i.e., the ability to use words effectively in speaking ano writing, so as to influence or persuade. COll-El.TS: Graoint will be P/NP. EDPH 507 EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP (3) Ess if, UXT&: b:30-12:20 S DESCRIPTION: Leaders emerge as a result of their interaction with other people. because or the importance oi interaction, this course ^ives a lot of attention to ^roup uynamics. The class wilj. operate as a seminar with lull participation oi all class members usina mate-rials and readings whicr. have been ctvelopec for the course by the instructor. Through participation in simulations anu exercises, stuuents learn about concepts central to leacersmp: u r o u p expectations, basic communication 3kiils, participative cecisicn cakint, ethics, influence styles, i,oai settmt. anc power. EDPH 507 MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATIONAL DEfELOPKEHT (3) Rur.kel, 125C EL fiiETS: 1 00-15:20 UN FORMAT: Seminar PREREQUISITES: Those enroileo in DEPM's "Neunescay Proorati" EVALUATION: 100J.-Papti READINGS: Dolmen anc Leal, MODERN APPROACHES TO UNDERSTANDING AND t .ANAGING ORGANIZATIONS; ScHnsuck ana Runkei, NAhDEOOl. OF ORGANIZATION DEVELOPMENT IN SCHOOLS. DESCRIPTION: Panels leao itision: exemplilyinfc ideas in the books. EDPH 507 RESEARCH METHODS (3) hecpnei, 1 £4A IX MEETS: 13:30-15:20 W FGKMAT: Lecttie AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 20 WEEKLY READING: 3 Chapters PREREQUISITES: DEPN uoctcrui stuoents EVALUATION: 10(-Class Participation; bCk-Projeot; 30i Mioterm READINGS: Fink anc Kesecoli, HOW TO CONDUCT SURVEYS; Yin, CASL S1UDY RESEARCH; Campbell anc Stanley, LXI AND QUASi EXP LtSICNS FOP. RESEARCH; Assignee reaoinps DHSCP.iPTIGH: Research 1 etnous 11 is a continuation ol Researcn 1 with a locus on uata feat He Tint techniques anc ttninnanu analysis on the computer. The integration of uesi^r. met hoes with cata collection, analysis, ano interpretation is the main locus c-l this secono term. EDPH 514 GOVERNANCE AND POLICY IN AMERICAN SCHOOLS (3) Duncan MEETS: 17:0C-19:50 h, (OFF CAhPLS: SALE!., LCAHD ROOM A, STATE DEFT. OF EllCATION) DESCRIPTION: This course is cesi^neo to provide ir.-uepth analysis of the governance structure sue the policy-making process in elementary and secondary schools anc school districts in the Unitec States. The key concept is Federalism, the sharing of authority ano responsibility for the ueveiopment of eoucational policy implementation. EDPti 515 ORGANIZATIONAL THEORY IN EDUCATION (3) Goldstar) KLETS: 15:30-1b:20 W DLSChlPTIOK: This course is oesi^neo to provide an in-cepth Eiialysis cf educational institutions as organizations. It beLins with definitions cl theory anc discussion of hew theory can fcuide both research anc practice. This intrccuctory section is followea by a section cn traditional approaches to organizations: bureaucracy, decision-nakint,, ar.c contingency theories. The thJro, anc largest section as oevotec to L.ore recent approaches to o r ianizations; organizational politics ana the "organized anarchies" approach, ortaniiaticnal decline, oi’ccruzationai. cultures ana symbols, anc. organizational change. COMKEKT&: While the franc of reference will fce eoucational organizations at both K-12 ar.o hither education levels, the course will strive to take relevant comparisons between different types or educational ortanizations, between education ar.c other public sector organizations, ana between orb£nizaticns in the public ano private sectors. EDPN 523 POLICY RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS II (3) Charters hEETfc: 9:50 I.VF DESCR1PIIOK: This course ii cesi*r.ec lor Letinmr.t> ooctciaj. stucer.ts in IIH without prior training in empirical research. It eopltasi^es logos o: research that is relevant to the s t u g y ano analysis oi eoucational policy, ir. ciucinL bociolctical anu oi i>am sa 11 or.al seasureuont ano corieiat-onal arc quasi-experiuental research design. Ltuuents are ailoroec the opportunity to plan ano conouct an original tinor research project oi' their own choosing ur.Gcr the ir.civiuuai puiuance cf the instructor. C0I.I LETS: The course covers the hollowing topics: 1) the nature oi variables and hypotheses, 2) i unaaaentals oi' research design, 3) issues oi L.eas-ureL.ent, il) c-ethcos of collecting aata, 5) techniques of cata analysis, ano 6) ethical issues ir. policy research. EDPM 526 STUDENT RIGHTS (2) Lateman KELTS: 16:30-i: 1:20 U (OFF CAMPUS: RCSELURG, SNIDER 17, UMPQUA COMKUNITY COLLEGE) OR (OFF CAMPUS: SALE!., LOARD ROOM A, STATE DEPT OF EDUCATION—16:30-21:20 V.) PREREQUISITES: LDPi: 524 LAW AND SCHOOLS DESCRIPTION: This course is l'ocuseo or. stucer.t rights to expression, to cue process, ano to freeaou. iron, unreasonable search ana seizure. Teacher ano administrator liability lor violations of these constitutional rights is oiscusseu. Stuoents will be introduces to current cate law, statutes ana administrative rules in these and other areas, ano will further aevelop the ability to analyze typical school problems in these areas by usinfc the le^al problem solving aethocs introduced in Lav. and Schools. ED PH 552 ADMIM COHM COLL (3) Keepner, 12^A ED liLETS: 18:30-19:30 H FORI .AT: Lecture/Discussion AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 25 WEEKLY READING: 3 Chapters F.iEF.EGUlSITES: DEPE doctoral stuoents EV ALL AT 10IJ: 70',-2 Papers; 305, Kidterc. HEADINGS: Eecgan anc Tillery, REt.El.lt4G THE Ah COM. COLLEGE; Assigned readings DESCRIPTION: This course provioes an overvitv. oi the nature of administration in the Conc-unity College. In sedition to a look at the structure ol coca.unity colleges attention will be places on the role of the coL.[uur-it> college in the US euucetional systeu and how this relates to the administration of colleges. EDPK 570 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (3) bcgen I.LETS: 19:00-21:5C U DESCRIPTION: hutan Resource Management is & course which locks at hut. an behavior in complex organisations such as schools. The evolution of the human relations movement in organisations is traced; leadership, motivation, power', anc job enrichcent is studied. Particular attention is paid to the application of current theory to the educational setting. EDPK 578 SCHOOL COMMUNITY RELATIONS (2) Coleman MEETS: 19:00-20:50 V: DESCRIPTION: Tins course aims to assist autinistrators in examining school-con aunity relations from the perspective of citizen involvement, understanding the nature and importance of contemporary issues being raised about the schools, developing information ano skills neeoeo for effective citizen involvement, learning aout relevant resources to assist in promoting constructive citizen involvement, and builciug on successful personal experience. ED PM 593 HIGHER EDUCATION SURVEY (3) bogen MEETS: 19:00-21:50 \l DESCRIPTION: Higher Education Survey is an introouctory course to the study ol hither education. The course is designed to introduce stucents to a v. ice variety of conteL-iorary issues facint post sec on oary education. Topics typically coverea include the organization of hither education at the local, state, anu federal level, acauetaic freedom, and tenure, the (aan&tcaent of declinint institutions ol hither education, faculty role and authority, the institutional to a 1s, leadership, and the presiuency.