World View International South African problems grow JOHANNESBURG. South Africa (AP) Police fired into stone-throwing crowds angered by the arrest of .1 slaying suspect in a mixed-race township, killing one person and injuring at least four, authorities said Sun day. Six people also died in continuing violence between black factions in Natal province, and .1 bla< k man was wounded by gunfire during a < lash lielween white pn lice and bla< k stonethrowers in Cape province, author ities said Police said the violence in the mixed-rat e tow nship of Davfdsnnville, outside Roodeport northwest of |o hanneshurg. erupted Saturday evening after a 14-vear old boy was stabbed. Police said officers arrested <1 mixed-race suspect in tiie slaying but said a 1 rowd gathered and set the man free. "Police fired one shotgun round fatally wounding another (mixed-rare) man " and recaptured the sus per l, a police report said Hut tile crowd then threw stones at the police, who fired several shotgun rounds and tear gas police said National Teamsters leaders quit WASHINGTON (AP) Two Teamsters leaders who resigned this weekend will lie dropped as defendants in a government ra< kctecring ( ase seeking to take con trol of the union l>e< ause of its alleged dealings with organized i rime authorities said Sunday Robert Holmes of Detroit and |ohn II Cleveland of Washington, two of the ll> vice presidents of the I f> million member union, resigned Saturday as part of agreements with the liistue Department, said Deborah (.'orlev, a spokeswoman for the I S attorney's off it e in New York Ms Corley said the oral agreement lietween the two former Teamsters offic ials and prosec utors would tic put in writing and submitted for court approval later this week If a judge approves the deal all charges against Holmes and Cleveland will Ice dropped, she said Regional Bad days for two OSU fraternities (.‘OKVAI.US (AI’| The future of two Oregon State t'Diversity fraternities involved in a beer iiash a year ago that resulted in about fit) arrests likely will be de i ided next week by the Student Activities Committee The two fraternities. FarrnHouse and Phi Sigma Kappa, co-sponsored a party on Feb. 27. l‘)H8. at the FarrnHouse that was raided by police. About -45 people were cited for lieing minors in possession of alcohol and five officers of the FarrnHouse fraternity were ar rested for furnishing alcohol to minors The committee, which met Thursday to discuss the case, waited almost a year to dec ide the fate of the fra ternities involved to avoid prejudicing legal proceed ings against those arrested .it the party, said Melvin Ceorge. a fac ulty member and co-c hairman of the c om mittee The fraternities could face* penalties ranging from w ithdrawal of rec ognition. which would prohibit them from rec ruitmg members on the* Oregon State campus, to probation for a spec ific length ot time*. 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