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W t 1th Between Olivo anr} Willamette) 344 489t Matt*-'■•?y Laughter it a tranquilirar with no tida •ttec t* 175 BOOKS OVER 140 000 BOOKS IN STOCK All Selling if- SO ’ oil |||| pi »• •• *Tg»tboohs 'Cliff Notts M4QA;ini*i USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 195 TRAVEL STATE OF THE ART TRAVEL Wfwip YOUR BEST DEAL bent business We can handle ALL travel PAY TOP MS CASH' lor Denied Boarding Compensation BUMPS vouchers coupon** TRLQUENT FLYER AWARDS and more' 683 8tfl6 BEEN BUMPED'’ MERIT ONE Turn those airline rompennation vouchers into cash Cali Debbie ADVENTURE IN TRAVEL 4A4 0600 ?10 OPPORTUNITIES WOMEN Have fun, get fit Play Rugby with the Eugene Women s Rugby Club Noo*p necessary For more info 3456633 GAIN VALUABLE WORK EXPERIENCE AS A COMPUTER LAB VOLUNTEER * Expand your knowledge of microcomputers and popular software • Sharpen your tutorial skills * Develop your business sense m a self supporting lab All resulting in a graduate who is more attractive to a potential employer1 Position are currently available and require * Current UO full time student status * Computer literacy on Macintosh IBM and/or Apple lie ‘ Volunteer 5 hours per week Benefits include a term/print pass to the lab Inquire in the EMU Computer Lounge (EMU Ground Floor) or call 686 4353 (Limited woik study positions available) OREGON’S BEST KEPT SECRET TO DATE IS: Spring comes some time after the Fourth of July The End is in sight (sort of) Career Planning and Placement has lots of offer ALL levels of students (please check one box) if you checked the last bo* you are knowledgeable and wise but >t still couldn t hurt to attend the GROUP ORIENTATION TO CAREER PLANNING AND PLACEMENT SERVICE Monday, February 20 3 30 4 00 pm Cedar Room E m the EMU Discover how WE can help YOU'"1 OVERSEAS JOBS $900 2000 mo Sun met Yr round all countries al< fields Free Info Write IJC PC) B* 5? 0R03 Corona Del Mar CA 92625 210 OPPORTUNITIES ALL PRE PT/OT STUDENTS PLANNING A SPRING TERM PRACTICUM 21S HELP WANTED ALASKA SUMMER JOBS w-m AM A Outdoor World J-Vv* Williams .it JLO ‘M> Ag*** ALASKA SUMME R E MPlOTMf NT FISHERIES Earn $600 plus *♦>-> cannery $6000 $12000 plus U.r Ta Male of Female . »>.;*■ employment ! — . ©r send $1-1* * M A L RcttlK h Hoi 64006 Seattle WA 98124 » day unconditional 100* CHILD CARE NEEDED GOVERNMENT JOBS' N .A hir g this Arcs' $10,213 to $75 473 Immediate openings' ( 6062 fit E2B02 GRADUATE TEACHING FELLOWSHIP IN WOMEN’S STUDIES The Women , Studies Program at the University «>t Oregon is seeking applications tor two graduate .issistantships tor the academic year 1989 90 Saury is determined by the GTE bargaining contract but will probably from $3 1 70 $4 400 All candidates must have been admitted to the Graduate School .•» the University of Oregon Applications must be filed al the Women s Studies Office 636 PLC University ot Oregon by 4 00pm on Friday March 3t Announcement of appointment will tie made on April ?t Application forms and information about duties and qua' ifications c an tie obtained by anting Women's Studies 636 PLC University of Oregon Eugene Oregon 97403 o' by calling (503)686 5529 The University of Oregon is an Affirmative A< non and Equal Opportunity Employer rtnruniynnu hhio COORDINATOR The Cultural Forum «♦.