CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 686-4343 BEEN BUMPED'’ ME BIT ONE Turn th©M> ftirttn* co«np«nft*tiort vouch* r* »nto c«s* C*« D*t>t>'# AOVENTUBE IN TBAVEL 4A4 0*00 SP^NHwAPBING BREAK In phoenix mv j it. ■»!„ J» l»l*0 t»« lit*! law "l*y* Ol CIM*”) *IS0 laava m«ug« 34S-»2I_... AIRLINE TICKET! On* *«Y Euflanf AncnotAQa AK Jun* 9tn Only $2T5 Call 484 7MJ Mall STUDENT TRAVEL EXPERTS Eurailpmes * Work Abroad Study Overseas ’ Budget Tours TEACHER DISCOUNTS Coundntavd 800-228-2854 * 228-1900 CALL FOR FREE CATALOG' o^orYuwiTi^s 210 prut 0 >o Computer Lounge GAIN VALUABLE WORK EXPERIENCE AS A COMPUTER LAB VOLUNTEER * Expand your knowledge of microcomputers and popular software * Sharpen your tutorial skills * Develop your business sense tn a self supporting lab All resulting in a graduate who is more attractive to a potential employer' Position are currently available and require * Current UO full time student status * Computer literacy on Macintosh IBM and/or Apple He * Volunteer 5 hours per week Benefits include a term/print pass to the lab inquire in the EMU Computer Lounge (EMU Ground Floor) or call 686 4363 (Limited work study positions available) INTERNSHIP A KEY TO YOUR CAREER Find out your internship options at an orientation Today at 2 00 pm 237 Hendricks Hall Sponsored by CPPS OVERSEAS JOBS S900 2000 mo Sum mer Yr round, all countries ail fields Free Info Write IJC, PO Bx 62- 0RO3 Corona Del Mar CA 92626 SAN JUAN ISLANDS Four Winds Camp Teach Sailing. Canoeing Tennis. Art, Riding Interviews Contact Student Employment 1511 Agate 2H HEIP WASTED ALASKA SUMMER JOBS With ARA Outdoor Wood Position* in an aspects of hotel operation* located in Dan alt Part« Mount McKinley Alaska Sign up for 2/28 fntervi#ar edh Cmmetf Williams at JlD tit t Agate NIGHT MANAGER POSITIONS Three QTF position* are open in EMU for N»ghi Managers Application* and job description* are available *n M tot EMU AA/CEO__ PERFORMING ARTS COORDINATOR Th# Cultural forum >t looking for a student to program dance. theatre performance art and comart* for Univaniiy of Oregon ttudent* Application* are available m me Cultural forum Ott»ca. Suita 2 EMU Deadline «* Friday. February 2*th It i* not necessary to have a performing arts background to apply Th# EMU Cultural Forum tf an fouai OpportunityiAffirmative Action Employer_ __ __ POSITION OPEN ACCOUNT ASSISTANT The account assistant i* part of the ASUO Finance department and i* »u pervised by the Finance Coordinator He/She wifi be needed tor 10 hour* per week through Spring term There i* a salary of *4 00? hour or eorkstudy it available Application* and a fob de scription can be picked up «n Suit* 4 EMU Deadline for applications is Fr» day February 24 1989 at 5 00pm The ASUO is an AAlEOE ampioyer Worn en, minorities and differently abled students are encouraged to apply Ap piicants must be students of U of O EMU EVENT/SET UP MANAGER The Erb Memorial Union is taking »p plications for student Event/Set up Manager Necessary qualifications tn elude leadership and organizational shills requiring little supervision The ability to relate well to a wide range of persons is essential Applicants wilt t>e expected to begin training on April 1. 1989 and must be available for the entire 89-90 academic year Job de scription, application and further mfor mation may be obtained form the Un» versity Scheduling Office. EMU M 101 between 8 00am 4 30pm, MondayFn day APPLICATION DEADLINE IS FEBRUARY 25. 