CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT OOE OHM*. 300 EMU UO Bookstore Stomp Count** EMU Stoto (tosh PAYMENT AH ad* mwi ba paid for in advance unlaaa a tailing arrangement ha* Mu attabtishad For tuning ar tangamanit, p*aa»a call (M Oil of Mo’e^u"** c‘***‘l‘*'1 o"k» AATIA: 17 cant* pat word lof th* tlrei day and U cant* p*f word lot con tacutiv* day* ma ad it run without chang* Tan war* mUrlatem chare* I* *17* tar the Aral Maarttan and 11 *0 tar con *** 0-POINT tttnmci 12POINT (It JSrtina) 18 POINT (It Mdlnat 24 POINT (It Twin*) BOX BORDER St.SOMtey Art (from our s*toctton)S1 50Atoy DISPLAY CLASSIFIED OPEN MATE: SS.AMrtch BIRTHDAY, BEAT: 2S« DEADLINES LINE AOS 100 PM Ih* day batof* publication DISPLAY CLASSIFIED ADS 100 PM two day* balora publication Th* Oregon Dairy Emerald it pubitch ad Monday through Friday during th* acadamtc year iSaptambar Junai and Tuaeday and Thursday during cummar tattion uuna Auguttl ERRORS Th* Oregon Daily Emaraid cannot b* recpontibl* lor more than ona day * incorrect adyaritaing insertion Th* OOE* liability lor typographical *r rorc incorrect tniarltont. or omitttont •n adnarltsing publishad than b* limited vilely to the cancellation or charge* concerning that portion of tpac* ret lac ting th* error Error* not the fault of Ih* adnamtar which lattan th* value ol the advert it* mant will b* adtutted Errar* retailing from unclear mtertian order or hand writing wlH not b* cempantatad PERSONALS DYMENT 3rd FLOOR YOU GUYS R SO COOL tor a £'•*! ym I'v# had an awaaoma lima LOVE YA THE SRI LANKAN DINORIO I mean Ingncl Glad you I* slicking aiound this summer We It hare to go on * lew "binges KELLY S3* IAN Another yra> and still mends I cant wan IHI schools out maybe I II even gal lo see you Hus lummy Don t target lo reserve Wed » lot Jut Good luck on finals' Iona, OIANE 6 3 ■ECKY Wisn you didn I have lo got Sorry about the ankia ao now a you sprain n anyway * Glad wa gol lo know each olhar Be trunk mg ol you as I diva In Ilia pool, wondaring how cold it IS in Alaska 1 aka cars Loss. YM 8 3 Personals AN APOLOGY from the Oregon Daily Emerald Classifieds to Kasey Brooks, Karen Gaffney, and ail ol the Sludanta of the ASUO: Tot aUo*f*ng lh« publication pi an advafl lawman! that mm plant I on Juna 2, its? Tna ad «aa malic oua otfanaia* m nalut* and m a»lf*>-uMy pom laat* It aacapad in* none* ot ou> acraanmg crnnmiita* and in no way raftact* I ha atlituda*. opinion* m policiaa ol inia papai W* tagtai haying aapoaad oui raadai, and in* ASUO Oovammant to auen inaapon aibUity DID YOU KNOW? Evan though you ara anrollad tpnng tamt you naad lo til* an INTENT TO HEQISTEP CANO ii you r* planning 10 atiand Ih* SOMMEn SESSION that* it atm nm* to do it to atop by 133 Otagon Hall m Ih* Ollic* ol Ad miaaion* of call M» 34;% **05««' IT’S READY THE SUMMER TIME SCHEDULE OF CLASSES So pica on* up today! Slop by 333 Otagon Hall ot in* Ragttnw a Ollic* Steve.Doug, Dan* & the Van Bandit* WKal a weekend! You guy* are (Well yank you» » anytime) Your Kelly. Chrtft. B««h and Ju»*e 6 2 Aon Big Sister Kimberly McCormick and Darrin Class and Aon Little Sister Denise Barsby and Chaz Holmes Congratulations on your double engagement! Love your sisters 9WJ6.1 Aon Proudly w*komsi its snllrs spring pledge ClOBB? Tamra Whitehead Amber Sturderant Mtcheie Gutierrez ing'id Jones Donne Payne Kim Touting Candie Triplett Becky Patterson WE LOVE YOU* Cynthia Ramos Oafceii Maeon Michelle Squire Julie Harvala Quenby Miller 9623 6-3 P Personals PROBLEMS? Cntl* Center, U o» O telephone hoflwte, 24 hour* 1 day* SWclly confidential Cat) IK I HI 3144 tin tr lOU'M IN OOUBT aboul pregnancy call Brrthngm M7 8651_ 3162 W EUGENE PNEONANCY HOTUME pro ride* tree confidential pregnancy feeling euppon