Nuke free task force agrees upon two versions during final meeting By Stephen Maher Emerald Associate Editor The Eugene Nucleur Free Zone Task Force decided Friday to forward two versions of the nuclear free zone ordinance to the Eugene City Council. The two versions include the so-called "minimally revised version" proposed by five members of the task force in ear ly October, and one proposed by Councilman Rob Bennett on Friday. Two earlier versions that caused an uproar in September and that led to the creation of the minimally revised version were discarded by task force members at the meeting. The public outcry, which peaked at a Oct. 19 task force hearing, played a major part in the task force's decision to discard the two earlier versions, said task force member David Zupan. "It was a rather dramatic tur naround," Zupan added. TAN as low as $2 / VISIT Wolf! System air conditioned Fast Reining Affordable Convenient SunShowcr on campus eiiW'iM! im Upslaftt I>T KlAtO I Graak GYROS Sandwich $2.25 I Soaaonad baal on Itol pi it broad. L rad onkmi, N$h tomatoes. i««ly yogurt muc« STUrr IT CATCHY *1219 Ald#f 40* V»iu« The minimally revised ver sion is considered similar to the original ordinance. It would ban the manufacture of “Star Wars” defensive systems and would allow for a seven member Nuclear Free Zone Board to be elected by Eugene voters, both aspects of the original ordinance It unanimously was approved by task force members on Friday. The Bennett version, approv ed by a 7-4 vote on Friday, is similar to one of the two discarded versions. It would allow the manufacture of defen sive systems and delivery systems in Eugene, and would create a nine-member board to be appointed by the City Council. Although Zupan believes the City Council prefers an ap pointed board rather than an elected one. “the critical thing is the scope of the ordinance." he said. The original ordinance pass ed with 58 percent of the vote in the November 198ti general HALLEY'S COMET ALLAfirt BROS. COfFCC 40$ (Bor ) 50$ (12m ) rnee Matt a Halt Across from th* UO BooKstor* Overhead Transparencies 65$ Across from DO Bookstore KRAZY KATS copies Luggage SALE Special Purchase 50% OF UP TO ,• Limited to stock on hand yo !3#» * Kmcnd M F SAT 10 0GS00 M4-4331 election. The City Council then appointed a 13-member task force in January 1987 to redraft the ordinance and clarify legal issues The task force, however, re mained divided during the en suing months about the defini tions and scope of the ordinance. The City Council is expected to take up the matter at u Dec. 7 work session There remains the possibility that the City Council may decide to submit both ver sions to voters so they can decide which one they prefer. Hut Zupan believes such action would be a mistake "It does seem questionable to put this back on the ballot," he said. "So much ground work has gone into it let’s get on with it." "They (the City Council) don’t want to have to make a tough decision themselves." added Steve Johnson, another task force meml>er -UO-Bookstore Another BOOK SALE of the Year Book gems, lots of them, on SALE, $1.98 and up. Hug* ••Melton on th* MAIN FLOOR ■ *■ * IJC JM HOOHSfOftl -UO-Bookstore— ARCHITECTURE BOOKS 20% OFF This Week ' r * ORAW . y. Buildings r and •r'V' - Cityscapss ;i' Hsns Schwari W