snail business. All stuuents nust do first five hoeework assifcntents ana take first Dieters.. Then they have and option of (1) remaining hetework anu report, or (2) second cedterx. and final, or both. COl.kkKTS: Coae prepared to work. The instructor uses nuebers frequently and has the reputation of bemt a hard grader. He relies on the 3tuoer.ts to attenc refcularly, pay attention, anc ask questions. KGHT 4116 GROUP PROCESSES IN ORGANIZATIONS (3) Bowie, 20SA Gilbert MEETS; 2:cC-3:20 UH +Two 3-hour wori.sf.ops FCRIJiT: Lecture/Discussicn AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 35 WELLL1 hEADih'C: 2 Chapters PREREQUISITES: POUT 321 EVALUATIOL: 5*-llcmework; 30p Atuncance; 25#-2 Papers; 20# 1-icterm; 2C#-Final READINGS: Zar.oer, MAKING GROUPS EFFECTIVE; Poresman, LCOKIMG GLASS P/.RT1C1IALT'S GUiDE DESCRIPT10L: The purpose cf the ecuroe is to uevelop a better understanding cl the behavior of individuals in proof settings ano the characteristics cl groups in organizations. Toincrease your skills ana knowleape, the course kill have both theoretical anc experiential components. COMMENTS: Attenaance in exercises, including 2 exercises curing the teri. Iron 2 p. m. tc 5 p.t.., is mandatory HGKT MO CASE STUDIES IN SMALL BUSINESS (3) run, 212C Gilbert MEETS: t:G0-9:2G MU, 125 Chiles Center FOR I. AT: Practical work (supervisee) AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 15-2C PREREQUISITES: business Seniors, l.LA canciaates READINGS: GUILE TO MANAGEMENT CONSULTING DESCRIPTION: Students are organized into small (2-*» persen) teams ana spenc the tern consulting, under the guidance ol the instructor, with local small businesses (1 for each team) which have requested help. Teats inciuae finance, marketing, accounting ana management majors. I atunty arc responsibility are important. Haro work. Tit e consuming. Excellent experience. Consent ol instructor required. Cr.±> tr.ose wining tc make a strong, intelligent ellort should apply. COl 1 ELTS: Stucer.ts who are not business majors have successfully participated in this course, but they have- had sot. e business ex;erience. KG KT 453 BUSINESS POLICY AND STRATEGY (3) Goes, 209A Gilbert KELTS: 12:30-13:50 IK, 227 Chiles tOI.ljiT: Lecture/Discuscion AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 35 UEEKLY READ1I.G: 2 Chapters PHEREOliSITF.S: Senior status, KGI.T 321 ACTG 260, til. 510. l.KTG 311, LSC 335 LVALUTIOL: 20V-Par ticipatior.; 50V 3 Papers; 255-Project; 255-l.icterx READINGS? Pearce anc Robinson, STRATEGIC h/.K AGEKLhT; Allison, ESSENCE OF DECISION; Porter, COliPETITIVE STRATEGY DESCRIPTION: An integrative course requiring background and skills in oiiferent functional areas-see prerequisites. Stuoents will oeveiop analytical skills and evaluate tajor issues in coDj-etxtor enc incustry analysis, strategy I onulatioD, ano strategy iupiece station in complex organizations CCKl ENTS: Prerequisites are stiictiy enforced, ar.c attenoance is uanaatory. KGMT <55 ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT (3) I.eyer, 21E Gilbert KELTS: 12:30-13:50 UK r OR1 Ml: Lectur e/Discussior. AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: bC WEEKLY READING: 2 Chapters EVALUATION 33V-Projbc , 33W-5 Guizzes; 33V>-Final READINGS: Robbins, ORCAhi EAT iOK TLLCRY: Tit STRUCTURE AKD DESIGN OF Or.GAl.IZAi I OKS; Packet DLSCRiPTiOi.: Today's organizations conircr.t t.ore bewildering arc. volatile conditions than ever bei ore--4,lobai competition is increasing, U.S. liras' productivity is la^int, anc technological change is accelerating. Or^anizatior.s aro their managers art- strufet,linfc tc aaapt to ail this. This course brings mcoern organization theories tc Lear or. contemporary issues anu problems in management. We will analyze how organizations are eflectea by their environments, how they are oesipnec anc structures, and why they are ellective or inettective in achieving, their £.oals. MG hi 537 MOTIVATION AND WORK BEHAVIOR (3) Russell, 2G9L Gilbert EGRI.AT: Lecttrc/Liscussion AVERACt CLASS SiZE: bC WEEKLY READING: 75*100 PRLRECU1 SITES: M GMT 511 or lntructcr Consent EVALUATION: 10W-Attenoance; 30W Project; 30W-Fioterti; 305.-Final KEADlhGS: Steers ano Porter, MOTIVATION AND WORK LELAV10R DESCRIPTION: basic motivational processes, contemporary theories ol work motivation, job performance ano satisi action, attachment/committ ent ano organization, rewaro systems, boai-settinfc processes, joL cesi^n, anc Quality ol work lile. CCKFKI.TS: Students will work or a project with iocai organization n possible. KGKT 541 ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT THEORY (3) Ecyer, 214 Gilbert I£ETS: 9:30-10:50 UH FORI AT: Discussion AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 35 WEEKLY READING: 3 Chapters EVALUATION: Z5‘#-Paper; 25i-Project; 255-KidterL; 25'/»-Final READINGS: E i 1 e i and Snow, ORGA1 1ZATIONAL STRATEGY, STRUCTURE, ARC FECCESS; Facket DESCRIPTION: This course seals with or^aniaaticr ar.o nana^euei.t theory: systeuic aspects oi tne cesi^n anu oanai,ec.ent ol' ccnplex crttnizaticns. Much of the course material will reflect the vantage point of top management. This group oi individuals has primary responsibility for the operations of the entire organization—aligning the organization with its environment ana arranging internal resources to support the chosen alignment. Concepts and theories tnat aid managers in these tasks are a prime focus oi the course. Stuaents will become involved in an organizational project that will axiow them to experience first har.c cany oi the major structures anu processes exhibitea by organizations. Educational Psychology EPST 321 HUMAN DEVELOPMENT AND GROUP PROCESSES (3) Dizney/Epps/5 oursund AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 70 READINGS: Lecker, APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY FOR TEACHERS DESCRIPTION: Physical, psychological, cognitive, and social development during the school years; troup processes arc their effects or. individual development, particularly in the school setting. Evaluation, tests, measurement. Kajor topics: Level opusental changes, especially uurin0 school years; the effects of the family, schcol, ana peers on socialization. The effects ot group processes on the individual, e.g., expectations, norms, leadership, style, etc. Handling measurement data, interpreting test results. COM-ENTS: Three multiple choice tests and weekly exercises. Class involvement through exercises ano participation in small-group process sessions. BPST 322 LEARNING ASSESSMENT IN EDUCATION (3) Decker AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 70 PREREQUISITES: EPSY 321 READINGS: Decker, APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY FOR TEACHERS; Decker ana Stein, Workbook for APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY FOR 1 CACHERS. DESCRIPTION: Major topics: Principles of learning ana their application in the classroom (motivating children's classroom management, eliminating behavior problems, theory of instruction); monitoring student progress; tests for classroom use; achievement tests. COMMENTS: Three tests, three quizzes, and 2 projects. Educational Policy and Management EDPh 199 SPECIAL STUDIES: PEES ACADEMIC ADVISING (1-3) Uace, 16A Oregon MELTS: Flexible FORINT: Practicum PREREQUISITES: FR/SO only EVALUATION: 155.-3 Quizzes; 155.