and information Can 34% 0400 336 t 11th Eugene Itn IT’S NOT TOO LATE To Ida your INTENT TO MOISTEN CANO tor eummet Matron Slop try 333 Oregon Man or the Office of Admteaiont •406*6* FORGOTTEN ANYTHING? LIKE TILING TOON INTENT TO MOISTEN CANO TON SUMMER TERM? Slop by 333 Oregon Hall or I he Office of AcH»i»kioni •406*6* PLANNING TO MOISTEN TON SUMMER SESSION Don't forget 10 file youf INTENT TO MOISTEN CANO Slop by 333 Oregon Han or the Office of Aomitwon* •406 6 6* ra>B KELLY C: Good luck Ihl* week I tl miaa you naif year l CHRIS S3 HAPNY BOAT LESLIE STNUTHEN Hope find guy. greaae four molart *3 Congratulations A CD Shannon Gaither and IX Milton Oiiar ACD Holly Hofmann end IX Peter Bacon on your double pinning) low. Alpha PM 95226-3 ACD Kate von Hinckeldey You were great in Miss Greek! We love you! Love, your titter* _ fMfrfra Personals J JIM H: Th* baach «H fun **p*cialiy th* badtim* atonoa Don I wor.y no on* know* that you nad two girt* in on* bed You Itudi Anyway. Ih*f* w*» only on* cMualty Looking forward to many »wun parti**.' nakad ol coor»* OOOO LUCK on final*! Law. DIANEMLLA 8 3 WENDY. 8MAUWA. KINM, KATTL WHAT? OH... Um Ii daily, alcohol may Intanalfy thl* *lf*ct may caut* drow»in**i. haircut* It baar*. 3 coo**r» crack mack rad whit* 4 biu* boy*, ctuco faal food Sna*ta tan* l'm« nail year, but dlf t*r*m Law. Woody, thauna, Kant. k*t «_M HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANGELA CAPONE •-3 IX PAT & DAVE Oonl know It It wa* th* 21 laquila poppora in* ob*c*n* banana in* *na*l*r* b**r or 'h* 80 w*lm*a but what*v*f it wa*. aw had * btaat1 LOVE your Kappa Shasta datas, Amy A Ann __ 6-3* ftngjiann ODE Recycle This paper Lost a Found REWARD LOST GOLD NECKLACE with ptndml «nd toMUMr* diamond rftna Rnm contact Oava A Say at ni$m>_S3 LOST KITTEN I6t« and Milt ara* Mostly white with (Manga tail and ear* Ha* one Mo* and on* green ay* recently nautarad tatill tie* antenati Call 143 t03» anytime or 464-2143 ava* Keep trying * 3 LOST & FOUND SALE Thurs A Fri 10 sm-4 pm emu rec era xirtf OROUNO FLOOR EMU 9M2S5 WALLET Loal Sunday S-31 REWARO 3426731 64 FOUND TWO KEYS on tityar ting One to a car and othai to a moped Call Mol ly at *65 970? S-S Typing PROFESSIONAL TYPIST/ WORO PRO CESSOR. 17 y«ar« aaponaoca Editing Graduate achooi approved Noar cam put Rotom 34447SB 6209 Mn PROFESSIONAL WORD PROCESSING Editmg/Dtftk Storaga Coiiaan 344-7040 1 9 pm Na*i day tarvic# 7114 WMF SIMM ***'*** WORO PROCESSING/TVPING Oft* I d«t mg Con version* Apple <6M CP/M Photocopy • Binding tiwict 2ME lt»h Si* Block* from Camput iha Word Ptocetung Speoaliil* Typing GRADUATE APPROVE D TYPIST Using IBM Satsctnc III Call Mina between 9 am end 10 p m at 342 7056 4956 MW T * C TyptnolWordproc easing Qraduata School Approved 687 9326 (Cyndl) WMF tin worostyles • typescripts Word processing. typing and computar spaclallsts Specialising in distort* UonsTtheses Grad school approved CINOT 4*4 5454 BRANDY 4*4*044 SHAW NEE *SS TOM _ _____ tin TYPIST ON WHEELS ■ Fisa pick up and dallvary (Editing alto) 3430615 ___ MWF 6-5 AUGUST WEST WORD PROCESSiNG AND TYPING FAST. ACCURATE. REASONABLE 4*4-6123 _W WORD PROCESSING/TV PING AllordaPla • IBM CompotIM* Fra* Spalling Chock Ruthann 344-043* _M WOROPROCESS4NG THE FLOPPY DISC Term Papers. Thesis, Corra*pond*nc*. Resumes ate Call Jean 9068663 (local phono) Mornings or attsr 6pm _*6 TYPING UNLIMITED BIJOU THEATRE 492 E 13th No 101 Barbara Land 485 0890 IBM Compatibly lift TYPING/EOITINQ Fast protastionai cloaa to campus Conma 486 4466 6 8 RUTH WESTlUND TYPING SERVICES Taim papyra. Tranacnption. LaMar* 3455614 TYP1NG/E04TING Fast prc^ttWh# close to campus Conni* 485 44*5 6 8 Dial-A-Typist 683-7777 WE HAVE MOVEO TO 210 E. 401h. EUGENE __9453.88 JO. THE TYPING PRO 12 YEARS EXPERIENCE QUALITY ACCURATE. DEPENDABLE 6*3-6066 (OsmOpml _ 66 RIGHTAWAT RESUME LssvethoEyp irtQ to ual Ra»uma thaaift raport Chaap' larWSharn 3456729 68 Instruction SUMMER SONtiWRITING WORKSHOP Composition copyrighting Arranging and marketing Conducted hy Publtahar Producer John Shark® y Pftvata mat rue t*on alto avaiiaWa Ksytxwdt. guitar M44SM 960f> 6 8 For Sale KING SIZE BCD Matraaa and bo « apt mga 875 OBO G>*al condition Call Taraaa. 