DESCRIPTION: beginning, course in obervaticn, selection, and recording of significant elements in various drawing media. ART 295 BASIC DESIGN (2-*) Tetzner KELTS: 12:30-15:20 MW, Wilk. House FORMAT: Studio AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 20 PREREQUISITES: Priority to AAA majors DESCRIPTION: Program ting of information and processes investee in the act of designing; exercises in understanding the syntax of problem posing. ART 295 BASIC DESIGN (2-4) karpinski, 290 LA KLETS: 8:30-11:20 UH, 190 LA FORMAT: Studio AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 20 PREREQUISITES: Priority to AAA majors SPECIAL FEES: $15.00 MIT READINGS: Law, DESIGN BASICS DESCRIPTION: An introduction to fundamental design through problem solving. Theory and applications of two-dimensional design will be addressee through slide lectures, discussions, ano exercises. ART 4O0G BOCK ARTS (2-4) Prentice, 168 LA MEETS: 18:30-21:20 MW, 249 LA FORMAT: Studio AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 15 PREREQUISITES: Permission of instructor DESCRIPTION: During this course, students will explore the form of the oook as a unique arena in which to express ideas visually. by pushing the definition of the bock to its limits, the book will be dealt with both as the sutject of art objects and as a vehicle, the gathering together of pages in sequential order to express ideas visually in time. What is the unique experience that the book form offers to the viewer ant why wcuiu an artist choose that term ever the white wall? ART 482 ANATOMY FOR ARTISTS (3) Euckner, N.S. Sculpture MEETS: 12:30-14:20 I Vi, 147 LA FORMAT: Studio AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 35 SPECIAL FEES: 010.00 READINGS: Any reasonably good artist's anatomy book DESCRIPTION: The naming of the lumps is of little use to an artist. What is itportant is tne why of them...their function and their underlying structure. We will study the basic skeletal and muscular systems of the human figure. Ceramics ARTC *55G ADVANCED CERAMICS (2-A) Kokis, 190 Lawrence MEETS: 8:30-11:20 MW, 105E ART FORMAT: Stuaio AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 15 PREREQUISITES: Open to anyone kho has studied a minimum of 1 year in ceramic process*, s. SPECIAL FEES: *35.00 KIT DESCRIPTION: Self-airecteo study within a community. Emphasizing the integration oi skills, theory, ana creative practice through ceramic processes. ARTJ 257 JEWELRY AND hETALSHITHINC (2-A) CampDell MEETS: 12:30-15:20 ML, 19b LA FORMAT: Studio AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 20 SPECIAL FEES: *20.00 KIT DESCRIPTION: This course will introouce the student to the methods of jewelry making ana metalscithin^. Projects are for students to exercise these methods and to explore aesitn concepts in metals. Students will be expected to do stuaio time outside of class, the amount of time dependent on credit hours taken. Jewelry and Metalsmithing Painting ARTP 391 DRAklMG (2-4) Fiorales KELTS: 6:30-11:20 l.V, 161 LA FORMAT: Stuaio AVERAGL CLASS SIZE: 20 PREREOUISITLS: Permission of instructor DESCRIPTION: Continued study in observation related to visual and spatial phenomena. ARTP 410C LARGE SCALE PAINTING (7) OPeaa, 166 LA I'.LETS: 12:30-16:20 KUVih, 151 LA FORI AT: Stucio AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 1U PREREQUISITES: Permission ol instructor DESCRIPTION: To familiarize the student to lar^e scale dimensions in painting. Exercises v. 111 be directeo to still lites, figure studies, ar.d abstract painting* Group critiques ana £,roup analysis will be or.goin* . ARTP 410C ART THEORIES (3) Qkaua, 166 LA MEETS: 10:00-11:20 KW, 2**1 LA FORMAT: Lecture AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 15-lfc PREREQUISITES: Permission ol instructor EVALU/T10N: 25'>-Pro ject; 7b% Atter.oance READINGS: Current professional journals and periodicals DESCRIPTION: A class desifcnec to visuallj illustrate the chanting theoretical postures in painting from the early 19th century to contemporary issues. ARTP **91 DRAWING (2-A) Graf!, 166 LA MEETS: 6:30-11:20 Uh, 161 LA FCRMAT: Studio AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 16 SPECIAL FEES: $20.0 KIT DESCRIPTION: This course is for the student that has completed at least university level (or equivalent) arawing courses. Although Lost of the in-class work will be fron. the ncdel, each stuaenl will be expected to develop orawings of their own cone outsioe class. The course attempts to help each stuaent define their own identity with drawing as a life-long process. ARTP 507 GRADUATE SEMINAR (2) hsent in oraer to exan.ine those issues ol lorn that retain constant and comprise the language of painting. Each week there will be viewing of slices ana oiscussion or. the paintings ana articles written by artists. rnntmaking ARTR 3*9 FUNDAMENTAL PRINTMAKING (3) Paul, 165> LA MEETS: 8:30-11:20 UL, 160 LA FORMAT: Studio AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 15 PREREQUISITES: Peraisslon of instr cctor DESCRIPTION: To provide a solid technical/conceptual/aesthet ic bate in the meciun cf lithography as one cl the main orar.cnes ol printnaking. Stuaents will learn to prepare stones, execute leases in a variety ol traditions.. anc newer techniques, to process ar:o stabilise the for printing, ar.u to print snail consistent eoitins ol images on line printDaking paper. (This wii.1 prepare those who are interested to work subsequently in the 480G section, doing core advanced ar.c independent work in the medium: color- work, pr.otolitho, Lixeo media, etc.) COM 1 EM'S: A very involving ana potentially fascinating meoiut.. Not advisable as a casual commitment. Substantial manipulative image caking experience is recccuenoeu prior tc ooing iitlography (drawing, painting, or design, e.g.). Consultation with instructor urged. Sculpture ARTS 393 INTERMEDIATE SCULPTURE (2 *> Aipert, 1fc7 LA MEETS: 12:30-15:20 UH, 105A ART FORMAT: Stuuio AVERAGE CLASS SlZt: 10 PREREQUISITES: Permission ot instructor DE'SCPI PTIOIJ: In this course, students will befcin by cevclopint a