both in their own ate suosequenu perioos. Throughout the course an attempt will be sace to deteraine to what extent social, religious ate political forces helped to shape the fort, and character of Christian architecture between its beginnings in the early fourth century anc the end of the Kiddle Ages. ABB 35* AMEBICil PAIBTIBC ABD SCULPTURE (3) Roth, 237A Lawrence 1EETS: 1H:30-15:2C KEF, 166 Uvrtoce FCR1AT: Lecture AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: *0 MLLkLl READIkG: 25 Pages FFERECUISITES: ARE 206 recoctencec EVALUATION: 355-Faper; 25S-Kidt«rt; 4C#-Final READINGS: KcCoubrey, AFEPICAL APT; Harris, ARTIST It AKEBICAfc SOCIETT; Stebbins, A REE WORLD: FJLSTLRPIECES OF AF.EBICAE PA1J.T11G; Eaigeii, A CCM ClSt fclSTORI OF AhERICAJ. FAINTING AIX SCULPTURE DESCRIPTION: This class is at. introduction to Anencan painting ana sculpture anu to the special thetet running throughout Auencan art. It looks at aspects cl patronage, of the position 01 the artist in American society, anc the special subject natter American artists focused on. Photography arc printing tecFniques will also be ex&ninec briefly. C 0 h1 LRTS: This class is particularly reconuenceo to Auerican Stucies uajors ar.c ttose considering this as a possible tajor. APR *07G kIBC ABO CB'IBG PAIBTIBC (3) Laing, 237B LA KILTS: 1A:30-16:50 U, 2*1 LA FOPLiAT: Leciure/ AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 10 EVALUATICIi: 30*,-Paper; 25%-Kiotera; A5P-Fina. DESCR1PT10K: This course will locus cn examining cross inlluences in paintings done in the cities of Nanking/Hangcbou a no Suchou in the 16th century anc the Peking Court ana Tangchou (8 Eccentrics) in the 16th century. Use will be aaoe of paintings in be U of 0 Kuseuc of Art. ARB *26G WESTERN hEDIEVAL ART: GOTHIC (3) JUa&o, 237C Lawrence IXETS: IS:30-16:20 !EF, 166 LA FORIAT: Lecture/Discussior. AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 20 WEELLY REAL'INC: 5G-6C Fa^tr PREREQUISITES: ALU 205 or permission of instructor EVALUATION: AOS-Paper; 30J-HlaterB; 30V-Final READINGS: Or. reserve: Zarnecki, ART OF ThE MEDIEVAL WORLD; Kartindale, GOTLIC ART; Katzenellenboten, ThE SCULPTURAL PROGPAKS OF ChARTRRS CATHEDRAL; Calkins, hONCKEKTS OF hEDIEVAL ART; Sauerlancei, GOTHIC SCULPTURE II. FRANCE; Grocecki, LE VITRA1L FRACAIS;, A DOCUKLKTARY HISTORY OF ART; Deuchler, GOTHIC ART; Duty, ThE AGE OF THE CATHEDRALS DESCRIPTION: Gothic art, with artificially oecorative yet lively fx&, vat born in Che ©curt circles of cic-twelfth century Paris. At tfce sate tiee another artistic current, vitfc ter, mental, tfcree-ciaensiccal forks, ceveicpec in ar.c southern Europe. To express tfce fcutanity of saints act heroes, tfce art cf tfce Hifcfc l.iocle A*es cotcined this ne« sense of volute uitfc tfce "precious" French style. Serving as a vehicle for systetatic expositions of faith, it also reflectec tfce secular ife of courtly society. By exatmint, key tor.utents, tfce class will study fcov all ttese currents cctfcineo to fort tfce International Style cf 1*0C. ARH *29C GOTfalC ARCHITECTURE I (3) Sunct, 107 SC X I.LETS: 9:30-10:50 UH, 166 LA FCFJJJ: Lecture/Ciscussion AVEr.ACE CLASS SUE: 30 hEiiLY RE/DiLG: 10 Faces, rftt REQUISITES: ARb 205 or 312 or *27 or correct cl instructor EVALU AT 1CI : 33.3‘#-raf er; 33«3# Kiotern; 33»3V-Final REACiliGS: bony, GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE li: FRA2.CE LESCRiPTiCl.: This cours-e involves a cetaileo of the tajor architectural achievements of the Gotnic penoc in France Iron ca. * 1 AC to 1300. in addition tc the usual consiceraticns cf style ano structure, particular attention win be £,ivento the creative acts 01 individual architects anc the aesthetic consequences prcceecinc iron their approaches tc space, fort, ar.c function. A brief overview of Rocanesque