CLASSIFIEDS Opportunities OVERSEAS JOSS. Summer, yr round Europe. S Amtr. Australia. Asia All fields 1900 2000 mo Sightseeing Free info Write IJC P O Bo* 52OR03 Cor one Del Mar CA 92625 3-7 WE WANT TO HELP YOU find • position as a full time nanny We offer you a choice of families •Paid airfare •Paid vacation •Room plus board plus good salary Call Kim at 343 2271 Nanny Connec Hons, Inc __ __ 212 'spring internships Exciting spring Internships with Career Development Internship Program Op portumties in marketing writing, pro gram development and sales Available to Jr/$r with major/mmor in the Col lege of Arts and Sciences Read pos» lion descriptions in 22t Hendricks Hall and attend orientation meeting February 15.4pm. Rm 12 Hendricks Han to sign up_ 2 11 POSITION OPEN FOR STU0ENT SENATE Seat <6 Poll Sci / Religion / History / International Stud es Asian Studies / American Studies / Geography Work Study or stipend available suite EMU Deadline for ap plicaitons 5 00pm Mon Feb 15th ASUO is an Equal Opportunity/Affir malive Action employer215 BE A BETTER STUDENT/ personalized tapes for developing confidence con centration. study skills, increase learn mg ability and motivation Enid Leonard Certified Hypnotherapist 345-9367 HF 2_:_2_6 OWN YOUR OWN shoe store Offering over 300 top designer name brands and over 2000 styles at unbelievable reta»i prices of $6 75 and up All first quality merchan dise ’Andrew Gelier *Evao Picone ‘Naturalizer ’Liz Claiborne *Reebok ‘Stride Rite ‘Bandolino ‘Amalfi *9 West ’Gloria Vanderbilt and many more Your $ cash investment of $12.900 00 to 39.900 00 includes begin nmg inventory, training and fixtures Call now for Easter opening Prestige Fashions t 800-247 9127 2 11 Help Wanted OANCERS WANTED FOR JIGGLES TAVERN. Oregon's nicest first class club High earnings potential Full or part time 18 years plus Call Jim or Melody for personal Interview 2165 W 11th 344-689 7 9656:tfn EXPERIENCED BARTENDER NEEDED. Black Forest Tavern part time to start CNI Jilt. 344-0818.2-12 RECEPTIONISTfor Bankruptcy CMnic Half time Must be able to speak one foreign language Send resume to 362 HWY 99 N. Eugene. OR 97402 ttn CALLIGRAPHY INSTRUCTOR wanted Call EMU Craft Center 686 4361 or stop by ground floor EMU211 INSTRUCTORS & RESIDENT COUNSELORS for U Of O Upward Bound Program summer session June 19 Aug 14, 1988 Job descriptions & applicaitons available at Upward Bound. 1859 E 15th, Eugene. OR 97403 DEADLINE: March 8 1988 Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer Minorities and women encouraged to « s 0 Have you heard7 THe Office of Student Development is seeking 16 students to be the official hosts to incoming students and their parents July 16-30 and Sept 16-23. 1988 Earn two prac ticum credits this Spring, and $600 this summer while gaining valuable leader ship and communication skills Ap plications and |Ob descriptions are available in 364 Oregon Hall and are due by 5:00pm Monday, Feb 15 2-12 WORK FOR STUDENT SENATE (work-study only) Grievance and In formation Booth Assistant Outgoin personality $4 50 per hour A chance to help other students help themselves! Apply at ASUO Equal Opportunlfy/Af firmotive Action Employer. _2-15 ASSISTANT DIRECTORSHIP AVAILABLE Innovative Ed is now accepting apphca tions for the position of Assistant Director starling Spring quarter Find out how to use your leadership, organizational and promotional skills in running an important ASUO program Must be ready to make a commitment to the program through June