Leisure Studies and Services LSS 380 LEISURE BEHAVIOR (3) Carpenter, 143 ESL MEETS: 9:30-10:50 UH, 112 EEL EORtJIT: Lecture/Discussion AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 40 WEEKLY HEADING: 3 Chapters PREREQUISITES: LSS cajors at Phase II EVALUATION: 25i-Paper; 50i-Project; 25V-Final READINGS: Packet; Relerence Dest at Library USED history english anthropology music journalism sociology drama philosophy psychology women’s studies biology political science business chemistry poetry education linguistics law foreign language art history religion recreation physics computer science economics geography speech literature geology BOOKS FOR SALE The Smith Family Bookstore 768 East 13th -1 block from campus LSS *09G ART THERAPY PROCESS GROUP (3) Files, 160 ESL I,LETS: 16:30-21:20 M, The new institute tor the creative arts therapies 33 E. 20 Ave. FCRh-AT: Se&inar/Studio AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 10 WEEKLY READING: 2b Pages SPECIAL FEES: t135.00 EVALUATION: 50%-Attenoance; 50J Journal READINGS: Keyes, ThE INWARD JOURNEY; Capacchicne, THE CREATIVE JOURNAL; Blatner, ACTING-IN INSCRIPTION: An on going experiential group providing direct involvetent in the art tnerapy process through the application ot art therapy beaia and technique, ana group dynamics. Explores individual ana group issues, toth personal ana prolessional. LSS 4 IOC ART THERAPY THEORY AMD PRACTICE (3) Filet, 160 ELL KELTS: 16:30-21:20 W, The new institute for the creative arts therapies, 33 E. 20 Ave. FORI AT: Lccture/Discussion/Sea.inar AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 15 WEEKLY READING: 30 Pa^es SPECIAL FLLS: C135.00 EVALUATION: 255-Paper; 255-Project; 505-Atte .ranee HEADINGS: Lar-o^arter., CLINICAL ART THERAPY; Uiian, ART THERAPY THEORY AND PRACTICE; Ulcian, APT THERAPY VIEWPOINTS; Packet DESCRIPTION: A survey ol practical applications oi art therapy, integrating concepts in art anc psychology to cevelop effective interventions for specific populations and/or settints. Includes lecture/oiscussion, case stuoies, expe:lentiai processes, i,uect preser.ter(s) ar.a/cr lilc LSS 410C ADULT ART THERAPI (3) tiles, 110 ELL KELTS: 18:30-21:30 U, The new institute tor the creative arts therapies, 33 E. 20 Ave. FORKAT: Lectut e/biscussion/Sewinar AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 15 WEEKLY hLADING: 30 Pa*,es SPECIAL FEES: $135.00 EVALUATION: Z5S-Paper; 25‘A-Project; 50^-Attenuance READINGS: W a d e s o r. , ART PSYCIiOTREhAPY; Shapiro, NEUROTIC STYLES; Lorney, THE NEUROTIC PERSONALITY IN OUR Til E; Lenjacin, THE HELPING CUESTION; Packet DESCRIPTION: An in-depth study of the use of art therapy with various aoult populations in a variety of clinical, educational, and rehabilitative settings. Focuses or. the art-therapeutic process and relationship, diagnostic Please Recycle This Paper categories, clinical issues, and appropriate interventions. Includes lecture/aiscussion, case studies, experiential processes, file and/or guest presenter(s). LSS 410G LEISURE IK CANADA (3) Neal, 133 ESL KELTS: 15:30-16:50 UK, 112 ESL FORMAT: Lecture AVtRAGE CLASS SIZE: 65 WEEKLY READING: 3 Copters EVALUATION: lOS-Paper; 5? Attendar.ee; 20£>-HoL»ework; 255» Midterm; 40%-Finax READINGS: Kalcocb, THE CANADIANS; Thompson, CANADA 19&5; CANADIAN HANDBGOK; EXPLORATION OF TIKE - STUDIES (VOL. 1, 2, 3, 4) DESCRIPTION: Overview of the vast similarities and differences between the countries of Canada and the U.S.--with special emphasis on parks, recreation, leisure, ana cultural services. COKKENTS: This is an elective within the LSS department and part of the curriculem in PACIFIC RIM STUDIES. Innovative projects are encouraged in lieu of written papers but require instructor's prior approval. LSS 507 SOC/PSTCH DIMENSIONS OP LEISURE (3) Carpenter, H»3 ESL MEETS: 2:0C-5:0C H FORMAT: Discussion/Set.inar AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 15 WHEEL) READING: 6 Chapters PREREQUISITES: Graduate Students READINGS: Packet; Reference Materials in Library LSS 553 ADMINSTRATION OF RECREATION (3) Ecfeinton, 180 LSL MEETS: 1b: 30-21:20 h tORtJil: Lecture/Discussion AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 10 WEEKLY READING: 100 Pates EVALUATION: 33V-Paper; 33S>-Kioterk; 33i-Final DESCRIPTION: Study oi administrative practices acionfc leisure service providers. Journalism J 250 GRAMMAR POR JOURNALISTS (3) Dolch, 301 Allen MEETS: 8:30 MWF, 177 Lawrence FORMAT: Lecture AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 200 WEEKLY READING: 1 Chapter EVALUATION: 10J-Homework; 20f-2 Midterms; 251-2 Midterms READINGS: McDonald and Kessler, WHEN WORDS COLLIDE; Lewis, CORRECT SPELLING MAKE EASY; Workbook for WHEN WORDS COLLIDE DESCRIPTION: This oourse reviews the essentials needed for all good writing, presenting a Journalistically oriented review of grammar, word usage, spelling, olarlty and style. It will give a student the basis needed for successful couraework in all writing courses in the School of Journalism. It will also prepare the student for the School's Language Skills Diagnostic Test (LSDT)r «> •••