial Union. 10 00 - 2 00 M F 6M-4381 • Typesetting '•Paste-Up/Layout • Design/Consultation • PMT's/T ransparencies ed Palestinian children, asked his fellow Israelis why so many children had to suffer instead of acknowledging the inevita ble. and creating a Palestinian state sooner rather than later. Students, faculty and staff on this campus have the models and intellectual tools to put their heads together not in con frontation hut in cooperation, to seek innovative and promis ing solutions to a situation whose perpetrators would make victims of us all. Instead of adhering to blind loyalties, we may follow the lead of cou rageous Palestinians and Israe lis who have been ready to rec ognize each other as both dif ferent and human. Alan Wolfe is a University as sociate professor of Hast Asian lanftiiaRes and literatures University Thfatrf Presents February 24,25 - March 2,3,4 + io,ll 8:00 PM + Robinson Theatre $6 GtNt«Al Public + M-Stldivts A SENIORS CKC1S AVAIt ABLE AT HIT ROBINSON THEATRE , HmOmct 686-4191 (Jet up to 40% ofTan IBM PS/2. IBM wants (ogive you a Break on the IBM * Personal System/ 2 “ computer. Just stop by to see us, and ssv'li show you how the IBM PS/2 can help you organize notes, w rite and revise papers, produce high-quality graphics, and more. It's easy to learn and easy to use. And not only will you get IBM quality and reliability, but if you're eligible, you'll also gel uptoa40‘£ discount. Now that's a break you won't want to miss. Microcomputer Support Lab Room 202 Computing Center M-F 9am-5pm 686-4402 __ Oregon l)ailv _ _ Emerald f.O. hit .Ilf*. 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