of the the 88 89 academic year Stipend available For more information call 686 4305 or stop by our office in EMU M110 Ap plication deadline February 19th An Af firmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer2-15 Help Wanted SUM UP YOUR SUMMER PLANS NOW be a UO SUMMER CONFERENCE ASSISTANT Announcing eight summer-long Con ference Assistant positions w»th University Housing Conference Ser vices Earn room, board St06-135 per week and valuable job experience Duties Assistance with workshops, catered events, and resident con ferences and youth camps Re quirements strong interest and ex penance working with groups, ability to relate welt with wide variety of peo pie. ability to work well under pressure and during long, irregular hours of service broad knowledge of the UO and Eugene/Springfield com munity Residence Hall experience recommended 10 and 14 week post tions available Application and mfor nation University Housing Con ference Services. 101 Douglass Hail in Walton Complex 686 4265 Ap plication deadline Feb 19 1968 IT'S THE SMART THING TO DO. University Housing is an equal oppor tunity affirmative action employer LOOKING FOR SOMEONE CUTE TO SLEEP WITH? Check our PETS section for that cuddly companion' Roommates COOL HOUSE COOL PEOPLE *oomate wanted for 3-bedroom house it 1883 Mill $166/mo A 1/3 utilities Sail Chuck or Laura at 484 7228 2-12* MALE ROOMMATE in w/2 Christians thru June 344-5679 _2-12 ROOM FOR RENT Non smoker, no more pets, deposit l25mo & ?) utilities 686-6259 ask for Sheralyn _ M2 ROOMATE WANTEO Female or male Great neat place across street Blackstone Manor 1750 Alder Pop in Leave meaaage 686-4021 JL_2-11 Campbell Club has room tor 0R6 Ifllltl student Will pro rate fees Brop by or ph 683 3453 Ask for Steve Martin HM For Rent SPACIOUS. Airy 2 bdrm Wooden Moors lireplace. leundry 1395/mo 485-2014 mornings 2 11 Nice 1 bdrm furnished apt 1V* blocks oil campus Ine*pensive rani 485-4202 or 343-8238 £12 1 w 4th Apts. Hillside living at it's Dost Ona bedroom units availabis from 8305 Manager 688 1177 Bennetl Manage ment Co 1143 Oak Realtors 4856991 _3J5 CLEAN. QUIET 1 bdr closa lo Campus 1414 E 1»l»l. call 3443277£12 S1UDIO APARTMENT in historical building on High Street Suilabla as of Ilea apaca, artist atudio. or horn# away from homa $130 Avallabla Immediately References 887 2380 2 15 VERY NICE RESIDENCE tor group, lots of plumbing, leundry, close to campus, long term leaae, 343-1255_2-17 For Rent GREYSTONE 211 Brlarcllll Avenue Newly remodeled two Bedroom townhouses New appliances, new carpet, new paint Muet eee to ap preciate' 2 vy blocks to Skinner s Butte bike path Now eccephng applications $289 Call 461 7116 Jennings e Co 683-4219 229 BEAUTIFUL < bdrm. 1 bath Ideal tor two people Fully carpeted, oak cabmets. patio door south windows Very close to campus with parking All the amenities tor $3S0rmo Call , 3436629 __2-12* Quads KAMPUS QUADS V» Block from campus Frae utilities. Sl79n be presenting a slide snow about his life in he mountains of Europe. Alaska. Pakistan. Peru India and Nepal The event will take place on Monday Feb 15 at 7 30 pm in 177 Lawrence It is sponaoredi)y the Outdoor Program and is free: Call M6 4365 tor inlor matiow.2 15* Just Gets Better With Time Valentine’s Day Semi-Formal Dance Feb. 13th 7:30pm • 12:30am EMU BALLROOM A special price for special people $3 Single or Bring a sweet and get a treat at EMU MAIN DESK and B.S.U. Office Sponsor Black Student Union 2 12* Events r Congratulations! COLLEGE BOWL