uonucents will serve to introouce the structural ar.c aesthetic problems reiatici, to the genesis of the Gothic stile in northern France ourinc the first cecaces cf the 12th century. ABU M2 EARL I KOCERN ART: ROfcAKTICiat (3) kicholson, 12:6 EC X FXETS: 3:3C ILF, 166 LA FORI JIT: Lecture/Discussioc AVERAGE CLALS SIZE: 35 kLEKLl REAL1UG: 76 PREREQUISITES: ARK 206 or consent REACIl.CS: Vaughn, R0PANT1CISP; Licot, GOYA LESCR1FT10L: This course concentrates on history of painting in Europe Curing tte Rcoantic era (1769-1630). Artists ciscusseu inciuce Goya, B.ate, Constable, Turner, Cerioault, Lelocroix, Frieorict. I.ajor t het-es ano preoccupations ot the perioc such as the role of imagination, cult of the moivicual, aoc exoticism will be consicereo. Course is interdisciplinary in outlook ano coulo te suitable for European literature ana bistcry majors who nay not have taken the prerequisite introouctory art history survey, with consent. ARK M5G 20TK CENTURY ART (3) Simmons, 240 Lawrence FILETS: 16:30-17:5C Kk, 107 LA FCRI-AT: Lecture/Discussic-n AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 70 EVALUATION: 33-3t-Faper; 33-31 t.ic.teru; 33oi-Finai REAC1KGS: Rutin, CACA, SUEF.EALISK, AKC ThEIR KER11AGE; kiloett, ART AKZ POLITICS IK TPt WEILAR REPUBLIC; Reserve readings LESCRIPTIOK: The elaaa will focus, on selectee probletsa of art oi Western ana Eastern Europe between 1910 and 19*10. Atone, the issues to be explored will be the oeveloptent or expressionist in Central Europe, the genesis and development of abstract art, reactions in art to the rise of technology, the growth oi emphasis plaeea on the social ano political utility of art in the 19ZC's, the influence of photography anc the resurgence of realist, and tne oeveloptent anc importance of surrealist. ARK 448 NINETEENTH CENTURY ARCHITECTURE (3) P.oth, 237A LA HITS: S:30-10:20 MiF, 107 LA FGRr-AT: Lecture AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 125 WEEKLY READING: 25 Rases P REE ECU 1 SITES: A Eli 206 or 313 or 472 EVALUATION: 10%-Quizzes; 405. llioterc; 50',-Final READINGS: Hitchcock, AECHI1ECTUEE: 19TH AND 20TH CENTURIES; Collins, CHANGING IDEALS IN MODE F. I. ARCHITECTURE; Choay, MODERN CITY: PLANNING IN THE 1STN CENTURY; Clark, TEE GOThIC REVIVAL DESCRIPTION: This course is an intensive survey of the principle Developments in architectural aesign, urban planning, ar.o buiicinu technology from 1750 through 1&50 in Europe (ARh 473 cfferec next year will cover similar material in the Uniteo States). Special attention is given to major Developments in technology and in transportation, especially as these eftecteo urban growth and the Development of new urban builcing types. C 0 II. ENT S : This course is recommenced for students in German stuoies, for those anticipating work ir. Historic Preservation, ano fcr students of European cultural history. ARB *52 BISTORT OF INTERIOR ARCHITECTURE (3) Hawn, 203 Lawrence Hall 1-.EETS: 11:30 RV.F. 107 Lawrence FORI AT: Lecture AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: *C 1LLKLY READING: 10 Pages PREREQUISITES: Sone history cl Art or Architecture recentenaed EVALUATION: 50S-i:iotern; 50%-Final READINGS: Whiton, INTERIOR DESIGN AND DECORATION; Selected rescinds DESCRIPTION': This course will involve the history of interior architecture, inducing furniture design during the 16th and 19th centuries in England anc France. The lectures integrate cultural, econocic, political, religious, ar.c historic forces with the developnent of period syles so that the reasons hehino stylistic characteristics are identified. ARB *720 18TB CBNTURT AMERICAN ARCHITECTURE (3) Donnelly, 237A Lawrence 1XETS: 10:3C—11:20 KUF, 166 LA F0EKAT: Lee t ure AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 25 EVALIAT10N: 1C0V-3 Kicterus READINGS: Packet