1t—■_ UMPIRES NEEDED for high school baseball and/or softball games Start at 4pm daily No expenence needed training provided Call Ken Larson 484 1706._ WANT TO HIRE a Student/preferably with work study for data entry Inst ot Molecular Biology Call Mary 686 5142 1350 A DAVt AT HOME! " Process phone orders for our products People call you Nationwide Free details Call (Refundable) 1 5)8 459 8697 Ext K1759 TRACK TOWN PIZZA tarn 14 6 driving your own car lm mediate openings for delivery dnv era. flexible part lime or lull time shift's Must be able to work late nights Apply at T T P 1809 Franklin Blvd NO CALLS' Why settle lor less than the best’’ ."::z CHILD CARE NEEDED tn out Horn# near University UP tO 30 houf* C1 required 343-3B3B GOVERNMENT JOBS' Now mono thi* area' $10.21)10 *7*4/3 immtdiU* opening** C«H I refundable! 1 3 IS M3 BOB) 1*1 F2BM HOUSECLEANER WANTED *» penanced MT0 WOrke» $fi*’h? CiM Att IMftJ ??0WQrtKSTUbr^lfiM~ TCF Majors and others Wot* study **deo production people needed at the law School Cali Jim Cervente* B8BBB3 7 EHM-miHH AVAILABLE MARCH t«th Clean J bed room apt. $2$0 deposit. $410 month no pet* Call 344 3120 CLUB MILL 12$$ Mill St Apartment* Roommate needed now* Also taking application* for 2 bedroom apt* tor spring $ blocks to U ot O and downtown 2 bedroom nrcely turni»hed cbthwash er disposal fireplace balcony co* er*<J parking, outdoor pool laundry free table t v and on site manager Key Stone Reel Ealete Ken 34$ 4122 NEAR CAMPUS* QUIET 2 BEOROOM TOWNHOUSE £ Jv»t opened Carport Laundry Lease required >3lt9f>399 Nopal* 1437 High Si 344 7434 __ NICE 1 BDRM * .r • block* lo U Ol O *335 Brian 484 9922 0* 683 5692 ONE BEDROOM furnished. parking laundry aero** from campus Call •va t only 343 9633 ___ SPACIOUS ~2 BEDROOMUpsfairs ’42 Farry ■ 3 Carpal*, parking, *400mo >250 deposit 6BB6139_ THINK SPRING Furnished 1 bdrm poo* 2 blocks from campus >335 Carol 464 9922 before 500 __ Available Now* i tt*rt campus 1340mo, 3430444_ 1 bedroom unfurnished campus apl MBS, CM S4S410B._ 1 BEDROOM APT Avail now i * from campus Call L»sa 342 3815 53H==I CEDARWOOO QUADS 441 E 17th Ave Contemporary furnished quads units »n excellent campus location Noe carpel & drapes Off Street parking on site laundry ALL UTILITIES PAlO $205 Manager #11 call 344-5695 for MALE QUAD AVAILABLE M M great location and only S20WfVK>nth ■ • NOW AVAILABLE 469 47* E tSth N QUAD UNIT in small comple* utilities ’i* QUAD FOR RENT 553 E 18th S. Takeover lease deposit already paid 342 2512 ask for £rn. 1923 GARDEN AVE Very targe units designed i accom modale 1 to 3 roommates Furnished dishwasher off street parking on site laundry Excellent campus location >425 Only one left Jennings > Co 683 4219 240 ROOMS ROOM AND BOARD Private bath loti Of s $32$>mo Call 343 7343 attar b 30__ 2 ROOMS OPEN For Spring farm »n a 4 bedroom house 4 btks to campus S12iv‘mo plus util Cdiii Mihtt 4H*> 334‘i 2.5 REAL ESTATE .I REPOSSESSED VA A HUO HOMES Available from yovarnmant from $1 without credit chuck. You rupa" Ai-»o ttu delinquent tor*><. tosuron Call (806) 6B2 7M5 E«t M14S4 tor repo h«t your ■MU! ?«i REA 3040 HARRIS SS9.500 4 tXdtOOWt 1 ! 