L1H ASUO COURSE GUIDE DESCRIPTION: Bowling score could be better? Want to polish your technique? This class offers you the opportunity to refine techniques and bowling style through league play. Individual attention is offered for personal bowling skill development. PE-I 253 RACQUETBALL II (1) AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 22 PREREQUISITES: RACCUETlALL I or equivalent SPECIAL FEES: $20.00 DESCRIPTION: Tired of spending hours on the phone trying to lineup a racquetball game? Look no further! Racquetball II will provide you with the opportunity to enlarge upon your present skills, refine technique ar.u utilize game strategies. PE-I 255 TENNIS II (1) AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 2H PREREQUISITES: TENNIS I or equivalent SPECIAL FEES: $20.00 DESCRIPTION: By popular demand, Tennis became an activity for the "masses as well as the classes." If your basic strokes, backhand, forehand, ane serves, are solid, accept the challenge of learning new strokes and strategies through game playing. PE-I 353 RACQUETBALL (1) AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 2M PREREQUISITES: RACQUETBALL II or equivalent SPECIAL FEES: $20.00 DESCRIPTION: Just when you thought you had learned it all, you discover eo Racquetball III! Practice advanced level skills and strategies. Improve your play as a result of game analysis. Apply your knowledge ana ability to class tournament play. A valuable experience for the advanced player. PE-I 355 TENHIS III (1) AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 24 PREREQUISITES: THiNIS II or equivalent SPECIAL FEES: $20.00 DESCRIPTION: Do the tens Wimbledon, Forest Hills, and French Open motivate your untapped tennis ambitions and aggressions? Tennis III is designed to teach you competitive skills and attituces. You will learn arop volleys, serves that twist, deceptive approach shots and all the aovanced strategies to make them successiful. Be ready for the next singles or doubles tournament. Come to the court and put your gate to the test-sign up for Tennis III I Outdoor Pursuits PE-0 167 WILDERNESS SURVIVAL (1) Blanchard, 172 GRX KKETS: 14:30-16:20 M and 19:00 20:50 U FORMAT: Lecture/Outing * i\k*4 I Ml M AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 45 WEEKLY READING: 30 Pa*es EVALUATION: 105-Homework; 505 Attendance; 405-Final READINGS: Harp, WALKING SOFTLY IN THE WILDERNESS DESCRIPTION: Wilderness Survival is a generalized course oe&ignea so prepare students for participation in the Outdoor Pursuits classes. The topics include a wide range of safety and environmental issues, such as hazards, survival, outdoor first aid, search and rescue, cap and compass use, and minimal impact travel. The course consists of eight lectures supplemented by slide shots and ether media, plus a one aay outing. COP! LUTS: The course is required as a pre- or cc-requisite to most of the wilderness ano tackcountry outdoor pursuits classes, and is recommended for all participants in the outdoor classes. PE-0 177 RIDING 1(1) AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 12 SFECIAL FEES: $9C.C0 DESCRIPTION: Enjoy ar. Eastern tradition in the W e st - - horseback Riding. Designed for the novice or inexperienced ricer, level I teaches balance seat riding using oot.h bareback ana English saddle. PB-0 178 JUMPING 1(1) AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 12 PREREQUISITES: Riding ability SPECIAL FEES: $100.00 DESCRIPTION: Experienced riders, sharpen up on posting and cantering, and then be introouced to jumping. Emphasis is placed on a safe, non abuslve position over lew single and double fences ano c&valletti. PE-0 180 XC SKIING I (1) Douthit, ieo ESL MEETS: 15:30 U (5 classes) FORMAT: Lecture/Discus3ior./0uting AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 20 SPECIAL FEES: $36.00 EVALUATION: 105-Fitness; 155-Gear and Clothing; 2G$-Skills; 355 ALtendance; 205-Final DESCRIPTION: This is a course for beginners, empliasiz: ng introductory cross country ski techniques on grooved trails ana gentle slopes at one or Lore developed ski areas. COMMENTS: Students with an interest in back-country or wilderness skiiing Lay wsr.t to consider the Ski-Touring Preparation anc Ski Touring 1 classes. PE-0 181 SKI TOURING PREPARATION (1) Strong* 172 GRX MEETS: 19:00-21:50 M (Starts Jan. 12) 107 ESL FORI .AT: Lecture/Discussion AVEPAGE CLASS SIZE: 20 WEEKLY READING: 20 Pages PREREQUISITES: WILDERNESS SURVIVAL o.ay be taker, concurrently SPECIAL FEES: $20.00 EVALUATION: 505-Attendance; 205-Ski Touring worksheet; 305-Final READINGS: Packet DESCRIPTION: This is a course designed to prepare stuaents for participation in the Ski Touring I and/or Ski Touring II outings. Topics, include c,qn<}i t,ion.ing, selection and use of equipment, avalanche awareness and hazards, waxing, thermoregulation and clothing, cold related injuries, trip planning, and preparation. PE-C 182 SI I (1) Strong, 172 GEX MiETS: 5:30-19:00 H (6 Weeks) FOrUT: All oay outings AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 120 SPECIAL FEES: $200.00-220.00 EVALUATION: 2 Oj-Skills; C0',. Attendance DESCRIPTION: This course is taught on a contractual basis Ly one or Eiore local ski areas. Students are transpertea in large "bus tcur" type buses ar.a have cne, 1 1/2 hour lesson per day. The fee for the program includes transportation, lessons, cr.d lift tickets. Sone areas include rentals at no additional cost. Prices will be posted at Registration. PE-0 184 SNOW CAPPING PREPARATION (1) Strent, 172 GRX MEETS: 19:OC-20:50 every N Beginning Jan. 7, 105 EEL FORMAT: Lecture/Discussion AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 20 WEEKLY READING: 20 Pages PREREQUISITES: Wilderness Survival/Backpacking Preparation and backpacking I outing. SPECIAL FEES: $20.00 READINGS: Packet DESCRIPTION: This course prepares students for participation in the snow capping outing. Topics include planning and preparation, clothing ana equipment, places to go, route selection and evaluation, avalanches and snow hazards, survival, snow shelter construction (snow caves, kiloos, and quinzees), and techniques for staying comfortable in a cola environment. PEO 277 RIDING II (1) AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 12 PREREQUISITES: RIDING I or equivalent SPECIAL FEES: $90.OC DESCRIPTION Arena riding offers opportunity to develop skills of controlling the large posting trot, and centering before you trail the countrysides ot Eugene. Gymkana techniques and gases offer fun challenges for every rider. PE-0 278 JUMPING II (1) AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 12 PREREC UIS1TES: JUMPING I or equivalent SPECIAL FEES: $100.00 DESCRIPTION: Review and sharpen your jumping basics in the riding arena ano then be ready to hit the trail. Learr. jumping on a cross country course of 6-8 miles ir. length, with all natural obstacles. PE-0 280 XC SKIING II (1) Blanchard, 172 GRX MEETS: 16:30 U (3 classes) FORMAT: Lecture/Discuasion/Outing AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 18 PREREQUISITES: Sound Beginning XC or Ski-Touring skills, or substantial d.qwnh.ili. aki^pg