.University Court date postponed for suit against Theta Chi By Cami Swanson Emerald Reporter A trial seeking $.( million in damages (ur the drug-related death of a former Theta Chi fraternity member has been postponed until May Originally s< heduled to begin Tues day. the trial stems from the death of Carrel Hughes on Mari h lti. l'tHfi Hughes died of a heart Altai k in his room at the University's Theta Chi fra ternily after taking i oi aine Hughes parents William and Sandra Bennett, have c harmed I'liela < hi s lo< al national and alumni organizations and the Oregon Stale Board of Higher lain cation with negligence and wrongful death The Bennetts are suing lor St a million from Theta t‘hi and $] r> from the state hoard Tuesday’s trial was postponed l>e cause the Bennetts recently changed at torneys "Basically, our attorney cl id nothing, said Sandra Bennett Then he tried to fore c us into a settlement Mark l-a Manila the ness attorney needed lime to resean h the caw. saul Oregon ( iri nit court judge Maurice Merten The trial was rescheduled for May lh No further postponements will ba al lowed Merten said However, the ( ase may never go to tri al. as hoth parlies' lawyers are working out a settlement out of court Bennett said she experts the terms of the settle ment to he der ided sometime next ys eek In then suit, the Dennetts allege that the fraternity failed to investigate mem Imts' use of cocaine In addition, they claim the Theta Chi fraternity didn't warn about the dangers of cocaine use "It can lx- the first time; it can be a lit tie bit (Cocaine) works in mysterious ways.' Dennett said The Oregon State Hoard of Higher Ed ucation allegedly allowed fraternity memliers to "encourage and promote" ( ix.aine use hv not enfori mg drug regu latiort.s. according to court documents filed by the Dennetts The Dennetts ( bum this negligent e re suited in their son's death Ethiopian colonel denounces Soviet 'iron glove By Bri.mBloc h Emerald Reporter While fielding questions alxiut Ins ideology and politii a I ha< king. Col Solomon delete on Tuesday defended the mo tives of the Kthiopian resistant e fighting to eliminate Soviet control During a forum in the EMC. the former Kthiopian armed forces colonel said Soviet pow er in Ethiopia is responsible for oppressing ■mil exploiting lln* r.ountrv s people .mil resources for sitlf gain Hcli'li*. who is 'ii live in the Ethiopian liberation movement, said it seeks to est.ililish il gov eminent th.it better represents the needs of the million Ethiopians who support il However he said Soviet con trol lontinues to pose strong opposition "Our resistance is like a ten ms hall hitting; the big wall and \l< i\l)A>S IIIKOl (,M fKIDANS Luncheon Specials 250 Dim Sum Special or Sushi CHINA BLUE RESTAURANT 874 I . lith 142-28 \2 rish Ball Noodle soup350 Iob Opportunity Senior Desk Assistant ( arson I arl Walton Area Desk Hanwlton/Bean Area Desk University Inn Area I)esk |OB OPENING: tall Term 1484, continuing through Spring Term 1*140. Applicants must be able to commit to working the entire 1484-40 aca demic ve.tr. training will begin Spring lerm 1484 fob desc options arc' attac he'd to applic ations. COMPENSATION: Campus single* room and board credit and a cash stipend of $1,405 (4 equal payments). An hourly rate* of $4.00 will be paid during the training period. QUALIFICATIONS: Preferent e will be given to individuals with U. ot (). Housing experience, the Senior Desk Assistant works an average ot 20 hours pur week, divided between desk and supervisory duties. I he Senior Desk Assistant must live* in the IJ. ot (). residence* halls and be registered tor a minimum of 8 undergraduate or I graduate c redit hour(s). APPLICATIONS: \pplic ations aie available at all Area Desks and are due* bar k to am Area Desk no later than 5:00 p.m., february It). 1484. Only com pletc'd applications will be given c onsideration. The University of Oregon Housine Department is an fqual Opportunity, Aiomarne Action Institution. bourn mg right b.u k delete said "The Soviets want us to lx' dependent on them forever, he said "TlievTo not represen tative of the Kthiopiao people We must remember that they c ame bv fori •• and are serving only the interests of tfie Sovi ets." delete said events following World War II and leading up to the mid 70s were delilierate at tempts by the Soviets to gain control of land areas in Africa attempts which have now led to Marxist 1 ontrol of Kthmpia I hev wanted a plar e in that part of the world lor them selves he said "The Soviets have laid an iron glove on my 1 ountrv and it s still there delete said in addition to eliminating the rights and free (loins of the country's people and compounding <111 already desperate economir situation, the Soviets have built up the Kthiopian ,irim to irinrii tnan .1 quarter of .1 million troops tor purposes of further et niiiimn ,ind 1 ivil exploitation in other countries "There's no legitimate need for self defense the arms is being built to serve Soviet needs ' delete said " I lle\ use Kthiopia to expand their op pression into surrounding countries Although he said the resist ance effort does not seek mili tan aid front the !’ S delete 1 ailed for Ainerii an pressure on the Soviet government to end it's (lommunist regime in Kthiopia "The I nited States and the Soviets .ire on equal terms as superpowers and vve want them (the I nited States) to help us solve our different es so that we can live in peat e." he said Kventuallv. delete said he would like to see Kthiopia gain independent e and hot ome self supportive without the intlu en< e of foreign ideologies "I want to place the indepen dem e of our ( ouiltry far be yond the control of any power on Earth."he said. Although delete spoke pas sionately and seemed sincere, some attending the forum raised questions about his slip port from the extremist anti communist john Birch Society. According to Belete. the soci ety is the source of financial support responsible for making his spool lies possible “The society has helped me voice tnv concerns lor mv peo ple to the American public." lie said "It's the only organiza tion I know ol that speaks out against Soviet behavior in third v\ oi Id countries "The |ohn Birch Society is anticommunist, so therefore we have a common ground. I'm not advoi ating the society's po 1 it ii al ai hievemonts 1 Mortar Board to hold meeting MFKTINCS Mortar Hoard mirl.s tonight al t> in (AH' t edar Room ( All members are encouraged to Kt a! attend The Incidental Fee Committee moots to night at t> in tin* K\11' Hoard Room. Room t 17 to dis< uss budget proposals Irom tho Cay and Lesbian Alliance and tin* Sludont Har Assoc ia lion Felix ational Committee lor Domex ratic Kovitali/ation moots tonight al * in in FMl' ( oil.ir Room F Tho mooting is open to .ill poo pic* mtorostod in C.ontra! Intelligence Agency recruitment on Fob I t Women in Transition support group Creative Approaches to Stress M.inagomi'iit is tonight at 7 in tho Women's (.'enter. KMI ' Suite :t Interfraternity Presidents Counc il moots tonight at I* at the Meta Theta I’i house Oregon Student Public Interest Researc h Croup Consumer Hotline Project moots to night at ri n> in ( All' (lentury Room (! OSPIRC's Postic ides Projoc t moots tonight at 7 in Straub Room 17)0 OSPIKC's Household Toxins Research Croup moots tonight at 7 m 17Nil ( ontury Room (7 OSPIRC's Shellfish Research Croup moots tonight at H in I Ml' < edar Room I) OSPIRC's Toxic l so Reduction District Organizing Croup moots tonight at > m FMl ' ('onturv Room F Men Against Rape has its week I v meoting tonight at 7 in FMl' (nmtury Room I The l 0/1 'Diversity of FI Salvador Sister I'Diversity Project moots today at t in IAH' ( aid nr Room I) The Survival Center has its weekly lands meeting tonight in (axiar Room ( \nc ic*nt for ests and sox will bo disc ussod (Ihet k tho FMl daily schedule for time Committee on Committees meets tonight .it t> in .Str.iuli Room 1 r>4 ONPRIG's Student Campaign Against Hunger meets tonight .it "> t() Century Room A I.KI rt'RKS " Theorizing Women: W estern Discourse on Women in China" is the topic of ,i lecture Iiv Tani Harlow, history professor at ttie I'm versify ol Missouri (uduinbia. today at 4 p in in the I- Ml' Fir Room t his is part of the "(tin nese and Japanese Canons Challenges to the West' lei tore series M1SC1.1 I.ANI-.Oi S "Sidartha and the City” is the title of a film showing tonight at tt in Science I Room 124 The film is by Satajit Ray and is spon sored by the International Studies Assoi iation t'nlearning Homophobia Workshop will he tonight at t> III in tlie KMC Forum Room All program direi tors are welcome to attend this ASl!Q-sponsored event. Students interested in pursuing environ mental i areers and are interested in short term jobs a recruiter from CHIP, an environmental i areer organization, will give presentations at t p ill in Condon Room Hit) and at 4 p in in Law Room 121 Alpha Kappa Psi presents half day on the job program w ith the following businesses: • Northwest Natural C.is, Feb 2H. one student interested in utilities Time will he arranged Apple ation deadline is Fob. 27. •Champion Factory Sportswear. March 2. morning, one marketing management student Apple ation deadline is Feb. It) Applications are due by r> fO p m the day mile ateil in Gilbert Room 212 Mass will he celebrated at the Newman Center. Dial) I’merald St . today at 12 15. .r>:.lt). ? ill and 'I p in Ashes will he distributed at all Masses l andlord and Tenant Relations is the sub ject of a People's hm Si bool class tonight at 7 at the I .aw School The c lass is open to the puhlii