=UOBookstore. Make your workload a little lighter . . . Use the GUARANTEED TEXT READING MATERIALS PROGRAM __The Guarantee_ You're covered if this stamp appears on the shelf tag under your coursebook. guaranteed book Why? It's simple Your professor turned in your text order to us on time. Here is How it Works The bookstore will guarantee to have the course books for each class in the quantities we expect to sell provided the course book requisition is delivered to the store on or before the specified due date. If we fail to have a course book on hand bv the first day of registration, due to the publisher s shipments not received or the bookstore reducing the quan tity the bookstore will, at its expense, copy whatever portion of the course book necessary to meet class assignments, until the book arrives Exception: books not available from the publisher for reasons beyond our control, imported books, and books delayed because of a natural disaster or transportation strike Here is H 30 SAT 10 00 4 00 AM 4331