Sports fp rapplers Continued from Page 9 straight decisions to put the meet away: George Johns ton l>-2 over Trent Flack at 150 lbs.; Eric Messner 7-2 over Mike Murphy at 158 lbs ; Chris Jones 5-3 over lairry Koof at 107 lbs ; anil Curt Strahm 1 l -t> over Paul Hamilton at 177 lbs Fred King gave the Beavers their final points with a 10-8 major decision over Joe Rissone at Hit) lbs then Oregon’s James Knott scored a 17-5 major decision over Matt U'illhite in the heavyweight division to fin ish off the meet and the Heavers Most of the wrestlers and the 534 in attendant.*' were surprisingly subdued for a (.’n il War. hut Finley attributed that to the relative ease with whic h Oregon won the- meet "That was bee ause we pretty well dominated them." he said "As soon as you start scoring lots of points, it makes it not quite so exc iting " The Heaver*, who lost earlier in the day to Port land State 23- Hi in (iorvallis fell to 0-0- I. I) 1 -0 in the Pac-10 Finley said the fac t that Oregon State had wrestled earlier in the day had no effei t on the outc ome, other than possibly helping the Heavers fate ause they were already warmed up and ready to wrestle Thi' Ducks, ranked 22nd nationally in the latest coaches poll. Ret a break from competition until New Year's Kve. when they begin a string of one all-dav tournament and five dual meets in six days. The trip begins with the California State-Kullerton Tournament on !)e< .11. followed by Par.-10 duals at CS-Ful!erton on fan. 2. Fresno State on fan. t. CS-Bakersfield on fan 4 and Cal Polv-San Luis Obispo on |an 1 The mad trip ends with a tough dual against Okla homa. Jan. 5 at San Luis Obispo. Calit The Ducks return home )an. 9 for a Pac-10 dual against Boise State at 7 .10 p m. at Mat Court CLASSIFIEDS Visa and Mastercard gladly accepted. 686-4343 mmam I am *hy but cut*' ! !c> '«•<* po»s»t;;« MuM tx* ftingta Alt f0&£O*NMMI *iU twj 4n i««PO 80* 0000 Eug#«* ON ! 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