•»' '■•' J "r Ai,J,,sf O I'JR’I Appi: *!a-*»l*Pio 4? Up’AMtl BovNl IBS# f 14th EuQtNl OR. 9?*0 » D«adl"v*- M»"-h 1 ’ A * S • m at tvf* A *.«>■* fq,,a? rippoMu-'-ty WANT TO HlRI MSO A DAY' AT MOM( ' 270 WORK STUDY POSITIONS HUP BUSINESS MANAGI R Nf FOf 0 IMMEDIATELY j to handin buRWH A lubicriplion I ' j’.utt - ' • w >■ Muil tx* afith computer* %ome accounting j ! Pet Aground preferred 12 month j j e*a i>> *>vj en. <• r’p, SiJ/TMJ C ■ >n;piili»f Merecy helpful h?n pe> *f«* ’!««it>ie Ml .*< ‘ S-t SO JS 00 p4>r hr 4SM 1 TCF Majors and others Work ftudy • *deo production [ Cervantes 66B 383 F The JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMfNTAl LAW AND LITIGATION .<•**» , a >rh Study qualified M*:ln' .h typist Hours flet'ble t>ul If regular S*> Wh' Call 686 3691 x 683 S470 An Affirmative Ac.h.xi Equal Opportunity Employer m APTS DUPLEXES CLUB MILL 1265 M u Si Apartments R »mn■ .»'© ''•eeded no*1 Also taking apt?*" allots for 2 and J bedroom apis for spring 6 blocks lo U ol O and doanloan 2 bedroom mealy furnished disf'eash e> disposal fireplace balcony coy ©r»d parking outdoor pool laundry ire# c at>»© I v and on vt© manage' Kay Sion© Real E stale K©n 345 4322 NICE 1 BORM • «m J blocks to U of O $335 R’-an 4*34 9922 o' 6BJ *>692 ONE BEDROOM » . 1 . baihandb.ii • y lummy and leunipy $239 includes ail utilities 4 ft1) TOO I SPACIOUS 2 BEDROOM . H 742 l-eify i Compels parsing $40Q>t S. SO in; .Ml 6B9 rt» hi THINK SPRING Furnished 1 bdrm pool 2 blocks from < am pus $335 Carol 4rt4 992 J before 5 00 Available Now* 1 !*• !■ ■ campus $340-ni. 3430444 1 BEDROOM APT A, * a ’ • from campus Call Use .342 3B16 23Q QUADS QUAD FOR RENT $53 £ lilh S. Takeover lease deposit already 342 2512 ask for Eric Md 1923 GARDEN AVE Very 'arge .Mils designed It- .» ” modal© I lo 3 roommates Furnished diftft washer off sbeel park g • vie laundry Excellent campus .-.ii >• $426 Only one left Jennings A Co M3 4219 CEDARWOOD QUADS 441 E 1/lh A*© Contemporary furnished ijuads units ■ e« o'lerd a-’ pus a»>- New arpel 4 drapes Off si'eel parking .n site laundry All UTILITIES PAlO $206 Manege' 11 all 344 6696 >o ?30C MALI QUAD AVAIL ABLI M V» » 235 HOUSES QOVf ANMENT HOMES $1 00 iu r«p*0 rWnquAnt U» t¥Xi „• t: 4'M4 fit **>j6 *i*o op#n HOUSESITTING • » ' * BE OROOM HOUSE m . '.v ?»o ROOMS ROOM AND BOARD * tmUAL REPOSSESSED VA A HUD HOMES A«*ilat>*« Uo*n from A'thoul ’•»'l't » Vou '«*i i ■ Alv ■a* ttoi>rw)o#9t .»• do’ll ft&1 PSM C«f MI4S4 tof **pO Mfl yOO* STUDENTS SINGLES' ! Want to bu«*t} 0c)Ully »ath«* iM«f» pay ; > VV'tfl A * •!• •* * 1 OJIf Iifca you a t 1 tnHpm 1 Math ; omio that »u i I pc’O location, via« M>cufity and oil itr&et parkmQ Foi moie info call Meg Ti*nn 4&*> VWJ >> V•»•.*<' Giowt *>## H!» • Ml H« M MW • MM M. M '«M coLOUieu. BANK6RQ CURTIS IRVING REALTY, INC • owjwowe1, '•-•I *-•»* *wew 260 ROOMMATES WANTED M/F TO SHARE 2 BORM APT t . utilities p*u% J.V*vmo fo* %p/ina term - if Hj<»r p,V . st be • and able to >t«d) * graduating Sr S t)io * . from IX) We«fcm> Is \ iM«f *, K) * U\ Od“>7 t t. A •> M F .