Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 08, 1988, Page 4, Image 19

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    U. NEWS
Don Bennett keyboards sacred text.
Bible On screen ... Don Bennett, a librarian al
Jacksonville Stale U.. Ala , has developed a computerized
Bible which shows text in English. Hebrew and Greek The
program defines words, draws maps, pronounces any word
and "if you gel divine revelation. you can enter your
own little say-so loo." Bennett said The program, called
Alethia-Amet after the Greek and Hebrew words for truth, is
the result of Bennett's study of original Bible languages
'The Bible is a public domain work and I almost feel like I
should give the program away It's (the program) not
copyrighted — if someone takes it and completes it. I'll sit
here smiling," he said ■ Editorial Staff, The
Chanticleer, Jacksonville State U., AL
Can You
Spare an
Twenty-five Phi Kap
pa Tau fraternity
brothers respond as
spectators chant,
“Stuff!” during a
Greek Week car
cramming event held
by Psi Upsilon at
Michigan State U.
Each house had two
minutes to fill a Yugo
with the doors closed
and stuffees jammed
in to the waist.
Is grade inflation caused
by better students or
lower grading standards?
Do you feel there is
grade inflation
at your school?
To give you an opportunity to express your opinions on important
campus issues that afTect your life, the AI&I STUDLNT OPINION
POLL will appear in each issue of
U. The National College Newspaper.
CALL 1-BOO-662-5511
Watch for the results of this month’s poll in U
YES 46% NO 54%
YES 90% NO 9%
Rape upsets frat reputations ... Philip
Verzosa, president ol Pi Kappa Alptia al U ol Southern
Florida (USF). has had to defend his fraternity's name lately
because ol two Pi Kappa Alpha members not associated
with USF who lace criminal charges in an alleged rape
ol a Florida State U student "It's unfortunate we (Pi Kappa
Alpha) have the same name One example will be used
to stereotype the whole system." Verzosa said ■Todd
Moore, Oracle, U. of South Florida
To pay Or not to pay . .. The federal government
has threatened the U ol Idaho (Ul) with a repayment bill ol
$203,468 because ol vague statements in student financial
aid guidelines issued 10 years ago federal otlicials say
lhal Ul and Washington Slate U are now the only schools
not to waver under pressure Irom the government "The
University of Idaho is not about to lay down on this one like
other schools." said Terry Armstrong. Ul director ol student
services Ul officials say that the school should not have tu
repay the ditference bkause students and financial aid
officers misunderstood wtial information the government
wanted ■ Stacy Burr, Argonaut, U. of Idaho
Homeless get half-million ... An innovative
multi service center lor the homeless will open this tall in
South Bend, Ind , because ot the eltorls ol the Council ol
Providers ol Services to the Homeless (COPOSH), and a
hall million dollars Irom Ihe 0 ol Nolle Dame Uavid I
Link, dean ol Ihe law school and COPOSH member, said
Ihe purpose ol Ihe lacilily "is nol |usl to shelter Ihe
homeless, but lo help people move iroin Ihe homeless
condition back into society" Along will) a library, televi
sion, sleeping and eating areas, Ihe shelter will provide
alcohol and drug counseling, child care arid menial and
medical health care Ihomas Mason, vice president lor
Business Allans, said, "The lop reason Ihe university
became involved iri this project is Ihe number ol students
thal have been active in serving Ihe homeless in the past"
Mason said lhal Ihe university will maintain Ihe silc as it
does any other university building ■ Kelley Tuthill,
The Observer, U. of Notre Dame, IN
The grapes Of wrath . . . Loyola IJ, La s dining
services joined nationwide grape boycotts when they
announced that campus restaurants would no longer serve
or purchase California table grapes the United farm
Workers (Uf W) have been boycotting grapes lor lour years,