FINALISTS Lunatic Fringe Eggs with Legs Merciless Ice Weasels 3 X’s ♦ O Pre-Winners Wilcox I The Internationals Lowe Rhino GOOD LUCK IN THE FINALS! WED FEB 10 6:30 EMU, GUMWOOD SYMPOSIUM LECTURE THEME CENTRAL AMERICA: ANOTHER VIETNAM — WE ARE INVOLVED! WED FEB 17 4 PM RM 167 EMU EDUCATION & JUSTICE IN EL SALVADOR EXPERIENCES IN EL SALVADOR (slide presentations) SPEAKERS: RANDY MACDONALD MARTIN GONZALEZ, AFCS DIRECTOR JUAN MENDOZA. VIETNAM VETERAN Sponsored by MEChA (Chicano/Latino student Union) Call 666 3SO* or come by RM 16 D EMU UO/UES SISTER UNIVERSITY PROJECT STOP BY SUITE 1. EMU 666 3164 FREE ADMISSION 2 16 RECYCLE THIS PAPER Food & Drink Be tweet to your valentine with a heart shaped cake Irom Fall Creek Bakery — amaretto or chocolate Available now! •Et'GENE'S FALL CREEK BAKERY jwwwwwwwmwm Food & Drink Tonight 25* Gourmet Hot Dogs Musk by Eagla Part Slim 19th 4 Ag«t# 1461 V» E 19th Entertainment J. COLE’S TONIGHT ONLY THE SOULSATIONS DANCE TO MISSION DISTRICT TONIGHT AT MAX’S t Jth & Pa»tet%on j Jiggles Tavern Amateur Night Swimsuit Contest EVERY TUESDAY 8 PM $150 1st Prize $75 2nd Prize $50 3rd Prize $25 4th Prize GRAND PRIZE TRIP TO HAWAII Oil lor dolllll 3446897 UNIVERSITY PLAYERS PRESENT TRIPLET Feb. 11, 12, 13 at 5:00pm Pocket Theatre Villard Hall [ _ _ 2\2‘ FOLLOW YOUR HEART to the Mtllcamp for a Valentine Lingerie Fashion show tonight 10PM DOOR PRIZES Ladies Free Gents S2 747 8480 2 11 THE GAY AND LESBIAN ALLIANCE (COROIALLY INVITES YOU TO A) VALENTINE’S DAY DANCE WHEN Sel Feb 13th - 8pm midnight WHERE leurelwood Goll Course ADMISSION S3 00 Live D J Refreshment* will be sold Need e ride? Cell us it 688 3360 Entertainment Forttgn S«ud#nl Organization Praaants KWAtDA^ POST WAR JAPANESE FILM RETROSPECTIVE 2 Omnibus film of 4 Japanese tradi (tonal ghost stories based on laf c a cl to Hearn tales Director Kobayaahi's incredibly beautiful art *ork won the Jury Prize at Cannes cilm Festival 1904 SAT FEB 13 6:30 & 9:45 180 PLC $2 WIN A FREE TRIP TO HOUYWOOO' listen lo MAM tS ) FM 102 1 FM 01 slop by me BIJOU lot delwli1 ■ III Twin Cinemas 492 E 13th 686-2458 FINAL WEEK! Sun Thurs 6 30 A 8:45 Frt Sat 7:00 A 9 15 CUORY In his brilliantly evocative and warm ly comic reminiscence of a boy's life during the Blit/ - Sheila Benson. I A Times IEAN de FLORETTE FINAL SHOWS TONIGHT! Yves Montand in a brilliant portrayal ot a crafty Provencal peasant deter mined to acquire an adjacent proper ty for his only relative by driving out the new owner, a hunchbacked urban bookkeeper (Gerard Depardieu) ■— Judy Stone. SF Examiner Tonight 6 45 * 9:00 STUDENTS W/I.O S3.50 *|£ay_ ■SIARlS/eiDAY. | JtAN b oIUnT LUNKNUtb... j KIJOl! LATI MIGHT FINAL SHOW TONIGHT! Tonight 11:30 Adm $2 50 FINAL SHOW TONIGHT! Tonight uao *dm. M.50 STARTS FRIDAY Dudley Moor* - Kirk Cameron LIKE FATHER, LIKE SON Moll Dillon • Diana Lana THE BIG TOWN Lale Night Adm. Frl Set S3 Sun Thurt $2 50 I vs | VMII [nBiiiiT't'?'L lit! NEW DINNER ' SPECIAL 6 inch sandwich & Bowl of Soup or green salad for ONLY s2" t 1 good from 4 (X)pm til f f f \ \ 8 00pm SAM’S TO GO CORNER OF ALDER & 12th 343-1141 FREE Movie > with rental of 1 I movie of equal I value VCR & 2 Movies $6.95 Free Delivery I 1888 FRANKLIN BLVD. ■ Glvs Us A Call I 342-4072 I | Valid Wed & Thurs Only | I-COUPON-' BLOOM COUNTY t ■ i r— i r by Berke Breathed -11-.... ——i we couw use a umt 9UXP LUST CMW Ltrs 60 ON me UV) 60 Offensive wire an me ^ X.' BmN3vc*e*s Of 10 . TOO TOO WOHY KUP THMW NtPW HIP f*OM» ' !£Ti I KlPt PHKX.fi5 ON FWUC rnirnr