participation anc polit.oU centre-.' ; c-w ire public officials, ate beipint, professions involves in political par tic i pation ; PPPP 507 EfcT&CT FLAilttllG (3) E^abf ECB& fiMUrlcks I&£T£; 11:00-12 • 2C Uh 9 201 LA r OFJ AT: Lecture/Sec irar A V&llillCl £r S«l » 1 > Fii FJKL If F2Air x *"*0 * ir £r V /» L W A i i-Oia* 0 0 — i • O ^ ^ O I* P* § 2 %»> — P■ f 11 f1'r 11 f r* - f,•wf'1 ir 3l ■' rljax-AA X 1 E . t C C‘ U I i € W J i * eiau. ir.e tf.t pc* ;c> issues i no lap-eacnbation ttcbauist s lor pronct*nt, etert; efficiency iuprovesenta a r. c tf.e pitater ut*iiaation oi renewable resources. Ike course will have a iccax arc state ievex locus, with case studies Crave primarily Iron tr.e Pacific Ecrttwest ar.c Uiiioriiia. Payor tut^ect areas covereo t>y tie course rcc.uce: 1) Lccal Energy PUrninp Unuer ti.e northwest Conservation arc Electric Power Flan; 2) kecentrslizeu ier.ewable Energy Proouction; 3) Energy ano Lane Use Pianrinn; *»5 luprovinj. El l iciency ox Lew arc Existint, Luudints; b) inert) Econotice anu Energy Financir-L l.echanists; ano 6) Locai Pro^r&is CC. lil iS: TEc course will be evenly spilt tetween xectuies ano clast c itcucs ic re. Cuest lectures lrct parctittonert w.xi be anc integral part oi tr.e course. Ibere will be one fieic trip to ar. energy facility sues at Irojar. nuciear power p*ant. FPPK 510 COMPUTERS FCR FUbLIC MAHAGERS (3) Si-ith, 121 Lenoncks iXLTC: 15:30-1b:2C U, 220 tC FCJ.1AT: Lecture/Lat /.VLi ACL CLASS SILL: 1b VLU.L1 i.r AC 12.0: 25 Fupcs LVALUATICl.: 1GG5-5 Prefects hLALI2.CS: Packet LLsOlirT id.: Inis i & a course ocii;, to lritroouce scitwaie appi icaticr.s useiui. par t icu..ari> , out not exclusively tc planners ar.o pucuc nana^er-s. V.e w*li oe corking uitt lit personal computers wesm* LOTUS 1-2-3 ar.u L-LACt in, ar.o v/ith the University's ii-1. ^3^1 uainlraue cciputer usinfc, SPSSX (statistics* jachui.e lor tie Social Sciences). T1. e c.s: i will o e splat approxiuateii 50/50 tetueen .ecture arc in class lat tut. C02 i Pi.IS: This coui st is cesipr.eo l o. pecpie u its little cr nc cot putt r experience or lor people uitn specific interest in learnint LOTUS 1-2-3 ar.o D-lASt III. PPPK 518 LEGAL ISSUES IN PLANNING (A) Oaxe, 102 Hencricics liclS: 9:30-10:50 Lh FOP.flT: Lecture/Dmcuscion AVEPAGE CLASS SIZE: 16 WEEKLY HEADING: 60 Pafces PREHEGU1S11ES: FPPL 507 Law ar.o Let,al Ffcthotii. or instructor consent. EVALUATION: 10)-Class Participfctior.; 10S-2 Quizzes; 60# raptr HEADINGS: Cailies arc Freiiict, CASES AND I.ATEEIALS CK LAND USE DESCRIPTION: An exacmetion oi constitutional *aw issues, lend use controls aca^, property 1*« arc its planning inpacts, judicial review ci pj.aojBiii.fe occasions arc selectee environ r. ectai ieta contrc.s. PPPK 5*0 LA 1«I» OSE FLA*. 1 (3) ca.j.«*»it, 1*>TC Beodncfcs FC-r.i-AI: Lector t /IiicuiSiOO AVtflOL CLASS SHE: 15 LLtfeLl EE4D1LC*: 5t Pates ^ f * • r 1 S t i ^ L w r> i * v ti • > v a v ® ^ Participation; 35‘.-Iaper; 35Wir*al r~. AajLGS: G r u fee, £ * C ECE I AIHji rLSC'Li CES Ail ELV PLiLLiLOj C» IA2.AGHG CIEGCI.'S GE0L1L DESCIIFUGA: This course introduces the stuoent tc tr.e concepts, issues, uanatesent tools, anc consequences cl .ano use planning. The course et;i.4_uts: (1) Lsi.c use problems ant causes, (2) feoeral, state, local ianc use plans, (3) uethoos oi j.iti,o use plan fort oration, ant (*•; tcCiJiiques ol, itpiener.tation. CCEt EkiS: Course Objectives: A. Prcvice a historic perspective on *ano use picbiecs. E. Provioe an uuoerstandinp. oi the cause ano nature of land use piobiecs. C. Overview the status ol national, state, ano jocai Lena use plans. L. Present uethoos ol lanu use nan foi nation anc cesiin. E. Evaluate uansbcuent tools, strategies, ano techniques lor inpieLer.tation. h. Provioe ar. understanding of the costs ano Dene fits of lane use p*anninw. Fine and Applied Arts ART 256 EEClNhlA'G WEAVING (2-4) Larrett i i-LTi.: &:30-11:20 UH DESCPIPTiON: Looc-woven textiles et-i iiasizing the expressive qualities of texture, color, and pattern using, ruy_iicant techniques. ART 291 DRAWING (2-A) CHETS: 16:30-21:20 UK, 275 LA fCHEAT: Stuoio a/ERAGE C'LAS* SIZE: 15-20 PREREQUISITES: Priority tc FAA majors SPECIAL FEES: $15.00 Kll lESCRIPTIOK: Letinning course in observation, selection, arc recording, oi significant detents various urawing, u.eaia. ART 291 DRAWING (2-M Laker, 1&6 LA KLETS: 12:30-15:20 !-fc, 275 LA FORl'AT: Stuoio AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 20 SPECIAL FEES: $15.00 FaT DESCRIPTION: A course in learning to arav. frot observation with etphasis on analysis of proportion, tone, ar.c volute. The relational consequences oi fort taking, wili be stressed. ART 291 DRAWmG (2-4) Coe-Clarke MEETS: 1b:30-21:20 MW, 275 LA FORMAT: Stuuio AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 20 SPECIAL FEES: $15.00 KIT DfcSCRIPTiCN: A betinninfc. course ir. observation, selection, a no rccoroinfe of significant elenento in various drawing ueaia. ART 291 DRAWING (3) Schaeffer MEETS: 15:30-16:20 CFi, 275 LA rOEEAl: Stuoio AVELAGL CLASS SIZE: 20 SPECIAL FEES: $15.CC KIT i I GREAT PEOPLE. GREAT COPIES. i T—■J tl Fast, friendly service on quality copies at affordable prices kinko's Great copies. Great people. Kinko's is open early. Open late. And open weekends 344-7894