DESCRIPTION: Analysis of literary works from the 17th and 16th centuries. Attempts will be made to place the works into a social context reflecting the dramatic changes which moved France from an absolute monarchy towards Revolution. COMMENTS: Readings and discussions will be in French ITAL 124 FIRST-TEAR ITALIAN (6) MEETS: 9:50 or 11:30 MUVJHF FOPMAT: Lecture/riscussion AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 25 DESCRIPTION: Introduction to Italian language anc culture through "Luongiorno Italia," BBC TV series filmed on location and featuring native Italians as they carry on their daily lives. An intensive course which covers (with ITAL 125) three teres in two terms. ITAL 199 THE BOGOE IN ITALIAN LITERATURE (3) Giustina, 419 Friendly KELTS: 10:30 MWF FCRhAT: Lecture/Discussion DESCRIPTION: The Rogue, as an anti establishment character, has been he prota£onist of works throughout the history of Italian literature. This course will examine the various fortunes of this character, in relation tc his cultural milieu, from boccaccio's Decameron to the present. COM.ENTS: Freshman Seminar ITAL 308 SURVEY OF ITALIAN LITERATURE (3) Giustina, 419 Friendly lJETS: 11:30 LV.F FCRKAT: Lecture/Discussion AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 15-20 PREREQUISITES: 2 years of college Italian or equivalent DESCRIPTION: Dynamic is perhaps the worn that test cescrites the worla of the Renaissance Italy. From this crucible sprang the ideas and currents which were to have such a strong influence on the cultural development of Western Europe, 'inis course will concentrate on the contributions, both literary ana cultural, of such major figures as Eoccaccio, Lorenzo oe Kedici, Politian, Alberti, Leonardo ca Vinci, Lichelangelo enc Kachiavelli. Objective is to improve language skills both oral and written, through the study of selected literary works. COKKEhTS: Class conouctea in Italian. BUN 352 POLITICS AND LITERATURE IN RENAISSANCE ITALY (3) Eatzantonis, 22b Friendly MEETS: 10:30 KVfF FORI .AT: Lecture/Discussion WEEKLY READING: 3C Pages PREREQUISITES: Interest in literature, prose anc poetry, ana in Medieval ana Renaissance history ana politics EVALUATION: 30W-Paper; 30S-Kioteru.; iJ0>-Firal READINGS: Farnell, THE POLITICAL IDEAS OF THE L1V1NE COMEDY; Dante, DIVINE COMEDY; Machiavelli, PRINCE; Various Selections DESCRIPTION: Medieval and Renaissance politics often became the subject matter of major and minor Italian works. After a rapid survey of some significant political trends and issues, an in-depth analysis of their ideological and esthetic treatment in the works of three Florentine writers will follow. ITAL 407G PIRANDELLO (3) Giustina, 419 Friendly CELTS: 13:30 KWF FORMAT: Lecture/Discussion PREREQUISITES: 2 years of college Italian or equivalent preferable DESCRIPTION: As a precursor of existentialism, Piranaello is the most seninal writer of 20th century Italy. This course will examine selected short stories, one novel and four plays from his vast literary production. COMMENTS: Most readings available in English translation. ITAL *08 TOPICS III ITALIAN CONVERSATION (3) Ricolardi I LETS: 12:30 KViF FORMAT: Discussion PREREQUISITES: 2 years of collete Italian or equivalent. DESCRIPTION:' Topics for class discussion will be cf a cultural nature ano will be based on current ciafeazine articles and short stones. COMMENTS: Class will be conducted in Italian. ITAL *65G DANTE AMD HIS TIMES (*) Hatzantonis, 224 Friendly MEETS: 9:30 MRF, 221 Friendly FORMAT: Lecture/Ciscussion PREREQUISITES: Interest in Medieval tines ano literature. EVALUATION: 405-Paper/Project; 201 Kidtern; 4C£-Final READINGS: Dante, PURCAT0RI0 ano critical essays on select cantos; Dante, VITA NLOVA; Selections DESCRIPTION: The purtatorio will be examined not only lor its poetic nerits, tut also es a text hiEhlifchtenint, the social, ethical, and cultural trenos of the Middle Apes. In adoitior., Dante's inoebtedness to the lyric tradition of the preceding centuries, particularly cf the XI-XIII centuries will be traced and assessed. A detailed syllabus of the course is available. RL 407 ART OF LITEBART TRANSLATION (4) White, 20 Friendly KELTS: 15:30 MUF, 301 LEA FORMAT: Se&inar AVEPAGE CLASS SIZE: 15 WEEKLY READING: 25* Pages PREREQUISITES: 2nd year Spanish EVALUATION: 201-Attendance; 301 Paper; 301-Honework; 201-Final READINGS: Steiner, AFTER LABEL; Benjat. in, TEE TASK OF THE TRANSLATOR; Gasset, KISERIA YESPLENEOR DE JA TRADUCCION; Rexroth, THE POET AS TRANSLATOR; Rabossa, PROELEKS AND PITFALLS CF LITERARY TRANSLATION; Eorges, PIERRE MENARD, AUTHOR OF THE QUIXOTE DESCRIPTION: The course will focus on these questions: Why does translation * --- associative thinking? Why do the works of a translator need to be redone every 25 years? This course will emphasize hands-on skills of literary translation (poetry and prose) from Spanish into English* There will be a brief history of the theory of translation as well as information on the professional and publishing aspects of translation. COMMENTS: Class conducted in English. RL 516 MODEM CRITICISM (4) Rendall, 220 Friendly MEETS: 15:30-18:20 W FORMAT: Lecture/Discussion AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 15 WEEKLY READING: 50 Pages EVALUATION: 100*-Raper READINGS: Foucault, FOUCAULT READER; Packet DESCRIPTION: The modern criticism seminar will be devoted this year to the work of Michel Foucault. We will examine carefully a series of his essays, and attempt to assess their significance for literary studies. The tern paper will concern the relevance of Foucault's work to the study cf a specific literary text to be chosen by the student. RL 518 MONTAIGNE (8) Rendall, 220 Friendly MEETS: 15:30-18:20 H FORMAT: Lecture/Discussion WEEKLY READING: 50 Pages EVALUATION: 100*-Paper READINGS: Montaigne, ESSAIS DESCRIPTION: Close reading of selected essays, worth emphasis on the theoretical problems they raise. SPAN 312 MEDIEVAL SPANISH LITERATURE (3) Powers, 110 Friendly i£ETS: 13:30 MWF FORMAT: Lecture/riscussion AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 25 WEEKLY READING: 30 Pages PREREQUISITES: 2 years of Spanish or equivalent EVALUATION: 30*-Houework; 20J Quizzes; 20 % -Mid tern.; 30%-Final READINGS: P0EMA DE KI0 CID; Ruiz, EL L1BHO DL BUEN AK0R; Rojas, LA CELESTIMA; Other Readings assigned DESCRIPTION: Introduction to the Miodle Ages in Spain and an examination of three of the major works of Spanish literaure. Students will learn to read the older lorm of the language and engage in critical discussions of the texts. COMMENTS: The Kicale Ages were anything but dull, and a reading of these texts should convey some sense of the liveliness of the period. SPAM 554 DRAMA OF THE GOLDEN AGE (4) Powers, 110 Friendly MEETS: 15:30 MWF FORMAT: Lecture/Discussion AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 20 WEEKLY HEADING: 50 Pages PREREQUISITES: Fluent knowlea&e cf Spanish EVALUATION: 20}-Paper; 30J Attenciance/Fart icipat ion; 20} Midterm; 301-Final