Secondary Education SEED *95 METHODS FOR SECONDARY SOCIAL STUDIES INSTRUCTION Turner DESCRIPTION: Lethoes lor Secondary Social Studies Instruction is aesipnea as a practical introduction to the teacnint cl Social Studies courses in uictie school/junior hifeh ar.u l,it, L school. The course is designed tc assist the steaer.t develop skills in lesson preparation, successful teacninL strategies, ar.o creating assignments are activities appropriate tc Lra^t levei. Presentations by ,uest speateers art ar. integral par t oi the coarse anu ai e t.aoc by practicing teachers, acninistratert, miuelt schocx ano hit,h school stuuents, and stucer.t teachers. The cour se uses s text, which is primarily usee as a ror working on ciass assignments. Supplemental teasings anc hanccuts are provioec by tne instructor. Ir.oiviuuals wr.o enroll in the course should have hac at ieast one practicum exper rence anu compieteu block I oi the secondary instruction program. Physical Education Aquatics PE-1 101 SW1H (REHAB) (1) AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: Ifc PREREQUISITES: Students with physical limitations. SPECIAL FEES: $20.00 PE-A 104 SWIM (LEARW TO) (1) AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 22 SPECIAL FEES: $20.00 DESCF.lFTlOl.: Open the cioor to nev. areas oi recreation ir.a enjoyment — learn to swim. The key to sale participation in the many water activities such as water skiing canoeing* aria sailing is the ability to swim. Start now developing the techniquesol crawl, back, breast, ana elementary back strokes as weil as water survival. PE-A 105 SWIM (IMPROVE) (1) AVEF.AGE CLARIS SIZE: 22 PREREQUISITES: SV.Ill (LEARN TO) or equivalent. SPECIAL FEES: $2C.0C DESCRIPTION: Desibr.eo for a student who has hac limitec or no swim instruction and would like to improve their skills and learn new strokes. Crawlstroke, breaststroke, backstroke, ano recreation strokes will be taught. Classes are organizes to permit learning at a comfortable pace with inuiviaualized attention to problem areas. PE-A 205 SHIM CONDITION (1) AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 28 PREREQUISITES: Swim Improve or Equivalent DESCRIPTION: Swim for fitness! Designed to improve level of physical fitness within a swimming regime. Emphasis is on endurance using interval and circuit training. Students are assigned to training groups and routines according tc level cf skil. Students should be of at least intermediate level. PE-A 305 SUM TRAINIMC(I) AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 2c PREREQUISITES: Competitive swinters only. SPECIAL FEES: *20.00 DESCRIPTION: Designee lor toe stuaent who is active or oesiring to te in competition (Easters, triathlon, U.S. swimming, etc.) ana secKS an intensified training program. PE-A 310 SCUBA ADVANCED (1) AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 40 SPECIAL, i ELS: ^lbb.00 PREREQUISITES: CERTIFICATION CARL DESCRiPllOh: A continuation beyona the Open Water Scuba course, giving the aiver core classrooc, pcci, ana open utter training. Also, preparation for uore detaileo recreational or proicssional activities. Culminate in a nationally recognizea certification as ot Advanced Open Water Scuba Diver. Combative Activities PE-C 112 PERSONAL DEFENSE (1) AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 25 SPECIAL FEES: $20.00 DESCRIPTION: What ao you ao when confronted by an assailant? SCREAE! Then what? That question ana cany othersare answered in the content ana training offered in this course. Using the couuon sense approach learn how to counter various attacks with coves such as kicking, striking, ano blocking to faciiitate your escape. PE-C 113 FEMCIliC 1(1) AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 2k SPECIAL FEES: $25.00 DESCRIPTION: In this class, i.. the olce3t Looern sport, iencir.t, you will be introduced to the lunoanentais of ioii t encint,. Emphasis is placed on physical cor.citaont, techniques o 1 lolls, knowledge oi the rules, arc having iun. A treat chance to live out your lantasies or relieve your afetression. PE-C 115 AIIIDO (1) AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 30 SPECIAL PEES: $20.00 DESCRIPTION: An introduction to the world of aikido including forward and backward roils, back falls, / . >r ’ • * * • * * *' * ' * ■ 1 * * * throws, and pins. In aocition, the politics of conflict, conflict resolution, and the integrity ot personal space ana how to maintain it are addressee. FE-C 116 JUDO 1(1) AVERAGE CLASS SUE: 20 SPECIAL FEES: $20.00 DESCR1PTI0K: in less than 100 years, "Juoo" has become a household word throughout the worlc. basically a type of wrestling, Juuc stresses bcuy control and precise timing to overcome an opponents force arc aggression. Or.ce you have learned how to I ail without being hurt, in-class time is usee to practice the fundamentals of various attacking anc counter attacking tnrews, hcioc, and art. locks. Enjoy a gooci so lie workout in a fascinating martial art! PE-C 117 EARATE 1(1) AVEhACE CLASS SUE: 3b SPECIAL FEES: $20.00 DESChiPTIOi : become a practitioner of the Nishiyaua method. Stuuy the techniques of stance offensive blows, ana aefense as well as the cultural aspect and terminology of one oi the world's truiy great martial arts-karate. PE-C 118 BO/QUARTERSTAFF (1) AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 30 SFICIAL REES: $20.00 DESCRIPTION: The stuuy of the Lo or Quarter stall is to uevelop the ability to oefeno oneseix with any pole-like object. Training shall inciuue the ceveloptent ol thrustint* strikint, blocking, ano siiflinfc aaneuvers. Loth basic ano free sparring will also be practices. PE-C 119 TAEKWONDO 1(1) AVERAGE CLAES SIZE: 40 SPECIAL FEES: *20.00 DESCRIPTION: To give the ttuoent t-oiut ^er.trai inf oraation on Taekwondo anc to acquaint Die: or her w_th both tne physical ana mental oeiancs ol the activity. PE-C 213 FENCING II (1) AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 24 PREREQUISITES: FENCINC 1 or equivalent. SPECIAL FEES: $25.OC DESCRIPTION: Lunge into the opportunity to refine and master control of your foil skills through floor work and bouting. Explore the techniques of the epee and sabre fencing. PE-C 216 JUDO II (1) AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 10 PREREQUISITES: JUDO I or equivalent SPECIAL FEES: $20.00 DESCRIPTION: Continued training leads to mastery of fundamental techniques. This class provides the opportunity to practice learned skills through in-class sessions