DESCRIPTION: Late Georgian buildings in the English colonies.¥ic and public builaings in the easte/n states after the Revolution. The leaoing builders and the beginnings of the architectural profession in the United States. Frontier builoing frot. Kentucky to Illinois before the Creek Revival. The beginning of inaustrial architecture. Art Education ARE 331 ART IN COMMUNITY SERVICES (3) Degge, 251F Lawrence MEETS: 3:30-4:50 UH, 24$ Lawrence FORMAT: Lecture/Discussion ana Field Component AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 25 WEEKLY READIED: 50 Pages PREREQUISITES: lnterestec in Community Art Services, Arts Administration, Arts Education EVALUATION: 10^-Hom e w ork ; 105 Attenoance; 40Z-2 Papers; 401 Project READINGS: Von Eckert, LIVE ThE GOOD LIFE; Packet DESCRIPTION: Stuay of visual arts programs and policies in community agencies. Planning art experiences appropriate for diverse social ana indiviaual needs. COMMENTS: Learn about directing arts programs, working with diverse afees of tecple in art, visit and examine various proferais and agencies, study literature in cultural services. ARE 410G ART IN COMMUNITY SERVICES (3) Degge, 251F Lawrence l.LETS: 3:3C-4:50 UH, 249 Lawrence FORMAT: Lecture/Discussion ana Fielo Component AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 25 WEEKLY READING: 50 Pa^es PREREQUISITES: Interestec in Community Art Services, Arts Administration, Arts Education EVALUATION: lOi-home wo rk ; 10V Attendance; 40V-2 Papers; 40V Project READINGS: Vor; Eckarot, LIVE THE GOOD LIFE; Packet DESCRIPTION: Stuuy of visual arts programs and policies in community agencies. Planning art experiences appropriate for diverse social ana indiviuuai neecs. COMMENTS: Learn about oirecting arts programs, working with diverse ages oi people in art, visit and examine various programs and agencies, study literature in cultural services. Accounting ACTG *20G ACCOUNTING INFO SYSTEMS (3) beisse, 1 PLC MEETS: 12:30-13:30 Uh, 337 Gilbert F0R1.AT: Lecture/Discussion AVERAGL CLASS SIZE: 30 WEEKLY READING: 2 Chapters PREREQUISITES: CIS 131 ana ACTC 260 ana senior staftainfc EVALUA1ION: 10S-Prcject; 30* Komework; 20W>idterm; JJG*-Final READINGS: l.oscove ana Simkin, ACCCl KTING I RFC SYSTEM DESCRIPTION: The role cl information processing systems in organizations. Examines system design, catabase cesi^n, accounting controls, ana system audit metnccs. Examples incluae both manual and automated inlormatior. systems. COMMENTS: This course deals with the relationships between accounting and computerised systems. Homework exercises are problems ana case studies oesipr.tu to apply course concepts. Management MGKT 101 INTRODUCTION TO MANAGEMENT (3) Lytle, 271 Gilbert MEETS: 10:3C 1-WF FORIAT: Lecture/Discussion AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 225 WEEKLY READING: 2-3 Chapters EVALUATION 50*-2 Kiotems; 5C% Flnai READ!KGS: Rue eno byaus, MANAGEMENT THEORY AMD APPLICATION DESCRIPTION: A course tor Pre Eusiness majors ana students from other disciplines interested in a basic management course. MG K T 321 MANAGEMENT AND 0BGA1IZATI0NAL BEHAVIOR (3) Hovoay, 219 Gilbert MEETS: 14:00-15:20 UH, 13b Gilbert FORMAT: Lecture AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 23C WEILL) READING: 2 Chapters EVALUATION: 1005.-3 Lidtens READINGS: hcllreipel, Slocuu, and Woodman, ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR; Selecteu Readings DESCRIPTION: Thai* course focuses or. effectively huuan behavior in organizations. Attention will be bi\en to theory ar.c research helping us ur.uerstanc the characteristics ol inuiviGuals, organizations, arc the interaction that tabes place when the two cone together in a work relationship. Emphasis will be piven to application of theory ana research to core elfective iBanap.eE.ent practices in organizations. Exac. pies or effective ar.c ineffective tanahenent in business orpanizationi will be uiscussea. MGMT 322 HU KAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (3) Killer, 212E Gilbert MEETS: 19:CC-20:20 Mb, 330 Gilbert FCRKAT: Lecture/Discussion AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 50 WEEKLY READING: 2-3 Chapters PREREQUISITES: EGET 321; Business fcajor EVALUATION: 70S-2 Kidtercs; 30% Final READINGS: Lathis ana Jackson, PERSONAL: KUHAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT DESCRIPTION: This is a survey course, which tieans thst briei coverage is given to a wide variety of topics in huoan resource Bianageaent. Sutjects ol interest induce: hunan resource planning; job analysis; recruitment and selection; performance appraisal; training and development; compensation; ana collective bargaining. MGMT 322 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (3) Russell, 20SE Gilbert KELTS: 14:00-15:2C IH FORI AT: Lecture/Discussion AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: £0 V.EEKL* READING: 50 Pages PREREQUISITES: 1.GPT 321 EVALUATION: 10>-KoBework; 55*-2 hioterms; 35V-Finai READINGS: hut bis ana Jackson, HUNAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT DESCR1P110N: Human resources management is a challenging 1 iela. The human resources management function is responsible for attracting, retaining, and motivating employees. This responsibility must be performeu at the individual and organizational level in an interaction with tne policies and strategies of the organization. This is an overview course that is designea to provide broaa coverage of human resource planning, recruitment, selection, training, employee development, performance appraisal, compensation, personnel policies, and labor management relations. HGKT 3*0 SKILL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT (3) Lurr, 212C Gilbert MEETS: b:00-9:20 Mi, 332 Gilbert FORMAT: Lecture/Discuasion AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 47 WLEKL1 READlliG: 40 Fates PFEKEGUIS1TES: Jr. Stanamt, priority to Duo. majors, Duo. experience or' education helps. EVALUATION: 31V-Paper; 4 7 S - honcwork; 44V-2 1 ititeras; 33>-Fin»l READINGS: Steinboll and Eur^ets, SPALL EUSlhESS MANAGE! D I* T FUKDAMB.NTALS DESCRIPTION: A practicaily-orienteu course which attempts to acquaint the stuuer.t with the rear world problems ol otartine and i-anatn-t a (CAMPUS SHOE SHOP] Complete Shoe Repairing & Accessories One day repair on Jogging Shoes and Vibram Resoling