single thematic fora, which they will explore ica Investigate throughout the quarter. Each assignment will approach the fore from a cifferent perspective. Stucects will also be learning F.OLDhAKlhG ana will cake plaster casts from plaster anO (where appropriate) urethane molds. (This course will NOT include any metal casting). The objectives of this course are for students to learn about the development of their own creative process ana forms ana to learn about the learning of complex technical procecses such as molacaking. CO hi ENTS: Fees may be tcrelf stuuents use large quantities of materials. Stuoents doing rubber molds will lave to mail order their own PHC 72k. Visual Design ARTV 199 DESIGNING HUB COMPUTERS (3) Brunn MEETS: 6:30-11:20 UH, 210 LA FORMAT: Stuaio AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 13 READINGS: BECOMING A MAC ARTIST, NOTES 01. GRAPHIC DESIGN AND VISUAL COtMUNICATION CESCRIFTION: This course will cover the usa^e of the Macintosh computer as a tool for graphic design. Weekly design projects will be given to the student. These projects wiJl explore the usage of the laser writer with the Macintosh fer graphic illustrations, logos, and fonts. ARTV 199 INTRO TO COMPUTERS IN ART AID DESIGN (3) Erunn MEETS: 16:30-21:20 Vf, 210 LA FORMAT: Stucio AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 16 READINGS: Maran, THE GRAPHIC MACINTOSH BOOK; Lu, THE APPLE MACINTOSH BOOK DESCRIPTION: Introouction to the Macintosh as a tool for artists and designers at a beginning level. COMMENTS: No previous computer experience required. ARTY 199 GRAPHIC TOOLS (3) Cole MEETS: 15:30-16:20 Hi, 147 LA FORI .AT: Stuoio AVERAGE aASS SIZE: 20 DESCRIPTION': An introduction and course dealing specifically with tools and processes of 2-aimensional design. Projects emphasize design, research, construction, and preparation of art wcrk, development of technical skills ana exploration of materials, tools, anu ueoia. This course is recommended as a prerequisite for Lette:lore and Graphic Symool. ARTY 258 BASIC PHOTOGRAPH! (2-4) Campbell MEETS: 15:30-18:20 MV, 316 ALL FORI JkT: Studio AVERAGE aASS SIZE: 15 SPECIAL FEES: 4-25.00 MIT DESCRIPTION: Basic black ana whit* photographic processes and techniques; development of camera ar.a darkroom skills; seeing photographically. Numerous reviews of student work. IKTf 258 BASIC PHOTOGRAPHY (2-3) Lloyd KELTS: 12:30-15:20 h, 316 Alien; W, 306 Allen FCRKAT: Studio AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 15 SPECIAL FEES: $25.00 KIT DESCRIPTION: Basic black ar.a white photographic processes and techniques; aevelopcent of cetera and dtrkrooic skills; seeing photographically. Numerous reviews of student work. ART? 362 LETTERFORM/CALLIGRAPHY (2 6) Reaves MEETS: 15:30-16:20 MW, 231 LA FORMAT: Stuaio AVERAGE CLASS S1ZL: 15 PREREQUISITES: fertission of instructor SPECIAL FEES: V5.0G IJT EVALUATION: 20J.-Attendance; 30t Project; 205-lliatera; 30>-Fin&l DESCRIPTION: The course will induce a historical survey of the levelopcent of the Western alphabet, trou classical hocar. capital letters of the secona century up tc the introduction oi type in the Renaissance; tectm^ues ano appropriate styles of har.alettering for reproduction by offset printing ana xerography; ana historical founoations ar.c contemporary styles ol brush lettering. COMMENTS: Some previous calligraphy experience recommendec. ARTV 382 LETTERFORM/TYPOGRAPHY (2-4) Tetsxer MEETS: 12:30-15:20 UH, 290 LA FOhlJiT: Stuuio AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 10 PREREQUISITES: Permission of instructor SPECIAL FEES: $10.0C HIT READINGS: TYPOGRAPHY: A MANUAL OF DESIGN DESCRIPTION: Develop a knowiege of typographic terns ano their uses; aeveicp experimental printing ano graphic techniques; aevelop understanding of type as a visual element in design; ano produce a number of printeo typographic designs. COP.MELTS: During the term, there will be required fielo trips to printing plants, photo engravers, and graphic design offices. ARTV AC7G SEMINAR EXPERIMENTAL ANIMATION (1-3) O'Connell, 230 L/. MEL1S: 1b:30-21:2G H FORMAT: Seminar AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 20-25 SPECIAL FEES: $10.00 MIT READINGS: Layborne, THE ANIMATION faCOh; Russett, EXPERIMENTAL ANIMATION, .alas, COMPUTER ANIMATION DESCRIPTION: This course will consist of a survey of history and theory ol independent ano experimental animation primarily from the 70’s ana 60's with some examples of historic work. These pieces are the personal expression by artists working in film ana viaeo. The class will view and discuss several films each week and write at least one paper. Two guest artists will sake presentations of their work. COMMENTS: The class is intenaed to puvide a sampling of excellent independent film work by artists that work in animation. The class will be a lecture/oiscussior* format. ARTY 410 COMPUTERS IB ART I (4) Kapan FilTS: 13:30-16:20 UK, 210 LA FORMAT: Studio AVERAGE CLASS SILL: 16 PREREQUISITES: Permission of instructor READINGS: Packet DESCRIPTION: Introduction to the creation of art though computer programming. Two and three dimensional imagery, color and light usr. ipulation, ano animation techniques. COMMENTS: Three term sequence: Fall, Winter, Spring. Next year's course may require knowledge of Pascal programming. ART? 410G ADVANCED MAC GRAPHICS (3) Brunn MEETS: 16:30-21:20 U+, 210 LA FORMAT: Stuaio AVEhAGL CLASS SIZE: 20 PREREQUISITES: Percicsion cf instructor READIt.GS: BECOMING A MAC ARTIST DESCRIPTION: Auvar.cec work with Macintosh graphics applications, inducing technical drawinp, electronic page make-up, ana animation. COMMENTS: General familiarity with llacintosh requirea. ARTY A10G COMPUTERS IN ART II (2-A) Hickman MEETS: 9:30-12:20 UK, 125 CSC FORMAT: Studio AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 15 PREREQUISITES: Permission of instructor DESCRIPTION: Aovanced work in computer generated graphics. Stucents need tc have completed at least two terms of Computers of Art I (fomeriy titled Graphic Design Programming), ana have a working knowlecie of Pascal programming. ARTV 41OC COMKU HI CATION GRAPHICS (2 *) Hicktan KELTS: 15:30-16:20 KW, 210/254 LA FORKAT: Studio AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 20 PREREQUISITES: Priority to FAA cajors, pertission of instructor SPECIAL FEES: $.5.00 KIT READINGS: reference: A PRIKER OF VISUAL LITERACY DESCRIPTION: Intrccuce stuoents to the basics of conceptualizing ano designing effective coLi.unicatior. graphics on the ccaputer. It is intenaea for those who have had little or no background in graphic design but will be using the computer to create such things as posters, charts, sciaii publications,