____Community_ Miller brings new management style to mayor's office By Cami Swanson Emerald Reporter When Jeff Miller was sworn in as the city's mayor last month. outgoing Mayor Jinan Obit* predicted Miller would enjoy his new role "Jeff, in parting. I think you will find this the most interest ing job of your life." Obie said during Miller's inauguration Jan. it. "It has given me some of the happiest moments of my life.” Miller has been mayor of Eu gene for a little over a month now. and he said Obie's words have proved true "It's proved a fascinating po sition." Miller said. In his first month in office. Miller has begun to develop liis own mayoral style. His initial non-committal stance on the proposed down town library has been replaced by one of enthusiastic support, which he demonstrated at a ral ly last weekend. Miller also has enlarged the police patrol squad in the; city and is holding monthly press conferences. He said he plans to create a task force to deal with racism in the community. Comparison between Miller, a former minister who grew up in Cleveland, and Obie. a Eu gene businessman, is inevita hie. Miller said there was a "dif ference of emphasis" between the two. "With Brian, it was more of an out-front" type of leader ship, he said Miller said he preferred to work with the i it\ council as part of the group l it* pkotn More than a month after being sworn in, Jeff Miller is still in the prot:ess of establishing his own mayoral style. servu e itotmer pnmii t ed Miller would liecome more influential as he gains experienc e. "One learns even year." he said On a more personal level. Holmer added it was "easier to have a real conversation" with Miller Miller's past ministry experience also has an effect on his relations with the council. "Jeff spent 18 years in the ministry and that shows.” Sr hue said Holmer agreed "There's some of the pulpit left in Jeff," he said. laughing, he add ed. "there never was rather than as an individual Obie was reluctant to coin pan; his first months in office with Miller's, but had nothing but praise for Miller's perfor mance as mayor. "From my perspective. )eff’s just doing a great job." Obie said "I hate to lie so vague, but I haven't been exposed" to Miller's actions as mayor. Obie said the results of a mayor's initial actions .ire often not seen until years later. City council members who work more closely with the mayor slid Miller's leadership style differs from ()bie's Jeff is more controlling." said council member Kmily Schue "We start meetings right on the dot. jeif makes us scurry However, council member Freeman Holmer said Miller is not as direc tive .is Obie. who had It. years exponent e in city Japanese sister city seeks land purchase By Greg Hough Emerald Reporter A delegation from Eugene's sister city of Kakegavva, Japan will return home today from a four-day visit to this area that included a Wednesday tour of the University. The 19-member group, which included Mayor Junichi Shinmura. left Kugene still seeking a deal that would allow hakegawa to purchase farm land in the area. For more than a year, hakegawa officials and Gretch en Gross of Eugene’s Jean Tate Real Estate have discussed the potential purchase. Goss showed the delegation four properties this week. On Monday and Tuesday the group saw properties near Junc tion City, Crow. Gillespie and Creswell. according to sister city administrator Mary Wright McIntosh. The aim of hakegawa offi cials. Gross said, is to find acre age they can use for agricultur al development and cultural ex change. Also, students and oth er visitors from Japan would bo able to stay on the property while in Oregon. Gross, a member of the Eiu gene-hakegawa Sister City Committee, said “there's a fair amount of confidentiality" in volved in the real estate negoti ations. "1 really can't sav much. without jeopardizing the deal.” Cross said I can say they do like one of the properties ." “They have made an offer, and it's currently under consid eration,” committee Vice Chairman Creg Moore said ”1 would say the hall is in the sell er's court right now.” Cross said language barriers between Kugene and kakegawa officials have contributed to the long negotiation process "Cretchen's done an incred ible job on this,” McIntosh said. “She's developed a deep knowledge of Japanese culture. I think she probably under stands about it.1) percent of the language now — and it is a tough language to learn." McIntosh said kakegawa leaders have been slow to make a decision on a purchase, but added, “I don’t think they've been any more cautious than prudence would dictate.” McIntosh said another dele gation of Kakegawa citizens may visit Kugene in August. It is not known whether the real estate deal will be on the group's agenda, she added. On Wednesday. McIntosh said, the group made a whirl wind tour of the University, Lane Community College and Oregon State University. While at this campus, the group met with University President Paul Olum and discussed possible educational exchanges, she added. any left in Hnan. Barb Bellamy, community re lations director for the city, said (entered the mayor's office following a period of re cession. and therefore focused more on capital projer ts With tin? recession largely over, Bel lamy said Miller is looking ★ MJNDCRUNC * GRf AT f OM PARTIf S ANOBIUTMOAYS Sgtuinrn *u gamb wo«* WlTMNlCMtS GAMES ADMISSION M 40 STH STREiT PUSIIC MARSH EUGENE • 4I3I4G4 J JGREAT MOVIES; ► DISCOUNT SHOWS 'Su-Mo $3 / Tu-W-Th $3.50* -492 E 13th, 686-2458 • ABBA • • 0 GO FOR THE GOLD!!! W*' ve QOt your fan when you want it' SunShowff on camput 4»)U) •i>4| 1W> U»iiim M »— » more .it ommmmiv pnnri.is. like lieginning lonstruition on the Riverfront Research Park and relocating tin- Kugene li brarv Miller agreed that different i iri umstam es have surrounded each mayor's term He said he is interested in keeping the mo I meimnn going on propsis mm ()bie initiated Bellamy ‘..mi Mlllor's indi viclu.il style will evolve more fully in time "I .earning to pre side over a meeting is an art in itself," she said "Jeff is at that point where it's hard to make observations 1 Ctt EMU «2aa^5 5Ar^ BALLROOM ^\\ Ol Slluw t ,1 NIK \l Cl HI H N** \j>\ VS I) \> III s||()U IHKI h t Ml M.\l> 1*1 M. •»! Kl U»ttl*XRlA ?. VKI‘I N *•»«» (hi. 'luin COUPON COUPON COUPON TRACK TOWN PIZZA 1809 Franklin Blvd 484-2799 Good for Sl5° OFF any Large or Giant Pizza ON! COUPON PI K PIZZA FREE Of LIVERY fhnuted utt'o) Nol v«i i rtf'. ^^ __ Oregon Daily - - Emerald V II Hoi lit*. 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