Photo h» |ohh Stoop* Construction worker Ken Rodstrom makes adjustments on one of the walls in the new science complex. Science construction over budget By Paul Queary Emerald Contributor Two building* in the Univer sity's now science complex .ire exceeding budgeted construc tion costs itnd cutting into funds designated for other far ets of the protect Science V. the University's new physics building, is over its construction budget At cording to University Physical Plant protect accountant Mike Tierney, construction costs were originally bid at SI i I million fmt now total more than $H million and are Itkelx to go higher The building is scheduled for completion in August Science IV H. which will house biotei hnnlngr fa< iiities, should be completed in Man Ii It also exceeds its budget h\ al most $500.(HMl. Tiernev said Uonslruction budgets make up only part of the total budget. Fiernes said Over budget i on strut lion costs siphon funds from other areas of the i omplex project. Budget items like re modeling. «irt work and moving costs will lie cut to make up for overruns in construi lion costs "We'll get less for our money in the end.” Tierney said The two other buildings un der construction, Science VI. which will house new geologv facilities, and Science IV-A. which will be devoted to com puter sc ience, are actually un der budget by small margins funding for Science V and Sc ienc e VI is being provided In a $.11 million grant from the federal Department ol Knerg\ I’niversitv planning associate frank I'epfer said Oregon lot ten funds totaling $!-’ million are financ ing Sc tenet! I\ A and Si lent e IV It Wildish Budding Co a fill gene based firm, is building Science V and Science l\ It 11\land fc Sons of Kugene is building Science IV A Tigard based Knbmson Construe lion is building Sc ionce VI. whie h be gan c unstruc tion last fall and will not lie c ompleted until An gust I M'M) Kobinson Construction < amt* under fir»* in October long for tailing to fulfill state-mandated minority subcontracting goals Robinson lias contracted with Native American-owned Brainard Sbeetmetal of Spring field. which is now installing sbeetmetal in Scieme VI. own er Warren Brainard said William Noland, associate vii e chancellor for the facilities division, said a goal of It) per cenl minority owned sulxon Iractors was not a< hieved In cause of the lai k of sot h firms in tin- area. Neland sail! I be i omplex is an innovative concept in science far. i I it \ de sign i’epfer said In the now complex, designed In The Rat i lift Art hitei Is. a Berkeley < al it firm, various departments will be interconnected to pro mote interdisciplinary work. Tepfer said An aw till lot ot great si i nice happens on a sort of i ham v em oil liter in the halls " l'epfer saitl PLASMA NEEDED NOW tot research In Immunology Donate plasms to eld In medical research and get paid lor help ing. Let us test your plasma lor rare or special antibodies In our medically supervised lab environment. • Earn extra bonuses • Participate in weekly drawings • Enjoy video movies while you donate • NEW DONORS ONLY (Winter Term fee card required) EARN S20 YOUR 1st DONATION $12 for your 2nd, $13 for your 3rd, $15 for your 4th. This offer expires Feb 28. 1989 ' EUGENE PLASMA 1071 Olive 404 2241 Open 7:30 am 4:00 pm. Mon. - Sal. } 4(K off one Gyros* or Falafpl - irur/n 1219 Alder 343 3062 expires 2/24/89 We ve got your !an when you want il1 SunShowtr on campus wmi ‘ *'• i im Unnw fcf lUafcg a ★ tMJNDERlAMP * GREAT FOR PARTIES AND BIRTHOAYS 5^Wincn ALL GAMES WORK S,IUCU WITH NICKELS GAMES ADMISSION >1 40 STH STRUT PURUC MARKET • EUfifRE • ttl-MM Orwcjiin Daily Enwralti ObE Orrgon D«ily Oregon Daily- Emerald OPE Oregon Dewy NIGHT SKIING AT HOODOO Now You Can Get The Best Skiing In The Northwest After The Sun Goes Down $10.50 Wednesday-Saturday 4:00-9:00 Saturday KZEL Night at Hoodoo Night Skiing Prices just $9.60 342-5540