Students will be encouraged to develop a sense of enjoyuent and respect for the ciusic, steps and styling lroc. cultures different tree their oun. DS 184 BALLROOK 1(1) Coiien, 167 GRX MEETS: 19:00-20:50 U, 350 GRX FOEIJIT: Lab AVERAGE CLASS SIZfc : 50 SPECIAL FLL'S: i20.00 EVALUATION: 1GC'„-Attenuance DESCRIPTION: This course will introduce the students to such dances as the foxtrot, waits, swinp,, polka, cna cha, anu tun^c. DP 199 THE EXPRESSIVE KOVER (2) Coner./Pescutner, 10^/167 GRX LEETS: 15:30-16:50 IMF, 353 Gl.X FORUT: LaL AVbRAOE CLASS SIEC: 20 PREREQUISITES: Sole acting or nance training or instructor's permission DESCRIPTION: This course is ar. introduction to ptrfor Lance l or the sta^e i or acting, Lusical tr.eatre, anc oar.ce performance. Experiences wni bet,in with preparing your Uocy to Love eificiently ano correctly, stressing oynuLic principles ol aj.ipnL.ent, the rexaticr.ship between posture ano collunication oi character arc l.oog. Croup ano soio v. o r n w i 1 x encourape eneru> projection, oeveiopiaent of ooveuent qualities ano use imagery tc enrich urauatic expression. CChi.LET'S: Evaluation will be bases c n attencance (required), preparation anc participation within each class session, enc 3-R briei written assignments concerneo with Lovenent analysis or cescription. Sot.e limit-eo outsioe reaoint,. Final exam is a mini-performance usin£. techniques and concepts from the course. DP 251 INTRODUCTION TO DANCE (3) Caine, 166 GRX MEETS: 14:00-15:20 Uh, 302 GEE: FORMAT: Lecture/Diacussion AVLHACE CLASS SIZE: 40 VJEEKLi READING: 30 Pa^es PREREQUISITES: Priority £iven to Dance majors EVALUATION: 5S-Attendance; 255 Paper; 4G5-2 Fiiaterms; 305-Hotewcrk READINGS: Steinberg, THE DANCE At.TROLCGT; Supplementary Library Assignments DESCRIPTION: This course presents a wice ran^e ol Western theatrical cance lorts, their historical anc social development, anc their contributions to the aeiinition ol cance in society. Stucents shoulc be able to identity what cance is for themselves at the eno cf the course. DS 270 MODERN DANCE II (1) tiahor.ey-Watson, 230 GRX FELTS: 14:30-15:50 UK, 353 GF.X FORMAT: Stuoio AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 25 PREREQUISITES: 2 Terms of l.ocern Dance i EVALUATION: lOS-Attitcce; 355-Skill Improve tent; 15 5* - Quia; 4 01 Attencance DESCRIPTION: This class is for the aance student who wishes to develop ana solidify a strong foundation for their creative expression. The class catenal ec.phati2.eo the strong tense cf bocy alignc.ent necessary l'or the wide ran^e of Lovewent vocabulary which Modern Dance offers. Goals for the course incluae increased strength, ttanina, ana iiexibiiity. DS 272 BALLET II (1) Lacot f iiLETL: 12:30-13:^0 Uli, 351* CRX AVEhAGE CLADS SIZE: 20 PR£REQUISITES: 2 Terus of Baliet I at U ol 0 or the equivalent DESChlFTlOh: further exploration of the banet vocabulary and technique stuoiec in ballet I. Student should have eleaentary foundation of ballet technique which allows lor tore concentration on centre floor work, suer, as turns. DS 275 JAZZ II (2) Suknot, 230 Gerlinper i.ELIL: 16:30-19:30 liliU:, 36^ GFX FC ill ill: Lac AVERAGE CL ALE LiZE: 26-30 PREREQUISITES: 2 Terns ol Jazz 1 ci equivalent EVALUATION: IGE-El fort/; 905,-Attenoar.oe DESCRIPTION: Enroll in 21b Jazz II next tern ana Lave the opportunity to utnce tour evenings each week. In response to nuntiout requests, the Danct Department is 01 ferine, this class which will provioe an hour 01 instruction on lour