Sports Itw.l., b. Mart thm Despite being the public address announcer for Oregon football and men's basketball for the last 22 years, DonKssig, no w an author, is one of the youngest P. A. announcers in the PailO. /MhiveRSITV ★ INSTANT EURAIL PASSES ★ INSTANT EURAIL VOUTHPASSES ★ INTERNATIONAL STUDENT EXCHANGE IDENTITY CARD ($10.00) BLOCKED AIR-SPACE ON HAWAIIAN AIRLINES!! PORTLAND - HONOLULU (18 MARCH) HONOLULU - PORTLAND (25 MARCH) ROUND TRIP $440.00 RAN/ei (r*p*t to Smith fjimil> Bo«V\ti>r«>> 774 E. 13th 2nd Floor -«■■■<—-■"■•COUPON— FREE INTERNATIONAL STUDENT EXCHANGE IDENTITY CARD With the Pur* hast- of International Might or f urail Pass (limited to Sim k on Hand) Brant h of Greater Oregon Travel 683-5577 Essig views history as 'Voice of the Ducks' Bv Ashley Conklin Emerald Sports Reporter Don L*-ssi}4 has been .1 big part of Oregon athletics since I'lt>7, but probably few fans would recognize him on the street. Since that time. Kssig has served .is the public address an nouni er for Duck basketball games at Mi Arthur Court, .is well as moving out to Aut/.en Stadium the following year to begin announcing Oregon foot ball In his 22nd season. Kssig has seen d all as the Dui ks' I’A announcer "1 remember in l'lliu during the Vietnam War I bad ready made bomb threat announi e ments to read in case Mac Court had to be evacuated." Ilssig said. "I’rim e l.ui ien Campbell's lower floor had been bombed out and everyone was a little paranoid 1 also re member once that 12.TiOt) stu dents did a sit-in before one of the basketball games and threatened to stop the start of r UNSEEN VOICE m-zr The I nseen VOil e the game before Herb Yumanaka and some other pen pie talked them out ot it Kssig graduated from t Jregon State University but came to Oregon and received Ins Ph I) m educational administration He was prior ipal at North Ku Turn to fssig, Page 8 .— MARKfT 1/ DfLI 24th & Vuati 345-4431 Caramba! at the EMU BEER GARDEN! Discover Paradise! I ritlaN I eh. 17 and beb. 24 4 5:30 Bo I hero or Be ' MONDAYS IHROl'C.H FRIDAYS Luncheon Specials 2 50 CHINA BLUE RESTAURANT 879 I . 13th 343-2832 Chicken Laksa 3.50 Dim Sum Special or Steam Rice with Curry Chicken —U O-Bookstore— PACIFIC NORTHWEST BOOKS 20% OFF WEEK GENERAL BOOK DEPT.