claiming the pesticides used on grapes are known carci
nogens and are routinely sprayed on held workers Bill
Temmink, director ol Loyola's Institute lor Human Hela
lions, requested that Marriott Corporation, which supplies
the University's dining services, boycott California grapes
when he heard lhal Uf W's leader, Cesar Chaver, had to
cancel a visit to Loyola U because he was loo weak Irom
his hunger strike. Prior lo Marriott's boycott announce
menl. Temmink said, "For them lo support this would be
highly uncharacteristic" ■ Hank Steuver, The Mu
roon, Ixiyoia IT., iJk
Student sues for harassment ... a u of
Massachusetts, Amherst student who says she was haras
sed by Physical Education Prolessor Maurice Brosky has
tiled a lawsuit against the university The suil claims Wendy
Marshall was landed a note Itom Prolessor Brosky on
I ebtuary 10. 198/, which began. Dear little girl to rny lull
." and concluded. "In the event you wanna me
around call 55b 5555 Or drop by Hie pad I'll be lire one
the psychedelic (SIC) underwear the suit alleges Bin ky
handed Marslall this note during class and lold hei in
come lo his ollice alter she read it Marshall liled a
complaint with the Allnnalive Action Othcc the Afjni 1
hearing delermined campus sexual larassmenl pot ■
had treen violated, and sent Brosky a letter ol concur i
Carol Booth. Marshall s lawyer said Ihe letter was
sullicienl redress tor her (Marshall)" Booth said that
Marshall is seeking $25,000 in damages against Brosky
and $35,000 (rom the university ■ (ieorite Krurn \
MaHsachusettH Ihuly ( oln II of Mo
Hachu.Hfl tn. Amherst
Tuition refunds on the way ... Northern
Michigan U '$ Board ol Control recently met to chanqr
April's 14 6 percent tuition rise to 9 9 percent in support >
Gov James Blanchard’s wish to keep tuition low in Mu t
gan President James Appleberry raid tie wants to tv
processing student refunds even though the tuition
crease has not been lotrnallyappioved Donna Peane .
president ol student allairs said, A quick response h.
university will also help students wtio are Imali/ini)
financial aid packages Appleberry said Ihe decision a
9 9 percent increase will create a delicil lor No:
Michigan It ■ Mark laimkirm, The North VV
Northern Michigan IJ
"Adopt-A-College” sparks interest
U ol Nebraska. Lincoln (UNI) may have a Inline
because ol a program called Adopt A College wt
started at Edenvale School in San Jose. Calil. to eti"
elementary students to attend college Joshua (
sixth grader at Edenvale. said that adopting UN1
learning about it has made him want to attend Ihe in
ty Bob Bruce, director ol university information a'
decided to participate in Adopt A College alter lie re
a lettei about it "Anytime you make an investment in y
it’s a good investment Being a parent. I see •
somelimes others can have a bigger influence on y
people lhari parents." Bruce said UNI provided Carte
a university sweatshirt and Bruce wrote Carter several
about things going ori at UNI Carter said ol UNI "I
the college I want to go to, but my Mom thinks it s I'
away" Carter's sweatshirt will be passed on to
student next year to begin Ihe program again ■ Viet
Ayotte, Daily Nebraskan, U of Nobr
Term paper ads axed ... No longer win «
Student, red eyed and leeble at ttie end ol the semesii be
able lo tind an ad lor a finished term paper in U ol Ni u.
Reno's Sagebrush rtns Is primarily because Cm ,,al
Justice Prolessor Ken Braunslein threatened legal. <>n
because selling term papers is against Nevada law 'I (j
happens again I'm going lo notify the attorney gen J.
Braunsteiri said the ad that ran read, "RESEARCH 'AF
ERS/16,2/8 lo choose from all subjects/ ’’ S 160
rush edilor Geoff Scburnaker said. "I thought runnii ft*
ad was an ethical question, not a legal one When
lound out it was a legal problem, we pulled Ihe ad )jr'
Arnold, a spokesman lor Ihe company that sell'. ,(,Tj
papers said, "The intent is not fo cheat We are a library ol
information " ■ Doug Oakley, Sant-brush, t of
Nevada, Keno