consecutive evenings lor the entire tei c. All aspects ol one’s a t> 11 i t y will multiply Uy c e j 1 y participation. Class will focus on juzz warm-ups lor stretchm0 anc strer.ttl.eninL, trave^int patterns, anc huiiuint ol oance conhinctions. Continue to expanc you: repertoire 01 jazz uance steps, styie, rhythms, anc movement vocatuiary. Express /oursell'!! JGLLEMS: Lust enroll in both sections ol DE 27b meeting at 16:30— 19:30—LI. anc UH sections. Jazz shoes r.ot required. Cicthin0 should allow fiee movement throuth entire ran^e 01 motion in all joints, especially the nip (sweat pants 0k). DS 276 TAP II (2) Col2 en, 167 GP.X IJJLTS: 11:30-12:30 Ilk, 219 GLR FORI .AT: Lab AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 20 PREREQUISITES: 2 Terus ol Tap 1 or instructor 's pert-issicr. EVALUATION: 30p-2 Quizzes; YGX Attenuance DESCRIPTION: This course will cevici. b: l;c£ in Tap I ano continue with cue tovancec work, such at varied tire steps, turns, rifts, ano cci.binations. DS 370 MODERN DANCE 111 (1) Eehlin, 160 GRX MEETS: 11:00-12:20 UH, 219 GER tCRl.AT: Stuoio AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 15 PREREQUISITES: i.ocern Lar.ce II DESCRIPTION: This will ce a stuoio class in the technique oi uooern cance. hovecent practicco will emphasize cevelopment of Mow, balance, projection into space, articulation of bouy parts, ano tin. in*,. The t,oals are self expression ano integration of body/cina. DS 372 LALLET 111 (1) Eookis, 220 Gerlin^er KELTS: 9:30-10:50 UK, 35*. GKX FCRKAT: Studio AVERAGE CLASS SIZfc: 30 PREREQUISITES: 2 Terms of Lallet II at U oi C cr equivalent DESCRIPTION Lallet III is a Lore auvancea exploration ol the Lallet vocabulaty anu technique than the Lallet 11 level with emphasis on performance ana Lusiceiity. Attenoance at one Dance *L7 perioruanct will be requirec with a toliow-up short paper (1-2 pa^es). DS 375 JAZZ III (1) l.* noney-Uatson, 230 GLK l LETS: 15:30-16:50 Uh, 35^ GF.X K'hl.AT: Stucio AVERAGE CLASS SILL: 25 PRLREGUISITLS: 2 Tens ox Jazz II SPECIAL ILLS: 520.00 EVALUATION: 10Wttituce; 35V-Skill Improvement; 1 5 5 - C u i a ; 0 V - DESCRIPTION: Aovanceo jazz technique requires tne a6int> to ciam> the stjlistic elements which treat the cntiie Looy as the in: ti ULenl. ol expression. This class v. in emphasize technical, as v. tii as ^rioi Lin, skills. The cancer at the Jasz In level must have a sullicient sense ol' bcuy awareness, a willingness tc accept corrections, ar.c sell uiscipune to learn the catenai c,uic>.ii . Health Education Professional HEP 260 ADVANCED FIRST AID (3) Cottrell, 30b Ceriinter KELTS: 11:00-11:50 llli fLab(2 1/2 hr. slot), 302 Cerlinger FORKAT: Lecture/Lab AVERAGE CLASS SILL: 50 WEEKLY READING: 2 Chapters EVALUATION: 20V-Lecture Kiaterc.; 305-Lecture Final; 255-Lab Kiclteru; 255-LaL Pinal HEP 552 ADF. OF HEALTH PROG (3) Schiaadt, 250 Esslinper KELTS: 15:00-21:50 H, 303 GEL FOhKAT: Lectur e/Discussion/Seminar AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 15 WEEKLY FtADI LG: 1 1/2 Chapters PItLREQUISITES: Graduate students EVALUATION: 205-Paper; 305-Pro„cct; 2Gi-Kictern>; 305-Final READINGS: Tucker, CHAIRING AH ACADEKIC LEFT: LEADERSHIP ALONG PLEAS; Hanlon, PUIL1C HEALTH ADK11.ISTRAT10K AKD PRACTICE DESCRIPTION: The iont-rarte objectives: 1) to acquaint prospective health au inistrators with basic principles of administration; 2) to examine unique features of administering health profc.rams; and 3) have the stuoent demonstrate ability to ortaniie ana present materials.