Surprise postponement limits IFC agenda By Frale de Guzman Emerald Associate Editor The Incidental Fee Commit tee on Monday held its shortest meet inn of the year The Committee, after 30 min utes. allocated a total of $t>.H(>7 to two student group* before _IFC Review adjourning early in commemo ration of Martin Luther King Ir Day. Committee members unani mously allocated $2,?) 17 to Women in Transition, a 3 per cent increase from their pre vious year's budget of $2,822. In addition, they allocated a to Correction The photograph that accompanied I'ahad Alzarah's Streetwise ijuote in the |an D> edi lion of the Oregon Doily Kmerald was not of Alzarah. The Kmerald re grets any confusion this error itrav have i atised lal of $3,950 to Switch lx Mini. Info Line, increasing the group's budget by 2 percent from last year's budget of $3,870. "I know that this is a big in convenience." said I Ft: mem ber Tim Hughes to representa tives of four groups scheduled to present their budgets “Hut today is an Important symbolic day. and I don t think we should bo meeting on Mar tin Luther King Jr.'s birthday when his son (Martin Luther King llll is speaking about a mile away from here." he add ed. Hughes was referring to a speech given by King's son Monday evening at 8 p m in The Hult (.enter for the Per forming Arts in downtown Hu ge ne Despite the fervor of Hughes' appeal, individual committee members expressed reserva tions at the appropriateness of canceling a budget hearing on such short notice. "I understand that it's impor tant to recognize today as an important day but I also feel that it is inappropriate to have this many people show up at the meeting and then rail it off." said I PC Chairwoman I Lauren Norris Approximately 10 students showed up at the start of last night's I PC meeting, and repre sentatives from two groups Women in Transition and Switchboard Info Line — ex pressed strong reservations at rescheduling their budget hear ings Switchboard Info Line is a student ridesharing program operated by While Bird Clinic. "I had to arrange childcare support, work extra hours and come from out-of-town to make this hearing." said Julie Odell. White Bird Clinic information specialist. "I wish that I had known about this (possible meeting postponement) earli er." As a result. I PC members agreed to hear all groups that were "completely inconve nienced by not having their budgets heard tonight " Wom en in Transition and Switch board/Info Line were allowed to present their budgets and the meeting was then adjourned. SPJ holds general meeting today MEETINGS Society of Professional journalists has a general meeting today at 2:30 in Al len Room 307. Women in Communica tion. Inc. meets todav at 4 in _Et als EMU Cellar Rooms C and D. MKChA. the CTiica nol aline Student Union, has its weekly meeting to night at 5:30 in EMU Room 16D. Asklepiads meets tonight at t> in the EMU Maple Room The Student Campaign for Disarmament has its first general meeting of the term today in the EMU Hoard Room. Room 337 Contact SCI) at l>HI.-4_’4H Oregon Student Public In terest Research Croup has a general meeting tonight at 7 in EMI! Cedar Room E Students Against Apart heid has an organizational meeting tonight at 7 in EMU Cellar Room I) Campus Crusade for Christ's Prime Time meet* tonight at 7 27 in Chapman Room 207. MISCF.l.l.ANKOUS People interested in whale watches, people with ES CAPE t rodits and volunteers interested in working as guides should meet in the Survival Center. EMU Suite 1 at 12:30 today Free Macintosh orienta tion is todav at Computing Center Room 175) at 2:30 The orientation is available to all faculty, staff and stu dents and is for beginners. The Power Planning Council will present a slide show on efforts to restore Salmon and Steelhead runs in the Columbia Basin to night at 7:30 at Ida Patterson School. Jolt) \Y. 15th Ave as part of the Sierra Club program for |anuarv. Deadline for submitting Et als to the Emerald front desk. EMU Suite 300. is main the day before publit a lion. CLASSIFIEDS Visa and Mastercard gladly accepteit. 686-4343 rnimmt 122J f m 6 2 biondtitytad ha** igOib* look !«g ipr attractiv# blond wbd bat Cn**» pen 4#u*% ItMtf tanking «•«»t«»#* movi#% .oiloyball C#M David *>pm jo 11pm 343 99TB __ RALPH m<>* a«* we going to »#tita ibis'* There are two of m*' l**# arOuld be #•*•#» tt you narj a friend' Tell u* rno«o Mary 41 Year Old Man -r.. ig 'em ale M’ pal CaU.n Johnson 24770 Horn H.t f im.raOH 97437 POLICY If an e'fon to provide ou* readers adh the chan< *• to meet Wat someone ape Ciitt ac o i * * i you this edition to We classified page Ou> Lonely Hurtfts classification afp for indnndu ais only no couples etc Ad copy <* subfeoi to management «»vtew no last lumps (you may use fust initial} tele phone number* a/e acceptable You may describe yourself but you may not state you eant to meet someone ot a certain /ace religion or national o/igin Ail ads must be placed cash m advance and renewed tn person at We ODf mam of bee room 300 l MU We accept NO telephone advertise io^EBSONALS - A TO Thanks tor Saturday ni0fll you wild men* Heaven was ne**» to HOT ind Hptl AM neve* met coot We h«d « blast I ore Gemma Phi V V..' The Winta* BBO wit great became ol you* cheimthg company Thanks! ATO_ Ben Thank# to* the Pa*ty We had a great time A* Candy t» Sweet Flowers aren t cheap A HEART THROB You ugly neeep Danielle on you* birthday have a blast' But pleaie *»»at buy tome gat Happy 20th to the gut who #tam» he* diet coke tn 6 second* Love Renee A Pandora Ql How do you tail 13 500 people you need a tide to Port land7 A! With an ODE CLASSIFIED ADI 105 PERSONALS ! 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Trecy Rinehart i Temmy firenton CONGRATULATIONS!! ids PERSONALS - GREEKS ! «*!»! chance ' > border party picture! from fall term Do if now the nagatrves will be going to toe a»ch»ves WALLY GREEKS ' Jay s the lay lo order envelopes from last weekends WALLY HAVING A HARD TIME DESCRIBING YOURSELF ON PAPERS RESUME WRITING WORKSHOP Tixlay 2 30 4 00pm can help you get a jump on this im portent hob search toot Cali Career PianntnQ and Placement at X3235 or come by Room 12 HendricHa PROBLEMS? Telephone hotline 1 or U ol O ttudents *>pm to 8pm every night and all day weekend* Strictly confidential CRISIS CENTER 666 4488 no l.68f & FOUND FOUNO Black 6 brown puppy by U ot O Library Call 3*5 l?97________ LOST Teardrop ahaped { thy at pendant in silver setting may have Silver cham Sentimental value REWARD1 Laurel 485 9562 ml using Word Pei'ecl S 0 word Process mg Mm». 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