«il 4H4 *>jk)/ A»* tor Kimberly Room for Rent t • .•<• Close to campus 1100 >*s«l 6B30B30 ROOM IN 2 BEDROOM SOUTH EUGENE HOME «' « , yard Pet ‘ Only interested am) no..! 275 EVENTS ASUO WINTER SYMPOSIUM TODAY! DR COLE, author ol FILTERING PEOPLE (the book will be told at the door) PRESENTS PREJUDICE THE DYNAMICS ol DEHUMANIZING OTHERS" 1 JO pm 110 GEOLOGY ALL EVENTS ARE FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC1 ?75 EVENTS Your *apr«ti«;on »** tb* nv.iii nt*pniftant Beat Farmers Country Dick Montana Mojo Nixon Pleasure Barons Starring Dave Alvin Tuesday Feb.21 EMU Ballroom S8-S10 DOS Taylor's and EMU outlets Don’t Miss This Rock ‘n’ Roll Extravaganza Pratantad by T ay tor • and t MU Cultural Forum BODY MACHINE A •*»»%. >me Video jt Hon I J* nil tixt i limbing ivrr somn of H'Hatt a hardest routes Feb 22 at t«? *Oprn »n !h* Outdoor Program fuorti to Ih# (MU FRft .all futt. 4 Mi*. information Come Skiing Downhiiling Telemarking or Cro** countrying S j i up f-.»» thi* WfKJoevJay * V*» 1 I'1*' At t he Outdoor Progr am ROMANCt LANGUAGfS a 1 ' i Pf* Registration VV**»t Tnurs Fri 222 2 *4 from tdam to tpm (<>r accelerated and iRh fared at kx: anti 400 Ur**! Caff «*»t 402 t tor more detail* SISKYOU NATIONAL PARK 0a»>d Atx.n a ll present a slide lecture ort me prolKltOO of Oregon » largest Hand of oW >;n ain forest habitat* wtthm TUE 7:30 PM OUTDOOR PROGRAM ROOM • ponsored by the Outdoor Program SKI TEAM Order sweats Club Sport* $?0 ?ao ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT f Um»ruMl, Theatre Preterit* „THE Tady's ¥-V*-J NOT TOR Burning February 24, 25 'March 2, 3, 4, 10, \ V 8:00pm ROBINSON THEATRE 16 General Public $4 Student* A Senior* ticket* available at the Robinson Theatre Boi Office 666 4191 ?S0 ARTS & tWTERTAIWMEWT T mariMOiooM -w^’oo no OtCkA MOMMlf »««T FOMflOM m.M A mm • *mm ai *»«*•? —•** **• * 4* •ImI W4« r tw T-«* *v? •* ■wt"*1** **•»*• kSALAAM BOMBAYU ^iwlAr^Tr^r !N«tv-,USa», ^ I Arm: ««*T N o* I s»c* dt*vv» «rvi m*4»< ^ f * .T>» «vA AO* r • *pt **»•*«* «* V Mr* An <>■*« n.4*A*a» RED SORGHUM ^ ijjaxr*3CTR3r*ni:Ti*TBr!rOT AMI r «N£» HOONW Itf tM #0 «#y ^ [ 4 Om*i M^«n«l«nA IrwfcreBw-f ftaAA rietwr* N* H*«AMAr c<«W«T • -AAJtAAM tm* ■**•> *1 ■ mvh Mm •< Hnx *>• u.-sa %m» t* m. - «n u>Mu«l * AN- lM»n *V M Hfonireii: L Air Might »<4m F» Sa |3 Su th %2 40 I he Decline oi Weele’m Clvlliutk Pert A ■ Caimik tion do** mot h bo I •nrou»*0* ment dima mote "KING OF BOOGIE" JOHN LEE HOOKER and tha COAST lo COAST BLUES BAND SUN MARCH 4 I UGENl HILTON OVt R TICKETS AT * MU MAIN DESK Uniomly Thaatia % Second Season poiAnli STILL LIFE Feb 15 18. 23 25 Tidal* U SO S*A 4191 Robmton Theatre Boa Office m FOOD & DRINK The cafe at COLLIER MOOSE now offer* ESPRESSO and Allann Bros. COFFEE 8:00 am • 3:00 pm -rr BMBM m CHINESE Rf STAURANT * Km Oriental Buffet Lunch Downstairs f, Try Out Dinner Upstairs Hours: Downstairs M Th 1 1 00 7 00 FS* I' 00 4 3C Closed Sunday* Hours: Upstairs Su Th 4 30 10 00 F Sa b 00 10 30 Cash For Textbooks Mon. • Fri. Smith Family Bookstore 768 E. 13th 1 Block From Campus 345-1651 BLOOM COUNTY by Bcrke Breathed cm wumr xuk m/v Ml’ *** neu r *r m I rme ' ,/ > V : wt G CHH> U out '1