Greek & Indian Food 992 WIlkUTMlt* • 343-9661 Savory, Authentic Greek & Indian cuisine at low prices Sunday Night Only Serving the Original Poppi's Menu Owned by Poppi of Poppi's Restaurant International Photos found MILAN. Italy (AP) — An inves tigator said Monday that an American group may have been the intended recipient of photo graphs of U.S. hostages found in the suitcase of a Lebanese airline passenger. Photographs of American hostages Terry Anderson and Alann Steen, along with a letter bearing Steen’s name and a third photo, were found last Thursday in the luggage of a woman passenger from Beirut at Milan's Linate airport. Police said the Lebanese woman, who was arrested, was to deliver the photos and docu ments to Aldo Anghessa, an Italian arms trader with known links to the Italian and Swiss secret services. “We know the group that 1 SAVE 1 I s A V ( EUGENE 60 AUTOBODY Expert Unibody Repair REBATE 10% off Labor Costs on first $1,000 of charges! Affordable Excellence /V 5 offer good Sept. 1988 - June 1989 not valid with any other offer 1060 W. First 485-3368 guaranteed in writing KPNW Duck Sponsor! s A V E SAVE. _World View— shipped them (documents and pictures) and we identified the man who delivered the material to the Lebanese woman," said Achilla Serra, head of Milan's anti-terrorist police. “Anghessa acted as a go-be tween between the two groups," he added. Later Monday Serra said he had not suggested the U.S. gov ernment was to receive the pic tures and documents, and in sisted he had been speculating earlier. National Soviets join effort BARROW, Alaska (AP) - Two Soviet icebreakers steamed to ward U.S. waters to join the drive to save two stranded whales Monday, while rescuers at the scene focused on a huge ice ridge blocking the mam mals’ path to open water. Rescuers who have hacked a string of about 60 breathing holes in the ice in the direction of the nearest channel of open water were having little luck in coaxing the whales to follow them over a shallow shoal blocking their path. The California gray whales must get over the shoal and through the ice ridge to reach an open lead, or pathway, through the ice. The nearest completely open water is 200 miles away in the Chukchi Sea. North not warned WASHINGTON (AP) — Oliver L. North's claim that he wasn't warned that lying to Congress would result in criminal prose cution shows a "shocking and cynical" view of American government, Iran-Contra prose cutors said Monday. The former presidential aide's argument that he cannot be prosecuted for making false statements about aiding Nicara guan rebels is "incompatible with the aspirations of our sys tem of government and. we be lieve. inconsistent with any but the most jaundiced view of tho realities of politics and govern ment," prosecutors said in a re ply to defense motions. Independent counsel l,aw rence E. Walsh, meanwhile, consented to the dismissal of one of the 16 counts against North. Regional UFO spotted BEAVERTON (AP) - Authori ties received several reports late Sunday of an unidentified flying object over Washington County. A state police dispatcher, who refused to give his name, said a Washington County sher iff's deputy and three citizens reported swing a bright object moving swiftly and leaving a white smoke trail. They said the object appeared to be about 50 feet to 100 feet above the ground and appeared to travel from the St. Vincent Hospital area to U.S. 26. Washington County sheriff’s spokeswoman Sherre Calouri said she had no information about a deputy sighting a UFO. However, she said a citizen reported to the sheriff's depart ment at 11:09 p.m. Sunday that a football-sized object appeared to be coming down in flames over the county. With Howl-A-Grams in the ' t ODE! ONLY $3°° FOR 3 LINES—15 words Additional lines at regular prices Treat your friends to our special howl-o-ween art published in autumn orange for $1.50. 1 2. 3 4. ALL ADS RUN OCTOBER 31st!! J DEADLINE: 1 pm FRIDAY OCTOBER 28 You may place your ads at: UO Bookstore • EMU Main Desk 300 EMU _____