COMiENTS: As a review, the course coves very quickly through material that is at best foggy in most people's minds. It is a mistake to believe that the course can be completed successfully with little effort, even though the workload is fairly undemanding. J 341 PRIM OF ADVERTISING (3) Kedint, 177 LA MEETS: 14:30 MWF FORMAT: Lecture/Discussion AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 225 WEEKLY READING: 1 Chapter PREREQUISITES: Journ/Bus Majors EVALUATION: 5W-Attenoance; 15* Quiz; 4G*-Miaterc.; 402-Final J 361 REPORTING I (4) Halverson, 30b Allen MEETS: 9:30-11:20 MWF FORMAT: Discussion/Lab AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 15 WEEKLY READING: 1 1/2 Chapters PREREQUISITES: LSDT ana Typing Test; Major Status EVALUATION: 1 5W-Prc ject; 10V Quizzes; 75S-Papers READINGS: Ketzler, NEWSCATHERING; Strunk ana White, ELEMENTS OF STYLE; STYLLLOCK AND LIBEL MANUAL DESCRIPTION: Extensive practice in newsgathering ana writing unuer aeaaline pressure. J 407G CURRENT ISSUES IN BROADCAST HEMS (3) Bernstein, 309B Allen MEETS: 14:00-15:20 UH, 319 Allen FORMAT: Seminar AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 16 WEEKLY READING: 50 Pages PREREQUISITES: Seniors; Journalism Majors READINGS: Kathson, THE EVENING STARS: THE MAKING OF THE NETWORK NEWS ANCHOR; BROADCASTING MAGAZINE DESCRIPTION: Exploration and analysis of contemporary legal, ethical and social issues in broadcast news, especially TV news. J 431 RADIO-TV MENS I (3) Nestvold, 309A Allen MEETS: 11:30 MWF, 31* Allen FORMAT: Lecture/Discussion/Lab AVERAGE aASS SIZE: 16 WEEKLY READING: 50 Pages PREREQUISITES: Journalism majors; passing score on LSDT test; Typing Test EVALUATION: 5%-Quizzes; 25* Homework; 50*-In Class Assignments; 20*-Midterm READINGS: Cohler, BROADCAST JOURNALISM DESCRIPTION: Gathering and writing news for broadcast media. Emphasis on in-olsss typing/writing of broadcast news stories under deadline pressure. Class covers broadcast writing style, leads, basic story structure, organization of facts for audio stories, newscasting techniques. Last fourth of the term devoted to radio news tape interviewing, production, writing, and presentation of radio tape actualities. COMMENTS: Regular class attendance is mandatory. J *31 RADIO-TV MENS I (3) Somerville, 203 Allen MEETS: 13:30 MWF, 31* Allen FORMAT: Lecture/Discussion and Studio/Lab AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 16 WEEKLY READING: 3 Chapters PREREQUISITES: Typing, Tect/LSDT EVALUATION: 90J-20 Projects; 5% Kidtera; 5%-Final DESCRIPTION: Basic broadcast newswriting and reporting skills, the interview, style, sources, ethics, and presentation. J *32 RADIO-TV MEWS II (3) Bernstein, 309B Allen MEETS: 8:30-10:20 MWF, 31* Allen FORMAT: Lecture/Discussion and Studio/Lab AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 16 PREREQUISITES: J *31 READINGS: Yoakaic and Creamer, ENG: TV NEWS AND THE KEW TECHNOLOGY DESCRIPTION: Course covers shooting and editing of videotape for TV news; sourcing TV news stories; producing and writing TV news stories; producing and writing TV newscasts; legal and ethical implications in television news. J 433 advanced radio news (3) Nestvold, 309A Allen MEETS: 14:30 MWF, 314 Allen FOFMAT: Discussion/Lab AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 12 PREREQUISITES: Journalism majors; J 431 or equivalent EVALUATION: 25S-Homework; 25* Attendance; 50*-Projects DESCRIPTION: Class members prepare weekly in-aepth (4:00-5:00 tin.) radio news stories. Reporting (out of class), writing, editing, and airing of the stories. The students will tape record interviews with newsmakers, write the stories, prepare audio carts cf actualities, and produce and air the completed stories. The stories are aired on the campus radio station, KVIAX. J 446 ADVERTISING COPWRITING (4) Avery, 205 Allen FORMAT: Discussion AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 16 WEEKLY READING: 10 Pages PREREQUISITES: Journalism majors; J 341 EVALUATION: 10*-Discussion; 901 Homework READINGS: Rers ana Trout, POSITIONING; Roman and Kaas, HOW TO ADVERTISE DESCRIPTION: Assignments and presentation of copywriting, with emphasis on strategy and concepts. J AA6 AD COPYVRITIMG/AD MESS STRATEGY (A/3) (Ceding, 31 ID Allen MEETS: 10:30-12:20 UH, 301B Allen FORMAT: Diacuasion/Presentationa AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 12-16 EVALUATION: 80>-Hotework; 20* Project READINGS: Roaan and Haas, HOW TO ADVERTISE; Pietro, HOW TO PUT A BOOK TOGETHER AND GET A JOB IN ADVERTISING Please Recycle This Paper J 44? ADVERTISING LAYOUT (4) Nelson, 213 Allen FORMAT: Lecture/Discussion/Studlo AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 15-17 WEEKLY READING: 2 Chapters PREREQUISITES: Prln. of Advertising READINGS: Nelson, THE DESIGN OF ADVERTISING DESCRIPTION: Design ads for all acedia; develop an appreciation for good graphic design (see course description in University catalog). J 459 PRINCIPLES OF PUBLIC RELATIONS (3) Bivins, 206 Allen MEETS: 8:30 MWF, 221 Allen FORMAT: Lecture AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 150 WEEKLY READING: 1-2 Chapters PREREQUISITES: Sophomore Standing EVALUATION: 20J-H Quizzes; 50S-2 Midterms; 301-Final READINGS: Crabble and Vibbert, PUBLIC RELATIONS AS COMMUNICATION MANAGEMENT DESCRIPTION: An overview of the practice of public relations including social env ironment, corporate and institutional practice, ethics and theory, and planning. COMMENTS: This course is entirely lecture. The midterns and final are multiple choice, computer graded exams. The quizzes vary from fill in-the-blankĀ£ to essay. Reading is moderate. J 462 REPORTING II (5) Halverson, 308 Allen M!ETS: 15:30-16:20 MWF FORMAT: Discussion AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 15 PREREQUISITES: REP 1; Maj. Status EVALUATION: 20f-Participation; 80S 8 Papers READINGS: Current Periodicals DESCRIPTION: Students cover county and school administration and write eight stories for county newspapers. Most are enterprise stories on topics chosen by the student. COMMENTS: Students with grades below B in REP I man have difficulty. J 468 MAGAZINE WRITING I (3) Somerville, 203 Allen MEETS: 10:30-12:20 MW, 301A Allen FORMAT: Discussion/Seniinar AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 16 WEEKLY READING: **0 Pages PREREQUISITES: REP I; J 361; Major Status EVALUATION: 101-3 Projects; 901-2 Papers READINGS: Nelson, ARTICLES AND FEATURES; Writer's Digest ano The Writer DESCRIPTION: The magazine artiole idea, researching the idea, the market or audience, organizing, writing the artiole. J 468 MAGAZINE ARTICLE WRITING (3) Nelson, 213 Allen FORMAT: Lecture/Discussion/Seminar AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 15-17 WEEKLY READING: 1 Chapter PREREQUISITES: Reporting or instructors pernission READINGS: Nelson, ARTICLES AND FEATURES