Stop tooling around. It's time to get hardcore about software. With Microsoft. We have proven to be the industry leader in the XO's. but that isn't enough — we uill also become the dominant software of the Ws. In our bid for excellence, we've broken ground with our OS 2, Networking. Languages, and Application products. In order to maintain our high degree of quality, we're looking lor the best. II you re serious about the development process, we want to talk to you. Work as a team with our developers to release world-class, quality products. Identify strengths and weaknesses in our future software and he responsible for imple menting the necessarx changes to make it the best in the industry. We have oppor tunities in the following test engineering areas: Systems As an Engineer in our Svstems test croups, vou will be intimately involved in the svstems development process. Vou will become an expert on the internals of our state of-the-art OS/2, networks, and compilers You will design and code sophisticated soft ware that exercises tests new systems, including (hidden) “under the cover" features that only low level programmers see. It you have strong coding skills, want to debug problems right into the svstems software, and be part of the design effort that deter mines how the system will be implemented. Svstems is the place for you. Knowledge of C and Assembly language preferred. Applications As an Engineer in our Applications test groups, you will design, execute, and docu ment test suites for our applications software. You will generate test scripts, testing products for robustness, noting limitations, and conducting real-world environment testing. If you have a 4-year degree in Computer Science or a related field, solid problem-solving skills, the ability to learn a new product quickly, and a knack for breaking software. Applications is the place for you. Previous experience with soft ware testing a definite plus. Microsoft will be interviewing on campus Wednesday, March 1, for Software Testers. See vour placement office tor details. We are an equal opportunity employer. Microsoft h.uicm.irkv arc registered !•> their rcsjVvtivc companies