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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 31, 1989)
Police Beat. The following is a list of campus area crimps reported to I he Office of Public Safety and the Eugene Po- • lieu Department Jan 23 • 30: • Throe mates, one of them a llniver sity student, were cited for second degree theft after OPS officers ob served them walking in the .Science V const met ton area in the early morning hours of Jan. 10. Chains, copper fittings and other equipment belonging to employees of the Wildish Construction Co. were found on the suspects. • An unknown suspect entered the unlocked room of two sleeping Uni versity Inn residents and reportedly stole's purse Jan. 21. One of the vic tims found the purse tins next morn ing, missing $15 rash • Two University students playing racquetball at Esslinger Gym had their clothing and credit cards stolen by unknown suspects (an 22 The items had l>een plot od outside the court door OPS and BPD also report a related incident in which another University student had her clothes, including a $250 lacked, stolen from outside an Ksslinger racquet ball court. • Burglars broke into the ceramics room, 1385 Franklin Blvd.. and stole about $500 worth of equipment and personal ixdongings |an. 25. The sus pects entered the room through an unlocked door. EPD ireimtls. University groundskeepers found some of the stolen items outside the building. Others, including a port able? radio and a cassette player, were not recovered • A $300 camera was stolen ]an. 26 from a car parked in the Bean Com plex parking lot. • In addition. OPS reports 10 bikes stolen, and one recovered. Fee committee allocates $8,300 By f rale de Cu/m.1.1 Emerald Associate Editor Slow but steady growth continued to lx' h theme Monday in the Int identai Fee Committee's distribution of student funds, as it allocated $8,100 to four stu dent groups. The largest budget inr.rease approved was given to the Iaitin American Sup port Committee whit h ret eived $1,2l>2. a ti.5 pert:ent increase from this year's budget of $3,00,1. The amount was a compromise from the original budget request of $1,857 the committee received earlier The committee also decided to allo cate $1.129 to the Solar Energy Center, a to percent decrease from its current budget of $1.255. According to IFC rnemlx-r Jack May nard. the primary reason for the cut was the committee's concern over the group's previous spending patterns. In 1087-88, th*' group returned $2(i t to the IFC's surplus accounts. Maynard said "This is a lot of money to wash liack. and we're concerned that this does not happen again.” In other matters, the committee allo cated $2,525 to the Amazon Community Tenants, and $1 ..iH-t to People of the Or egon Coast Neither was inc reased over current budget allocations The committee also postponed its hearing of Telecommunication and Films Association's (TCFA) budget until Monday, when all members of the com mittee could be present Committee members also expressed concern over their ability to fund TCFA because of the ' ambiguity" that sur rounded several of the group's programs as well as its shaky organizational struc ture. which recently underwent a change in officers. "ft's a problem for me to not know where the program is going." said IFC chairwoman J. Lauren Norris. CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 686-4343 ODE POLICY CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT ODE OFFICES 300 EMU UOBOOKSTOKt STAMP COUNTER EMU MAIN Of SK PAYMENT A • t*' ; « ! 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Love, J & J. 105 PERSONALS ANDREA LYNN CHILDS I Love You Annie! Fox and Ace CHRISTY ANTHONY You A't? m* B*«t DIANE CUSHMAN A SORORITY John Fitzgerald DG MARY GREENE Enjoy your week. We miss ya. Love. Mom Dad Jimmy Karen Mark Rog Laura Meg & Sam EUGE NT PREGNANCY HOTLINE ; • vide* fro#, confidential teMmg sup vi- I 'nih Eugene > *__ f Rl E PREGNANCY COUNSELING HOLT INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN S SERVICES CALL SANOY b6T 2202 (COLLECT) ’«? *ork don whjif A Oil I I •,!,* 1, ’ A,H1 u,imn (orngM Call 4ttS 0666 CRICKS < 1a, 1*<- day !. turn tn order pivt'i t"*'’1 Horn last vrMkvndi . WALLY It pays ! t)fl £>hvu>u» **p«K i*l»y tf j you have a reputation to' Subtlety JUST DO IT! A Fresh Slarl tmokmg cessation group it be mg ottered by the Student Health Center 1*1 meeting will be 31 Jan Call to register X446A FREE* KRISSY BARKER MOM & DAO PLANNED PARENTMOOO ha' • : •*«] PRIVATE HELP FROM FRIENOS Free Pregnancy Testing birthright 6a; B66i IPS PERSONALS PROBLEMS? Telephone hotline tor U of O students 5pm to 8pm every mgfil and ail day «ve#*#n<f* Strictly confidential CRISIS CENTER 6A6 44*8 RIM INTRAMURAL WRESTLING ; Ai: prelim matches *«<» t* Tu«s Jan j : «t 6 30pm at MecCood Final* will j tw» Wed f eti t 5 30pm prior to the ifO Utah State v«'*.ity meet Weigh i 1 ,n Tuee J«n .it 4 Spm Men s »OCke« i loom Essting** Call X4113 for more If toil «*nl II IONCBOOV Ha* III Try out WA*trD »r« lion SUE P. