emphasizing the utilization or various skills in actual competitive situations. International competition rules will be introduced. PE-C 217 KARATE II (1) AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 20 PREREQUISITES: KARATE I or equivalent SPECIAL FEES: $20.00 DESCRIPTION: It must be recognized that the development and perfection of fundamental techniques requires many hours of practice. Continue your study of the "Nishiyama method" through in-class training sessions of application and use. PE-C 219 TAEEVOHDO II (1) AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 40 PREREQUISITES: TAEKWCNDO I or equivalent SPECIAL FEES: $20.00 DESCRIPTION: To expand on Taekwondo I material i.e. expansion on blocks, kicks, farms, and step-sparring. PE-C 317 KARATE III (1) AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 15 PREREQUISITES: KARATE II or equivalent SPECIAL FEES: $20.00 DESCRIPTION: Persistent practice and training develops rapid-fire responses. Eastery of ycur skills and techniques is enhanced through emphasis on timing in application presented in this advanced level of study. Experience sports Karate through in-class contests. Fitness Activities PE-F 121 YOGA HATHA 1(1) AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 35 SPECIAL FEES: $20.00 DESCRIPTION: Hatha Yoga is designee lor persons interested in increasing the strength ano flexibility of their oocies, as well as oeveioping techniques of concentration arid relaxation. Awareness is increasec of how breathing patterns affect an individual's state ci nine. Emphasis is placed on the application ol the course content to everoay living. PE-F 122 YOGI KUKDAL1MI (1) AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 35 SPECIAL PEES: 420.00 DESCRIPTION: Energise ar.o relax! Kundalini is t h e ancient t e r l referring to the energy ot awareness and Kundalini yoga is the practice designed to release this energy thus taking a person wore aware. Also, energy level, health, itental clarity, and ecotioual balance are heightened. Kundalini yoga exercises coubine postures (for strength and flexibility) along with breathing ano tine ccr.trol in one package lor increased effectiveness. PE-F 124 AEROBICS 1(1) AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 50 SPECIAL FEES: $20.00 DESCRIPTION* : Includes cardiovascular workout plus flexibility ano towing exercises. It is intended tor these who have not taken an aerobics class before and/cr those who desire a less strenuous workout. PE-F 126 JOG-RUK (1) AVLhAGE CLASS SIZE: 25 SPECIAL FEES: *20.OC DESCRIPTION: Dcn't ciss a dynamic introduction to the principles and aesthetics cf jogging. Develop cardiorespiratory fitness through a progressively applied program of Jogging, running, and interval training at various parks ar.d running trails throughout Eugene. Mini lectures cover equipment selection, care and prevention of injuries, basic physiological principles, and various training systems. PE-F 129 WEIGHT TRAINING 1(1) AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 35 SPECIAL FEES: $.20.00 DESCRIPTION: In prove your body iL.at.fc anc strength fitness! Learn the values anu basic techniques of weight training through a program designed to ceveiop overall fitness which includes strength, power, enourance, ano flexibility. Lon't miss this opportunity to safely develop a booy capable of handling everyGaj tensions anc emergencies. PE-F 221 TOGA HATHA II (1) AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 35 PREREQUISITES: YOGA HATHA I or equivalent SPECIAL FEES: $20.00 DESCRIPTION: Students perform intermediate level yoga postures (asanas). Fundamentals of proper posture and body alignment that apply to the asanas are Included. Individuals practice different breathing awareness techniques and learn to relax deeply. PE-F 222 TOGA KUNDALINI (1) AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 35 PREREQUISITES: YOGA I or equivalent SPECIAL FEES: $.20.00 DESCRIPTION: Enhance creativity and awareness! Focus on the core difficult and strenuous techniques of yoga exercises anc sets for developing mental control for better concentration. PE-F 224 AEROBICS II (1) AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 50 PREREQUISITES: AEROBICS I or equivalent SPECIAL FEES: $20.00 DESCRIPTION: Participants are encouraged to recognize and appreciate consistency and comfort during an aerobic workout. Students critically analyze components of an aerobics class including the identification of correct exercise technique. PE-F 226 ROAD RUNNING 10C (1) AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 25 JOG-RUN or PREREQUISITES: equivalent SPECIAL FEES: $20.00 DESCRIPTION: Ee ready for the next 10K. The nain objective of this course is to help each student develop into a sore intelligent runner. Within the framework of a supportive group of fellow students, the class will explore a variety of training itethods and running tec\niques. Many different training areas will be utilized with various types of terrain. PE-VEIGHT TRAIIIWG II (1) AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 35 PREREQUISITES: WEIGHT TRAIN I or equivalent SPECIAL FEES: $20.00 DESCRIPTION: Additional information beyond Weight Training I is presented and the various lifts/techniques are practiced. The students develop personal programs in consultation with their instructor. The role of weight training in a total fitness program is identified. Whether you are motivated by a strong inner urge to excel in a specialized area or to achieve general fitness goals, this program is for you. PE-F 324 AEROBICS III (1) AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 50 WEEKLY READING: Pages PREREQUISITES: AEROBICS II or equivalent SPECIAL FEES: *20.00 DESCRIPTION: Emphasis is on an intense cardiovascular exercise workout. Students challenge themselves to participate at 85% of their H.H.R. Acquired exercise knowledge is applied beyond aerobics to meet personal needs and desires. PB-F 326 MARATHON TRAINING AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 25 PREREQUISITES: 10K or equivalent SPECIAL FEES: $20.00 DESCRIPTION: The course exposes students to a variety of training methods and running techniques. In addition, appropriate aspects of physiology, psychology, equipment considerations, and weight training are addressed. Start now preparing for the many runs offered in this community. PE-F 329 WEIGHT TRAINING III (1) AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 35 PREREQUISITES: WEIGHT TRAIN II or equivalent SPECIAL FEES: $20.00 DESCRIPTION: The class will explore advanced training techniques, excerises, and training routines that will make each individual's program more effective. Training routines for specific sports are also included. Gymnastics Activities PE-G 135 TRAMPOLINE I (1) AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 22 SPECIAL FEES: $20.00