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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1989)
World View International Slick deemed serious PIJNTA ARENAS. Chile (AP) — An oil slick in Antarctica caused by a Peruvian scientific ship that ran aground has grown to mofe than a half-mile long, and rough weather has hampered cleanup efforts, the navy reported Wednesday. It was the first indication that the slick from the Sunday acci dent. the second in a month in the region, is more serious than originally thought. In another report earlier Wednesday, the navy called the oil spill "mi nor." Winds reaching up to BO miles per hour prevented ef forts to right the 1,980-ton Humboldt and clean up the slick of diesel oil leaking (rum two of the ship's fuel tanks, the navy said in a communique. Frogmen from the nearby Uruguayan and South Korean Antarctic stations finally suc ceeded Wednesday in checking the vessel'* hull after stormy weather prevented them from doing so for two days. The communique did not de scribe the extent of the damage, but a navy spokesman in Punta Arenas. 1.500 miles south of Santiago, said the damage does not seem to he serious. National Tower won't give up WASHINGTON (AP) - John Tower, his nomination as de fense secretary in grave trouble, made an extraordinary public admission of marital infidelity Wednesday but vowed to keep fighting for Senate confirma tion. His prospects dimmed further, however, by the Senate majority leader's opposition President Hush continued to court Democrats in a last-ditch effort to save the appointment, and spokesman Marlin Fitzwa ter asserted. “We’ll just keep up the good fight." Hut Senate Majority Utader (ieorge Mitchell further damp ened Tower's chances by de claring his opposition, even as Vice President Dan Quayle con ceded the administration still lacks the votes needed for Sen ate approval. Bush dispatched Quayle to Capitol Hill to lobby for the nomination. "We hope the prospects im prove. We don't have 50 votes yet. But we're moving in that direction," Quayle told a White House photo session. Tower showed flashes of grit and humor as he fielded ques tions at the National Press Club about allegations concerning excessive drinking, womaniz ing and lucrative consulting fees he received from defense contractors. Asked whether he would ask that his name la* withdrawn, he replied by quoting from the last letter written by Col. William Barrett Travis, the leader of the Texans who fought and died at the Alamo: "I shall never sur render or retreat.' * The former Texas senator paused briefly and said, "I am a little sorry I brought up the Alamo analogy. It just occurred to me what happened at the Al amo just 10 days after Travis wrote that letter," Texas de fenders were wiped out by the Mexicans. Regional Wife Held hostage THE DALLES (APj - School was back in session Wednesday at St. Mary's Academy, one day after a rifle-wielding man held his estranged wife, the school’s secretary, hostage for more than two hours. Neil Douglas Pake, 36. sur rendered about 4:30 p.m. Tues day. He was being held Wed nesday in Wasco County Jail on accusations of first-degree kid napping, first-degree burglary and violation of a restraining order limiting contact between him and his estranged wife Lin da Kay Pake. 37. Bail on the charges totals $55.000. NIGHT SKIING AT HOODOO Now You Can Qot The Best Skiing In The Northwest After The Sun Goes Down $10.50 Wednesday-Saturday 4:00-9:00 Saturday KzEL Night at Hoodoo Night Skiing Prices just $9.60 342-5540 The couple are in the process of divorcing and Linda Pake obtained the restraining order after Neil Pake allegedly took her and their three children hostage in her home |an. 2. "Things went very smoothly Wednesday." said principal Brad Lenhari. He credited Diane Adams, the school librarian, with spot ting Neil Pake with ,30-30-cali ber hunting rifle as he came into the 150-student school Tuesday. She passed the word to two teachers who quickly took steps to evacuate the stu dents. Teachers took the pupils out of their classroom through sev eral back doors and walked with them to a nearby ceme tery. where they remained until parents and school buses ar rived to take them home. St. Mary's Convent, adjacent to the school, also was evacuat ed. The gunman never came into contact with any of the children, and Ienhardt said he ignored school staff personnel except for Linda Pake. A police negotiator con vinced Neil Pake to release Lin da Pake unharmed and give himself up. Wasco County District Attor ney Bernie Smith said incident arouse out of a "domestic dis pute." GUADALAJARA SUMMER SCHOOL University of Arizona offers more than 40 courses, anthropol ogy, art. bilingual edu cation, folk music and folk dance, history, phonetics, political sci ence. Spanish langu age and literature and intensive Spanish. Six week session. July 3 August 11,1989. Fully accredited program. M.A. degree in Span ish offered. Tuition $510. Room and board in Mexican home $540. EEO/AA Write Guadalajara Summer School Educition Bldg.. Room 225 University o( Arizona Tucson. AZ 85721 (602) 621-4729 or 621-4720 ’ 'great movies Su-Mo $3 / Tu-W-Th $3 50 * LATE NIGHT Fr-Sa $3 Su-Th $2.50 31M 3 ^ 492 E 13,h^ 686-2458 GO FOR THE GOLD!!! r ■n 4(K off one Gyros or Falaffl d' i/ur/ji* 1219 Aldrr 143 3062 expires 3T15/89