.World View_ International Near miss NEW DELHI. India (AP) The id i .irryniK the t'.S Em bassy staff out of Kabul on Tuesday narrowly missed hit linn a Soviet transport plane approaching the i*esiegml capi tal of Afghanistan, the two sc nior Americ an diplomats said "We had a near-collision 10 minutes after takeoff with an incoming flight from tin* north," Charge* d'Affaires |on BE TAIN FOR SPRUNG BREAK Wolff •tanning *30 1 5 Sessions *45 25 Sessions (_'>///< a/wc/'-s MAIK • TANNING • NAll.N 99 W. 10th, 1st Floor Atrium, Downtown 345-3491 — PEACE CORPS INTERVIEWS Feb. 1 Wednesday & Feb. 2 Thursday ALL MAJORS AND DEGREES NEEDED! Overseas Assignments are two years in Less Developed Countries. Now is the time to interview if you want a placement within the next 12 months! Musi have completed application at time ol inter view. No bids necessary f irst come, first serve sign up m room 244. Career Planning and Placement Service. Hendricks Hall Call 686-4235 for information or scheduling and to pick up an application. Peace Corps Still the toughest job you'll ever love The World: Get Involved! Classman said after the char tered Indian Airlines Hewing 7.i7 arrived in New Delhi "Air traffic control at Kabul is never very good." said Jim S< humaker. second-ranking diplomat at the Kabul embassy, which closed Monday. He said the plane carrying the last 11 Kabul staff memliers came within a mile of a colli sion with the Soviet Ilyushin 76 transport. Both men praised pilot K ('. Maulay for his quick and expert evasive action "We drank a champagne toast after crossing the Afghan border." Schumaker said Maulay is a veteran of flights in an out of the Kabul airport, which requires precipitous corkscrew landings and take offs. Fetus earrings l.ONIX)N (Al*| A jury at tin* Old Hailey criminal court will decide whether earrings made of human fetuses are art or obs< enity. Kxhibit One. in a glass case, is a mannequin's head with a lilac k curly wig. a scarf and a pair of human fetuses, of three to four months' gestation and freeze dried, attac hed to its ears PolK e seized the head I)e< 1 1UH7, opening dav of an ev hilution of -tn items at the Young I 'nknow ns art gallery in Waterloo, south London The show was i ailed In Animal (median sculptor Richard Gibson. Hi. the* c reator. and galler\ ownei I’eler Sylveire ■l t were* i harged w ith outraging public dec enc \ and c mixing a nuisance They pleaded innocent, and this week a jury of 10 women and two men began listening to lawyers argue whether the wmk is art or outrage Geoffrey Robertson, who rep resents Sylveire and sees the i ase as an important test of oh sc enity law s, said in court Monday one purpose ot art is BULK & NUTRITION CENTER IT WILL BE WORTH YOUR TIME TO STOP” Folgers Coffee 39 o* $498 first one R.C. Cold 8 pack 16 o.’ bollles $-|28 Fresh Broccoli Frozen Seneca Juices all 12 flavors Echo Spring 1% or 2% gallon milk L 98* first one * Aith coupon only > exp 2 7 89 * J 17 Coburg Rd. Hours 7 a.m. - 11 p.m. 7 H ys a week 683-8670 Hi Patty Ad effective 2-1 to 2-7-89 "Id shiK k. and jolt the public from its complacency." He said the fetal sculpture could l>e seen as demonstrating that "women wear abortions ns lightly as they wear their ear rings " National Racism alleged DETROIT CAP) General Motors Gorp and lawyers rep resenting thousands of blac:k employees in Michigan. Ohio and Indiana announced Tues day they had tentatively settled a bias suit against the auto maker that could give the work ers payments totaling $:t mil lion. CM also agreed to monitor the future promotions and pay raises of black salaried employ ees for five years to make sure they conform with statistical expectations based on factors such as tenure, education, job level and age. said Dennis I) lames, an attorney for the work ers. lames said a computer analy sis indicated that if the moni toring system had been used between PIH2 and ltIHti, the value to the employees covered by the (lass-action suit would have been Slit) million to $4(1 million over 10 years. In agreeing to a proposed consent decree to end the case. GM did not admit it had dis i riminated against blacks m promotions and pay raises, said company spokeswoman Putri ( ia | Molloy As the rates go up WASHINGTON (API Hanks and savings institutions were braced Tuesday for a pos sible proposal from the Hush administration to raise their in surance premiums as a way to rescue the government fund that insures savings and loan associations. A White House official said Tuesday night the prevailing thought in the administration is that sue h an approach "is one of the more attractive" solu tions. The official, speaking on condition of anonymity said that increased risk lor the in surer should translate into higher premiums for the insti tutions White House of fit nils were convened in a meeting late Tuesday by chief of staff |ohn Sununu in a meeting that fo cused on what recommenda tions to make to Hush on the S&I. situation 'Things are a little scary to us." said Kenneth A. Guenther, executive vice president of the Independent Hankers Associa tion of America Guenther said fie interpreted comments over the weekend by Sununu as indicating the ad ministration was backing away from its controversial sugges tion that depositors pay a fee of about 25 cents on every $100 in their accounts Regional Flesh dancing SALEM (AP) — Sen. Bob kintigh. H-Springfield, said he introduced a proposed consti tutional amendment Tuesday la-cause of citizen concerns about a possible nude dancing bar in Sandy. The measure, if approved by voters, would allow cities, counties and the stall? to regu late or ban nude dancing in public places and commercial establishments. The Oregon Supreme Court last July restricted the ability of local governments to regulate locations of adult type busi nesses The court struck down a Portland zoning ordinance on adult businesses on grounds it violated the free speech provi sions of the state constitution. The court left leeway for lo cal regulation of adult busi nesses if the ordinances ad dress expected adverse effects of tile establishments and not just the nature of the enter prises. Sandy businesswoman Col leen Benelli said mere rumors that a local steakhouse would feature nude dancers have ad versely affected downtown de velopment efforts. hintigh’s measure. S| K10. would be on the November loot) ballot if approved by the legislature He said he had 18 sponsors for the proposal in the Oil-member Senate r ! i L "NO INITIATION FEE" PLAINS! unlimited Aerobics ^ The water Machine ^ universal Super Circuit ^ Complete Spa/Locker Facilities ^ tlectromc Aerobicycie ^ tanning Adjacent to j.jmcj/Bi;,(,e Tr.n LOW MONTHLY FEES LONC TERM CONTRACTS AVAILABLE Oregon West - FITNESS 1 1 Best Hours 7 Days a Week/6 am 11 d m 085-1624