Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 02, 1989, Page 11, Image 11

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    Edmunson continued from Page 5
keep on saying them It hasn't
been that way."
This non-partisan support
does not exempt him from tra
ditions, however. Edmunson
was the first freshman to carry
a bill to the House floor last
month, and as tradition dictates
he was badgered with ques
tions. Then he watched the bill
fail, loiter the representatives
all changed their votes to pass
the bill.
"It was kind of neat to lx1
part of a tradition and to know
that I was standing up really for
all the freshmen and taking all
the heat," he said.
Hut the hazing stops when
the representatives leave the
floor Edmunson said he does
not tolerate any ribbing off the
Edmunson's district includes
Westmoreland student housing
and the Santa Clara and River
Road areas. Because many Uni
versity students live there and
because he is an alumnus of
both the University and Oregon
State University. Edmonson is
committed to the quality of ed
ucation at the state's colleges
"| have this vision of the
University that it is available to
all the stale's children and citi
zens," he said "I am a little
concerned that the restrictions
on enrollments - direct or as a
result of - classroom limits, fat
ult\ limits or budget con
straints will make the Universi
ty less available to Oregon stu
Kdmunson said it is the
st,ilf's job to provide facilities
to a< ( onunodatf the* students
who want to attend the Univer
Kdmunson wants to imu our
age students and other constit
uents to i ail "w ith critn ism or
praise " Mis office* number in
Salem is 1-;|78-H02»
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