Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 06, 1987, Page 6, Image 6

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    Bookstore Elections
Proposed By-Law Changes
Eligible voters include current UO students, faculty, and classified staff members.
Explanation of Proposed Changes
The full text of the proposed by-laws is available at the EMU voting booth, at the UO Bookstore, and on your
voting ballot. The explanations below concern those articles with proposed changes, and state the intent of the
proposed changes.
Ballot Amendment A
Section 4. Notice of Annual Meeting: To streamline the current wording — to reflect the procedure that is cur
rently being used to notify members, which is to advertise through the Emerald. Existing wording is obsolete.
Section 6. Notice of Special Meeting: To streamline the existing wording — to reflect the procedure that is cur
rently being used to notify members, which is advertise through the Emerald. Existing wording is obsolete.
Section 9. Entrance to Meetings: Technically the current wording would preclude the Bookstore Manager and
other professional staff and advisors from attending the meeting because they are not members of the corpora
tion. The proposed change would allow their attendance.
Section 1. Membership Qualifications: It is felt that it is not necessary to restrict membership on the Board
because of the number of Board Members living at a given address or residence.
Section 3. Nominations and Elections: It is felt the membership should have the say in filling a vacancy on the
Board rather than have the Board appoint a replacement.
Section 8. Agenda Notice: Since Saturday is not a regular class day at the University it eliminates this outdated
part of the By-laws.
Section 9. Officers: Eliminates redundant language that is already listed under Article IV-Officers.
Section 10. This formalizes the procedure that currently exists, which is that members are welcome to attend
Board Meetings.
Section (10) 11. Because proposed section 10 was added, it made existing Section 10 change to Section 11. No
change was made in the language.
Section 11. Vacancies: Requires vacancies that occur 60 days before the Annual Meeting to be placed on the
ballot rather than be appointed by the Board. Replacing a vacancy by an undergraduate with a person of the
same class status formalizes a practice that has been adhered to for many years.
Other Officers: Changes word will to shall which allows for greater Board flexibility. Deletes unnecessary
Section 3. Election and Term of Office: This is a formality. Law School graduation is in mid May. Newly electod
Board members take office in early June. Technically if the Board President is a graduated law school student
she or he is no longer a member of the corporation. Since the President of the Board serves as temporary chair
until new officers are elected, this proposed change would formally allow this to occur.
Section 1. Employment and Duties: Deletes obsolete language.
Section 2. Authority: Deletes obsolete language.
Section 1. Articles of Incorporation: Formalizes how amendments are to be made to the Articles.
Section 2. By-Laws: Formalizes how amendments to By-Laws are made.
Section 3. Time: Protects the Bookstore from amendments being made during the summer when few students
are around to vote.
Ballot Amendment B
Section 13. Compensation: Currently, only student Board members receive a $20.00 monthly stipend to serve
on the Board. All Board Members share the same responsibility and work equally hard. The student members of
the Board proposed the change because they did not feel it fair that the two faculty members and one
classified staff member do not receive the stipend.
It is proposed that the current $20.00 per month stipend be raised to $30.00 per month. The amount has not
been changed since 1984. The Board Members dedicate many hours each month to serving the Bookstore and
although the amount is modest it more fairly compensates them for their work. Total amount of expense to the
Bookstore for eleven Board Members would be $2,970.00, which is very small, considering we are an $8.6
million dollar corporation.
If the proposed changes are approved they would go into effect in May of 1988. No current Board Member
would benefit from the changes.