Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 05, 1988, Page 2, Image 2

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Transfer agreements
should be finished
Chemeketa Community College is the latest of the
state's 15 community colleges to reach an agreement with
the University regarding transfer students. This achieve
ment is thanks to a largely successful campaign to reach ac
cords regarding the transfer of credits with the junior col
leges by University Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Paul
Now, only four campuses remain without formal
agreements. One of those, oddly enough, is Lane Communi
ty College, but students planning on transferring credits
from crosstown over to the University needn’t worry.
Holbo says that Lane and the University have a "close
working relationship that makes an agreement un
necessary.” Classes offered at the community college are
clearly labeled by sequence numbers as to whether or not
they are eligible for credit transfer. Advisors and counselors
from both schools try to maintain contact.
Students who are troubled by the prospect of transferr
ing between the two schools should work closely with their
counseling resources to insure that there are no difficulties.
The agreements are to clarify the working relationships
between the schools and to make clear to students,
counselors and advisors what progress students have made
toward a bachelor's degree when they transfer to the Univer
sity. When these are finally in place with all of the state's
schools, they will certainly eliminate a lot of anguish and
confusion for incoming students.
Time for states to bring
Confederate flags down
The Stars and Bars still fly over four state capitols of the
Old South, despite the passage of 123 years since the Civil
War and the rightful efforts of black leaders to bring it down.
Last Tuesday, 12 blacks were arrested in Montgomery.
Ala., for trying to rip down a Confederate flag atop the
capitol dome. One of those arrested was Thomas Reed, state
representative and president of Alabama’s NAACP chapter.
The protestors were greeted by state police, acting on
orders from Gov. Guy Hunt. The Alabama Legislature is
about to decide whether the anachronism should remain,
and Hunt has promised that no one will remove any flags
until then. Hunt believes the flag is an important historical
symbol and has no racial overtones, he has said.
Reed contends that the rebel flag and its history is offen
sive to blacks, and should be removed. There is also a Con
federate flag over South Carolina's seat of government, and
the design is an important part of the pennants of Georgia
and Mississippi.
Hunt and Reed are, to a degree, correct. It is hard for
most Yankees to appreciate the seriousness with which
Southerners regard their culture and heritage; theirs is a
history with commendable acheivements and extreme
darkness. The decision to embrace or reject such a heritage
is a personal one; however, the state has no business
displaying a symbol that is understandably hateful to such a
large portion of its constituents.
perce Acnvisrs wh... ,
The real issue
This is a response to the law
students' group letter
(Sidetracked. ODE, Jan. 28).
The real issue is not the oc
cupied Arab lands (the Sinai,
the Golan Heights, the West
Bank, and the Gaza Strip); these
conflicts evolved as a result of
the creation of Israel in 1948 by
the Zionists (European settlers)
over a land that used to be
known as Palestine. The real
issue then is a stolen Palestinian
homeland, and here I am. as the
group requested, discussing a
way out.
Unfortunately, the Zionists
are not willing to listen, but
here it is:
1) Israel should allow all the
Palestinians who left the Holy
!.and out of fear or by force to
return to their homes, whether
in the West Hank, the Gaza Strip
or Israel (the rest of Palestine).
2) The Holy Land should not
be considered a Jewish
homeland only; it is a homeland
for all those who live in it.
whether they are Jews, Muslims
or Christians.
3) The idea of gathering all
the Jews of the world to live in
the Holy Land should be stop
ped. It should be remembered
that the Holy Land is also holy
for Muslims and Christians.
4) The immigration laws that
discriminate against non-Jews
Oregon Daily
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should be abolished.
5) The non-Palestinian Jews
(Jewish settlers) who already
immigrated from Europe and
elsewhere should have the right
to live side by side with the
Palestinians in the Holy I .and
for humanitarian reasons, pro
vided they respect the dominant
culture and language of the
Middle East (the Arabic
language and culture). We shall
accept them in our culture as we
did throughout our history, and
they shall be welcome to live
with us in the Middle East, pro
vided they abandon Zionism
and its nonsensical goal of turn
ing the Holy I.and into a huge
Jewish ghetto.
Fahad S. Al./.arah
International studies
Whoever spray painted "no
Contra aid" all over campus
"Contra-dicked" himself. To ef
fectively motivate people to
speak up in opposition to the
proposed aid, this must become
an emotional issue. Seeing stuff
like this even alienates people
who strongly believe Ronald
Reagan's intentions border on
It would appear that there are
jerks on both sides of the fence.
Allan Steinberry
Save society
January 22 was the 15th an
niversary of the Supreme Court
ruling that gave women the
right to abort their children at
any time during pregnancy. The
effects of that decision have
been felt by us all. While 22
million innocent victims have
paid the ultimate price with
their lives, society as a whole
has paid as well.
With talk of. "unwanted
children" and how they should
be disposed of, we have seen
the rise of a new generation of
young people. These childern
have been taught that the shed
ding of innocent blood should
not stand in the way of self
gratification. Avoiding respon
siblltv for one's actions has
gone from being reprehensible
to being respectable in little
over a decade.
We beard talk of eliminating
child abuse by “making every
child a wanted child." What vve
got was a ballooning child
abuse rate, hardly a surprising
by-product of a policy of
violence toward our young.
Life, once sacred in itself,
now gainssWorth only through
the assessment of others. Un
wanted equals worthless. We
have become faced with the in
evitable as each year many han
dicapped infants are legally
allowed to to die through the
withholding of medical
The American Medical
Association has taken the next
step by ruling that food and
water are now considered
‘‘medical treatments.” A chill
ing message is sent to the han
dicapped among us. The elderly
are surely next.
It is time to change the violent
path we have taken. While it is
too late for 22 million, our
society must be saved.
Jeff Hoyt
Senior, accounting
Forego ads
Craig Harris is probably sick
to death of the morality of dance
titles. Nevertheless. ..
"Friends and Ixivers" is the
latest title I’ve seen. Certainly
neither suggestive nor lude as
was the "One Night Stand,” the
“Friends and Lovers” dance is
Guys and girls will be wear
ing suits and dresses rather than
togas, and dancers will be hand
ed refreshments rather than
It seems at least some
organizers are willing to forego
advertising that suggests the
average student is a sexually
promiscuous love machine and
instead promote advertising
that refers to a student's sense of
good taste'.
Sean Rose