2 t>4»* Av*ifAt>t« rnm CHMn1 Rimi Raalty Joan WtMtnay (UM MW smsum: HOUSEMATE WANTED E »ma»« pr*f*fr<K) lo **4Wa 2 CKlfm 41 4«ft0 W Amazon 117$ mo«»h*v Oavd WMM?? ROOM IN 7 BEDROOM SOUTH EUGENE HOME Wool Uwq# yA*tl Pol? Only >nt«r»«t»d amJ 'oapon t»bi« non *mofc«M MJ2I03 ASUO WINTER SYMPOSIUM TODAY! ESSAYS ARE DUE IN SUITE 4. EMU. CME PRESENTS: DIANA KALE'S WORKSHOP DISCRIMINATION ISSUES NOON EMU FORUM RM ANGELA DAVIS SPEAKS "CALL TO ACTION" 4 00 pm EMU SALlROOM APASU PRESENTS: "CELEBRATING OUR DIVERSITY" W/APPE TIZERS • 00 pm FACULTY CLUB ALL EVENTS ARE FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC* Plaaa# visit Ttm EMU Craft Cantar » 9th Annual FAMILY ALBUM SHOW An aihibit of work by instructors and staff ot the EMU Craft Cantar On display *n Ih# EMU Fir Room now throottf Fab Op«n \ 1 4 Mon Fn 14 $a! A Sun ROMANCE LANGUAGES *<ii ' ' ! a Miiwclive Pta Registration Wed Thura Fn 2‘22 2 24 from tOam to 3pm tor accelerated course* amt .j«k tared TODAY! COMING TO CAMPUS ANGELA DAVIS SPEAKS EMU BALLROOM 4:00 Episcopal Campus Ministries W*dn«»d«y Evening Euchentl *n<1 d'»cue»n>n g*oup following Ev«fy w a.- •• 688 9972 275 EVENTS ISSUES IN PEACEMAKING FREE PUBLIC LECTURE MARGARET PAPANDREOU “Ufct a $m*ll Peart m a Sea ot Black My»l**V Tha EkiH Abntot Pflttutf or Doe» *1? Wed., Feb. 22.1989 7:30pm, EMU Ballroom University ot Oregon (Racaption following at Colitar Mouse! Spooiotad by ih* Catlton and Riptay Savage Vtlitwm Pnitfitor|top in lnta«rwitioftdi Rata lion* and Peace r~body ~i MACHINE I An o««»om« video ot Ron f awcett j I rock climbing o« ftomB ot Britain & j I hardest routes Feb 72 a* 12 30pm tn | | me Outdoor Program room in the I | ( MU FREE Cam 6IW 4 w\*> to* information ?io art: nnirmrni NT tavern ? "D J| WaSHtNOTON livt WFSISIDE WEDNESDAY MORE TIME DESIGNATED DRIVER PROGRAM MUST BE 21 A OVER ONLY 3453231 EMU Food* and EMU Cultural f ovum p«*««ni* Reggae at the Beer Garden with: African Kings >sJ And twvougn) provided f 0 required MUSICIANS! Thu l MU Cultural Forum it accepting auditions for The 19th Annuel WILLAMETTE VALLEY Folk Festival May 19 JO i 21 Audition forms available at th# Cultural y Ofum «>M *• f MU '.'.win .* DEADLINE F»» Feb if 4 SPECIAL APPEARANCE el ARNOLD S HIDEAWAY EAGLE PARK SLIM in Concert ApNOLD§ ?io ARTS A ENTtRUINMENT MUtrCMO COOOT Vrl> TOO §<o OSCAN NOMNtt M«T fONtlON mU A c**f • erf i*M »* * " “ ' ) Mrft»«lr| »'•* tw SALAAM BOMBAY] CMOS rOMk>«*>* * T>*.« u An »c «ft»y %on M *’«X>« • »V*<*-Wk erf «r\« 4#v^i twrf* b•«< t> S’* J arv* Mr « m’TOimmvt na+mr\ priMiw* «rf C**MI * OmM— *> •**>•»«• RED SORGHUM,, pCmUjU^HdlCIilKnGIIiH rfi«riWOi»)»W S»iTh**Oor#» ^ « Om«< MwrtnMIwtt Mlwrfin* M SWIM** I* r«* icanarAc «■•»••*. • nUKnl * ham •( abet* •<• mm *+ •*•** 3V. WHUAMMUftT KATAdIMTVMNCN acciden^aV tourist i AH'- )T*«r M A MAM i-KZEL 96 LATE NIGHT + if ^ brfkw an th* lxa acrimn L*l* m "VM I CMOS rOMOAAOW %TKIi» ill [Tequila Sunrise .33 rh« D*clln« ol Wnltm Civiliralb Part II l Air Night sdm Ff Ss %i Su Th 12 iO .THE Tady's NOT K» Burning February 24, 25 'March 2, 3, 4, 10, 11' \ 8:00pm / ROBINSON THEATRE 16 (lanaral Public 14 SMtnli 4 S*mcM% Tick at* at lha Nobmton Tbaatra Ho. Ottfca 646 4191 UnivartHy Thaatra • Sacond Saaaon ptaaanU STILL LIFE Feb 15 18. 23 25 Ttckal* 42 SO 646 4191 Rubmton Thaat'a Ho* OMica 1047 KLCX WELCOMES: LIVE! EMU BALLROOM THE CRAZY 8’S THURSDAY, MAR 2. 8pm UO Students SVADV S6/DOS Gen Public f 7/ADV IBJOOS GET TICKETS NOW AT £ MU Mein Desk Mouse of Records Record Garden & f ace Ibe Music An EMU Culture! Forum Production Anorexia Nervosa & Bulimia Binge Eating Crash Dieting Vomiting Laxative Abuse Compulsive Exercise Compulsive Dieting When you're ready to quit we're ready to help. Just call 6M-7372. The Eating Disorders lYugram at Sacred Heart BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed NUVt tXXXMt ' ftu weex' itii : HM '0 rmv. * cau> vtwv Oh * .wr*c COMM 'i Ilf A NX a mm> Mbr m/r a/ *' rwr ny much AH UOLV AU MACS myvCi ‘iff A i ( $HXt //v ' ) U OFV> F» li A KiP tKtP tO t* ACM srtwixsi \ yCMCOt ,