ageless fun with TOYS Toys remain popular today for kids of all ages and sizes By Traci Bradley Emerald Contributor Christm.iv A time of celebration — a time we Hope for those things we would never buy for ourselves. For adult-., that may lx- toys and games. Of course, we would never buy a toy or a game for ourselves, but if we receive one for C hristmas, we keep it by justifying that that is what Christmas is all about. There are many toys for adults available this year. A range of board games, VCR games and sports items are among the options. Nobody should have to settle tor the traditional tic from Aunt Mar tha or the knitted sinks, one of whiih is always two sires bigger than the other. I his is the year of toys for everyone. Games for sports enthusiasts arc abundant, even for couch potatoes. For example, there is a glow in the dark jump rope, for •. .. . anyone who has the urge to jump rope during power failures. Those who skipped class in grade school tan read the instruction hcx>k that comes with it. For the football player with butterfingers, a Sticky Fingers velcro football with self-sticking gloves could lx- the solution. VCRs arc no longer to he watched, but to lx- interacted with. Wheel of Fortune has a video version. If you ever had the urge to he a contestant on the show, hut were tcx> nervous, now you can play with Vanna and Chuck. For the weekend athlete who dreams of playing professionally, the video cassette, “College Football Ac - non," can make his dream more of a reality. "Enjoy hours of fast paced college football action. Board games are still the most popular, though, according to a Eugene 1 oys R l Is employee. A great game for economics and business majors is Anti Monopoly II. It poses the small business competitors against the monopolists. Who needs Small Business Management M1 when this game is much more enter taining’ "This land is yours ver sus Mine, Mine, Mine." The most popular board game, according to both customers and employees, is Pic tionary. Pictionary is like charades, but on paper. Instead of acting, partners sketch clues for each other. Pictionary has 2,500 words in five color-coded categories; Pcr son/Place/Animal, Object, Ac tion, Difficult, and All Play. If a toy that will disgust others is desired, Oscar Eye-Rot is the answer. Oscar is a foot-long eye; when squeezed alien blood flows from it. Now millions of little kids can terrorize their ptxsr, in nocent mothers. Stress Wham-it may be the best gift for stress relief. It is a miniature version of the old punching dolls. It also comes complete with instructions. First, inflate Wham-it. Second, position Wham-it. Third, assume proper mental state. Fourth, proceed to cent stress on Wham-it. Finally, experience relief and sense of accomplish ment. Wham-it can lx- punched, put through pa;x-r shredders, stabbed with letter openers, drowned, or run over with a car. There is no end to the stress relief that one can achieve with this toy. Reasons to interface with Wham it are supplied as well. Personal reasons include IRS audit, roommate takes last roll of toilet paper, mother-in-law moves in, or your 10-page term paper is due tommorrow and you haven’t started. Social political reasons could be freeway traffic, your date stands STUDENT LOANS AVAILABLE NOW! • Full GSL’s for students attending half-time or more. • $833.00 Minimum • No appointment necessary • No account necessary • First order of “Banner Checks” to all student loan recipients. • 2 to 4 week processing time («pProx) Pacific First Federal Mass Service HOURS-M-TH 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; FRI. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Downtown, 342-1781; Valley River Center, 342-1800; Springfield, 746-9675 KJMI vmiwn Pacific First Federal Savings Bank, Member FSLIC. _ _ Photo by Jim Scufcrt I Iii'm- to\> .ire for everyone, including both the big kt J> and the little ones. you up, again, a nuclear power plant is built next to your house or the stock market crashes. Business reasons could lx- your partner just left for South America — permanently, you've bounced checks or you’re faced with gross in competence of co-workers. With all these and many more options to choose from, nobody should be left without a toy this year. Liven a toy for old Uncle Fred can be found. Out with ties and socks, in with toys and games. LETTER PERFECT Suite 300 EMI' ODE Offices 10:00-100 ME 086 5511 Get Personal! This Christmas give personalized stationery from LETTER PERFECT GRAPHICS to someone on your shopping list. For Only s 15.00