experience plus soce nordic ski experience. SPECIAL FEES: $38.00 EVALUATION: 107-Fitness; 157-Gear anc Clothing Preparation; 207 Skills; 357-Attendance; 207-Final DESCRIPTION: This class offers intermediate and advanced instruction for those with basic skills. The class includes discussions and demonstrations of equipment, clothing, waxing and safety issues, as well as three days of intensive lessons. The usual three day outing format provides a day of track and trail techniques, plus two days of instruction in telemark and parallel skiing on cross country or ski-touring skis. PE-0 281 SKI TOUR 1(1) Strong, 172 GRX MEETS: Fri. Feb. 13-Sun. Feb. 15 (3 bay outing) FORMAT: Outing AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 20 PREREQUISITES: Wilderness Survival anb Ski Touring Preparation (both may be taken during sane term) SPECIAL FEES: $18.CO + Lobging TLA EVALUATION: 15*-Fitness Test; 15* Gear anb Clothing Preparation; 20* Skill anb Skill Improvement; 50* Attenbance DESCRIPTION: In this course, we stay in cabins in orber to spenb as much time as possible skiing. We ski all bay in a series of lessons anb short tours, anb ski again by moonlight. If conbitions are appropriate, we assume that participants have hab no experience cn skis,or want to begin with sounb instruction in the basic techniques including diagonal stride, doublepoling, turns on the flat and as much of the uphill anb downhill progressions as interest and ability allow. COMMENTS: Students who do not intend to ski in backcountry or wilderness areas may want to consider the X C I class, which emphasizes in-ski-area skiing on groomed tracks and trails. PE-0 281 SKI TOUR II (1) Blanchard, 172 GRX MEETS: Fri. March 6-Sun. March 6 (3 day outing) FORMAT: Outing, AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 18 PREREQUISITES: Consent of instructor SPECIAL FEES: $38 ♦ Lodging TBA EVALUATION: 155-Fitness Test; 155 Gear and Clothing Preparation; 205 Skill and Skill Improvement; 505 Attenoance DESCRIPTION: This is an adventurous trip for the competent skier. We go 50 miles in 3 days crossing the Cascade Range from Mt. Bachelor Ski area to White Branch on the lower west slope. We lose store than 4,000 feet in elevation on the last day of the outing. This is or.e of the premier ski routes in North America. COMMENTS: Due to the length and strenuousness of the outing, instructor consent is required. Participants must be able to ski well with a large backpack. PE-0 282 SKI II (1) Strong, 172 GhX MEETS: 5:30-19:00 U (8 Weeks) FORMAT: All day outing AVERAGE aASS SIZE: 120 SPECIAL FEES: $200.00-220.00 EVALUATION: 60*-Attendance; 201 Skills DESCRIPTION: This courses are taught on a contractual basis by one or uore local ski areas. Students are transported in large "bus tour" type buses and have one, 1 1/2 hour lesson per day. The fee for the program Includes transportation, lessons, ao lift tickets. Some areas include rentals at no additional cost. Price will be posted at registration. PE-0 28k SNOW CAMPING OUTING (1) Strong, 172 GRX MEETS: Fri. Feb. 20-Sun. Feb. 22 (3 day outing) PREREQUISITES: Wilderness Survival, Backpacking Preparation, Eackpacking I and Snow Camping Preparation. SPECIAL FEES: 418.00 DESCRIPTION: A course for individuals who want to extend their enjoyment of the outdoors beyor.c the snow-free gunner months. Participants oo not need to be skiers. Friday will involve an easy mile or two of snow shoeing or skiing to allow plenty of time to learn how to build snow caves, igloos, ana other classic snow shelters. By the end of the outing, you should be able to quickly ana efficiently cor.sruct several types of snow shelters ano will have spe’it one night in each of two major types. PE-0 373 AVALANCHE HAZARD INTERPRETATION (1) Blancharc/5trong, 172 GRX MEETS: 15:30-17:20 V (4 Classes) FORMAT: Lecture/Outing AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 18 WEEKLY READING: 1 Short book SPECIAL FEES: $38.00 EVALUATION: 4C5-Attendance; 50% Final READINGS: Ditoze/Siler, UNDERSTANDING AVALANCHES DESCRIPTION: This is a course for mountaineers ana for anyone who intends to venture fceyor.d the bounus of ski areas during the winter months. All aspects of avalanche safety will be addressed, from hazard estimation to route selection to rescue techniques. The material will be presented in the lectures and on the two outing days, where students will gain "hands on" experience. COMMENTS: Intermediate cross country or ski touring skills are required. The class will stay overnight near ht. Bachelor ski area, where there is a choice of camping or staying in rented accommodations (at the students' expense). The skiing may be quite easy or could be challenging depending upon weather conditions. PE-0 377 RIDIK III (1) AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 12 PREREQUISITES: RIDING II or equivalent SPECIAL FEES: *90.00 DESCRIPTION: Experienced rioers, refine your control of the horse through level I DressaLfc maneuvers such as Halt-Halt, Two-Track, and Shoulders-In. PE-0 378 JUMPING III (1) AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 12 PREREQUISITES: JUMPING II or equivalent SPECIAL FEES: $100.00 PE-0 382 SKI III (1) Strong, 172 GRX MEETS: 5:30-19:0C h (e Weeks) FORMAT: All day outing AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 120 SPECIAL FEES: $200.00-220.00 EVALUATION: 60$-Attendance; 201 Final DESCRIPTION: This course is taught or. a contractual basis by one or more local ski areas. Students are transported in large "bus tcur" type buses and have one, 1 1/2 hour lesson per day. The fee for the prograc includes transportation, lessens, and lift tickets. Some areas include rentals at no extra cost. Prices will be posted at Registration. PB-0 383 SSI RACING (1) Strong, 172 GF.X KLETS: 5:30-19:00 H (8 Weeks) FCIKAT: All bay outing AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 120 SPECIAL FEES: $200.CO-220.00 EVALUATION: 8G*-Atter.dance; 201 Final DESCRIPTION: This course is taught on a contractual basis by one or more local ski areas. Students are transported in large "bus tour" type buses and have one, 1 1/2 hour lessons per aay. The fee for the program includes transportation, lessens, ana lift tickets. Some areas Include rentals at no additional cost. Prices will be posted at registration. Team Sports PE-T 19* VOLLEYBALL I (1) AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 28 SPLCIAL FEES: $20.0C DESCRIPTION: Don’t be left out of the fun--tet involved in the increasingly popular team game of Volleyball. Start by learning the beginning skills of the forearm pass (bump), overhead pass, serve, spike, and block. Enjoy playing while learning basic team formations of serve reception and free ball. If you are a novice player with little or no experience, this class is for you. PE-T 197 SOCCER INDOOR I (1) AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 26 SPECIAL FEES: $20.00 DESCRIPTION: Introduce yourself to the world's tost popular sport. Develop your playing ability through a program of sound basics. Beginning players will learn the techniques of dribbling, passing, receiving, tackling, and cover skills through drills and games. PE-T 29* VOLLEYBALL II (1) AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 28