342864/ a.enmga o< 686 3/12 day* _ _ttn BUSINESS SUITS I Spoil coala atacta nama branda 484 2564 6 5 KINO Size WATERBED. comptata artth If am* and ha al»< 850/080 6885158 day* 6884120 art_68 SHARP LINYTRON plus 19" colof TV with remote conlrol 8199 Call 683-3158.__65 PENTAXR 1000 SE wiihcaaa Excellent condition $95 I 4865541 6 5 Bicycles SERAI 2/00 TOURING BIRE. 25 'lame r>cailani condition Includas touring Oaga. Citadai lock Zalal pump and Italagan grmeratuf pkg 8260 485 5535 64 2 EUJI 12 SPEED BIKES 2t S 12S 8250 25 Giand-SE 12 8225 chroma moly liama alloy componanta par I act condition_344 110/_ 6 5 UO AUCTION 40 BICYCLES. Saturday Juna 6 1987 Inapaclion 9 30 am Auc non 10 am 1 pm EMU Braa/aaay 13th and Umvaraity Straata Caah tntorma tion 686 3149 9515 6 3 Books 100,000 BOOKS IN STOCK All Sailing 40 50% of) Hal prices • T»«lbooki«CtiH Notas-Maga/mes* USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE TOO Eaat IMi 4973Tfn Cars & Cycles TRIUMPH 1070 BONNEVILLE 750cc 14.000 mllaa Great shape *1,850 343-1577 6-3 10SS MM, British racing car. green Soil lop. sicellent condition, restored Interior S3.750 347-8860 or 13714006 collect___6-3 1001 MOPED. Excellent condition, shiny blue *750 080 Troy 484-5197 6-8 S3 KAWASAKI 446LT0, Runt great SS7S Call MILS, 486-9186_M 77 PONTIAC TRANS AM. 6.6 I. V-8 T top. AM/FM caeaelle. eicellent condl lion *2300 or beat offer 343 5459 1647 MHI 81.64 HONDA MAONA Tttec 66 Mod Ei cetlent cond. Call Slain 346-4184. SO HONDA SPREE, mufl tell, in good con ditlon *225 OBO Call Sam mornings 343-2916._6-4 TS CHERRY RCO MUSTANG MACH L V6. 45000 ml. redials, spotless 4-sps«d Sacrifice *1496 484 9211 or 6881559 Carolyn or Ron _ _8 3 S3 ACCORD HB. Eicellent condition 48.000 mi Sony cassette *5200 484 2564 8 5 85 HONDA ELITE 150 Rons great, 450 miles, $900 OBO Call Teresa 34*9192 or 485 9143_9-3 78 HONDA 185 TWIN STAR, Very clean' $500 Phone days 342 2434. even ingfweekendi 666-2469 _6-8 86 HONDA AERO 50 cooler MUST SELL 300 miles, basket oil. $520 ED DIE LAWSON BELL HELMET, $125 40*9539 Kelly 6 0 1982 110 HONDA, low mileage Helme! and carrying racks $600 060 342-2192 64 Computers IBM PC/XT COMPATIBLE. 640K 2 hop py and color monitor Almost new. $1200 344 226 7 6 0 MAC MEMORY UPGRADES. I20K A 512K to one or two Megs Mac Ptusses to two or four Megs One year warranty free installation Cell Oave at 345-7395 weekdays for further information 6 8 I I 3 Computer Lounge LASER PRIMT your PC-Compatible, Apple lie, ft Mac Documents 686-4353/4354 tMO Ground floor Household Items WASHING MACHINE OiMI conation SIM 145 9361 6-6 Pets GRAY NETM DWARF RUNNY w/C40* •nO supptm* 140 Of BO 345055? 64 Outdoor Gear WET SUIT. MEDIUM. Hoodnd lumti John W Inch S100 485 9649 6-3 Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU ...awi moumse soots SHORTLY AF TER MY CAMBfiA - MAN BURT GOT FRCP BY A UVt SYNAPSS N6APOUB / BAS6CAMP tUHBUt AKHJE. MK.HBO l£t* / m THE CORTEX. VR A5 you can see. the tmn SCAM MEMORJES ARE tUUL-PROTECTBV... / .,ffY AN ALUOSOMC ARRAY OF PtHNSB MBOiANGMS 0V MY COUNT, Tt€ PttStPENT HAS NO F6MJLR THAN 23 VERSIONS OF THE TRUTH INSULATING HIM FROM REALITY' / _ 23? BUT t&eow IT COULDdt A HCAtP... UONGSUMM&L aouHseuf s&mtok. Why pay more? Spaghetti $2.15 regular / vegetarian Skylight Refectory St t—d St ylf,. kit fct