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Tout mi* now anothar yaar oldar <*i»n smartai funniar. bat tar at pool and moil importantly to ma You» (Wlhtul fat q wet ball png pong i aMnen SLOWER!" Just kidding ol courte Hava a gfaai B Oay its mca having you In my Ufa. your a graat parson no LOST & FOUND .. LOST Blue rtanim laikei * M Hmng takan from 1B0 Pl.C Saturday PM dunng is! show of SiddhaMha 12$ reward piea*© lea*© info w .• . . • LOST Sma:‘ Wat * purse tn Chapman 207 Reward Call 3467021 i is CAMPUS BULLETIN BOARD** WAKE UP! Tired Of lh© Conor©!© jungl©'* Lulled and dulled by city routine-’ The U of O Outdoor Program can splash soma ad venture *n your week Coop©'©!'*© ski i?0 TYPING SERVICES Usmg Word Per*©t t 6 0 word Po ; ***.• »ng M .14? 70*45 8 00am ’ pm i?o TYPING SERVICES Quality Typing Thefts. inum«» lerm paper* seven day* per wwk 345 1319 PROFESSIONAL TYPING Also word processing editing free prckufMdehvery Rond a 935 1892 E VA S TYPING Pas! professional service tow prices computerized 683 3565 JO, THE TYPING PRO Quality Accuraiu Dependable 663 6066 Tired ol Typing Ripoffs'’ Cal! Typing on Demand. 6673)655 Quality work, low price* test friendly service PROFESSIONAL TYPING SERVICE Word processing, term papers 24 hour TURN AROUND 1553 Oak Si 344 3064 LASER WORD PROCESSING 18 years experience Editing IBM Grad school approved Near campus Robin 344 0769 LAURIES WORD PROCESSING • sumes papers theses graphics Ad viseedd Professional quality afford able rates Laurie>Ron 345 9223 TYPING UNLIMITED j IBM CofnpaJitw«<ir*3 School Approved Barbara L and 4H5 0890 BIJOU THEATRE BUILDING 492 E 13th No 101 WordStyle* A TypeScnpls Computer word processing Thesev Dissertations Papers Resumes Etc Adwsse/Edit Input Convert and/or print Oilt START TO FINISH or any where tn between Any combination to tit YOUR needs' IBM Comp Grad School Approved Cindy 484 S4S4 Brandy 484 6044 1?5 INSTRUCTION - FREE MAC SESSION Tuesday January 31 J 30 4 30pm 175 Computing Center Basu: Macintosh Operations tor beginners no FOR SALE WASHBURN ACOUSTIC STEPHENS CUSTOM «xui vd#d it iway 8* 19! must sen 1650 OBO Can Doug 130 FOR SALE - FEMALE RED DOBERMAN 10 months old, spayed, trained in obedience and personal protection Great with kids Price negotiable to good home Call 485 5206 KING H20 BED HEATED 1st S40 TAKES. 344-5687 SACRIFICE chine sota futon kitchen appliances shelves etc 342 2377 10 SPEED BIKE $40, Sony Discman $110 etc 342-6960 135 BUY OR TRADE HEY YOU' JETHRO TULL FANS' I am looking for the piano sheet music to Locomotive Breath It's not sold separately but might be in a collection book It anyone has the sheet music ill Jen-'> T at 486-9644 (leave phone & message) Will pary you Si per page THE BUY A SELL CENTER Buy * Sell * Trade Musical Instruments. Stereos, Tools Photographic and Backpacking 361 W.5th ns CARS-CYCLES-SCOOTERS Government Seized Vehicles from SlOO Fords Mercedes Corvette-. Chevys Surplus Buyers Guide (1) 606 687 6000 f *1 $ 9642 GOVERNMENT 5EI7ED/ S cles from $100 Fords Mercedes Cor vettes Chevys plus Trucks and Vans AMAZING Recorded Message REVEALS Details 344 0015 e*t 105 1978 HONDA ACCORD hatch back Alpine stereo 20K miles on rebuild engine $1400 683 4092 1978 PEUGEOT : . Automatic sun roof, power steering $1700 Call 683 4092 1987 CDT TORBO L< a m • .nr cus tom wheels immaculate in and out $7200 Cali 486 4904 76 VOLVO 24SDL Wagon Nice c Runs perfect $2420 77 COLT 2 door 4 speed very clean and reliable $970 or best 688 3008 80 HONDA ACCORD 4 dr sun root new fires power Sony stereo $1659 otter 3426950 155 COMPUTERS-ELECTRONICS El 5200 Scientific calculator $50 Reed E.*p 420 IBM Comp printer $200 23 Zenith color TV w stand $75 OBO 344 5330 evenings Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU "and me controversial. FINDINGS ABOUT TOBACCO USE SHOULD) NOT BE USED? TO DEPRIVE SMOKERS OF THEIR RIGHTS AS CITIZENS'' THANKS, DAP' FOR. LISTENERS UK CON7 KNOW, i swav explain that the word ••CONTROVERSIAL" is a tobacco IN OUSTRN COPE tOORP FOR ANT UIIOELY ACCEPTED VIEMJ THAT IS not in ne iNcusrxys best . -/ INTERESTS! TOK INSTANa, THE TACT THATNtCO TINEISASAPPIC TIVEASHEKOlN OFCOUPSt ASK 7be claim that weave eMoxjueie HAMMS' anp me 390,000 PtAlHe A Y£AR* / All OF THtA1 cONTXoven 5/AL' PeePLY &SPUTW TAXES HASSLE FREE Your ‘25 gets you Federal and Oregon Short Forms WE ALSO DO OUT OF STATE RETURNS QUICK SERVICE BURDICK PIVONKA & ASSOCIATES 16SS W. 11th Suite 2 Call 345-1680