PREREQUISITES: KTH 101 or satisfactory pi.acec.ent score EVALUATION: Homework, quizzes, midteros, common final READINGS: Munem and Foulis, ALGEBRA AND ThlGOKOKETRY DESCRIPTION: KTh 102 is a course in elementary functions, including logarithmic, exponential and trigonometric functions and their graphs. It is a prerequisite for KTK 201. The trigonometric protion of KTH 102 is not needeo for KTH 207. The objectives of this course are to learn the basic properties of the logarithmic exponential, ant trigonometric functions, to learn to use thee in calculations ano to gain some perspective on their use in science ano technology. Kano calculators are required. COKKEKTS: One section at 9:30 KUWF is open only to students approved by the Klnority Council. MTU 121 MATHEMATICS FOR ELEMENTARY TEACHERS (3) Broufcher, 204 DEA MEETS: $:30 IkF FORMAT: Lecture/Lab/Discussion AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 30 KEENLY READING: 6 Hours PREREQUISITES: MTH 10C or satis*actory placement score EVALUATION: Ail sections will have a Final exam and soce of the following: hour tests, weekly quizzes, and project. READINGS: Eillbtein, Libeskind, ano Lott, PROBLEM SOLVING APPROACH TO MATHEMATICS FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHERS DESCRIPTION: This tern's topics will ixcluae a stuay of basic ioeas relating to sets, basic ideas leiatlnt to place value, inducing the stuay of other number bases; properties of whole numbers and inteters and property of other systems both arithmetic and geometric; number sequences; prime and composite numbers. Emphasis will be on active problem solving approach. Concrete materials ano calculators will be used. MTH 150 INTRO TO PROBifilLITT (3) Barnes I.LETS: 10:30 EVF, 307 DEA FORMAT: Lecture/Discussion AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 00 WEEKLY READING: 15-20 Pages PREREQUISITES: HTh 10C or satisfactory placement test score EVALUATION: Final, Homework, 5-1/2 hour exams READINGS: Mosteller, O'Rourke, anc Thomas, PROBABILITY WITH STATISTICAL APPLICATIONS DESCRIPTION: An elementary survey with the emphasis cn basic concepts. The level of mathematical manipulation will be held to a minimum, but seme abstractions will be involveo. COMMENTS: Not open to stuaents who have had MTH 232 or any higher level course in probability or statistics. MTH 201 CALCULUS (A) MEETS: Various. See Time Schedule FORMAT: Lecture/Discussion AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 35-L0 WEEKLY READING: 6-6 Hours PREREQUISITES: MTH 102, MTH 115 or satisfactory placement score EVALUATION: homework, 2 Midterms, ana Final Exam READINGS: Salas and Hille, CALCULUS OF ONE AND SEVERAL VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: MTU 201 is the first term of the stanaara introductory sequence in calculus; it covers differentiation ana applications. Despite its lower number, KTL 201 is a core extensive course than MTH 207. It is designee lor a broad spectrum of stucents such as mathematicians, physicists, chemists and students who will oo graduate work in economics or the social sciences. Any student who might continue math beyono calculus shouia take this course insteau of MTH 207. MTU 202 CALCULUS (A) MEETS: Various. See Tice Scheoule FORI JIT: Lecture/Discussion AVELAGL CLASS SUE: H5 WEEKLY READING: 6-fc Lours PREREQUISITES: MTH 201 or equivalent EVALUATION: 2 Midterms, Final, Homework READINGS: Salas and Kiiie, CALCULUS OF ONE AND SEVERAL VARIABLES DESCRIPTION: This is second quarter of a three tern, first year calculus course. It focuses on integration irom both the theoretical ana computational stanapoint. The trigonometric functions are extensively used. Applications include areas, volumes of surfaces of revolutions, center of mass, lengths ol curves, etc. MTH 203 CALCULUS <*) KELTS: See Tice Scheoule FORI .AT: Lecture/Discussion AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: UO PREHkQU1SITES: ETh 202 EVALUATION: 2-3 Kioterns, Final, Hot.evc rk READINGS: Salas ana Hilie, CALCULUS OF ONE AND SEVERAL VARlAbLES DESCRIPTION: This is tne thirc quarter oi a three terc first year calculus course. It covers infinite series, expansions cl functions, and divergence of series, power series ano Taylcr's theoreu. MTU 207 CALCULUS FOR THE H0HPHTS1CAL SCIEECES (A) MEETS: Various. See Time Schedule FORMAT: Lecture/Discussion PREREQUISITES: MTH 101 or satisfactory placement score. EVALUATION: Midterms, Final, homework. Quizzes READINGS: Goldstein, Lay, and Schneioer, CALCULUS AND ITS APPLICATIONS DESCRIPTION: KTH 207 is the first term of a sequence of calculus courses assignee for stuaents whose major fiexc is in the social or managerial sciences and whose programs uo not require upper oivision courses in calculus. Despite its hip,h number MTH 207 is a less advances course than MTH 201. All students who subsequently expect to take MTH 331-333 or who intenc to pursue graduate stuoy should take MTH 201. COMMENTS: One section at 9:30 KUV.'F is open only to stuaents approved by the Council for Minority Education. MTH 206 CALCULUS FOR THE NONPHYSICAL SCIENCES (A) MEETS: See Tide Schedule FORMAT: Lecture/Discussion PREREQUISITES: KTH 207 EVALUATICH: Midterms, Final, Quizzes, Homework READINGS: Goldstein, Laj and Schneider, CALCULUS AND ITS APPLICATIONS DESCRIPTION: The second term of a calculus sequence befcun by MTh 207. This teru includes integration ano functions of several variables. Applications to business and the social sciences will be used. COMMENTS: One section at b:30 MUWF is open only to students approved by the Council lor Minority Education. MTH 209 PROB/STAT HITE CALCULUS (A) MEETS: Various. See Tide Schedule FORMAT: Lecture/Discussion PREREQUISITES: MTH 206 or MTH 202 EVALUATION: Midterms, Final, Quizzes, homework READINGS: Madsen and Hoeschberfcer, STATISTICAL CONCEPTS WITH APPLICATIONS TO BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS DESCRIPTION: Introduction to probability and statistics usmt, calculus as a lounoation, including, oiscrete and continuous probability, sampling distributions, descriptive statistics, ano estimation. KTH 231 ELEMENTS OF DISCRETE MATHEMATICS (A) Wolfe, 33A FEN MELTS: 9:30 KEF, 2C6 DEA FORMAT: Lecture/Discussion AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 120 WEEKLY READING: 30 Pages PREREQUISITES: KTh 101 or satisfactory placement score EVALUATION: 205-Homework; ^GW-E Midterms; kO*-Finai READINGS: Ross anc Wright, DISCRETE MATH DESCRIPTION: This course provides an introduction to concepts needed in computer science anc other areas. The following topics are covered: sets, mappings, mathematical induction, elements of logic, semigroups, and combinations. Homework assignments are a very important part of the course. KTH 410 PBOBLBM P0S1BG/SGLVIK (3) Walter, 204 Friendly MEETS: 14:00-15:20 UK, 105 Fenton FORMAT: Lecture/Discussion AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 20 PREREQUISITES: Eth 344 and Kth 341 or 157 or consent of instructor. READINGS: Folya, K0W TO SOVE IT; Brown and Waiter, TUE ART OF PROBLEM FOSlIiG AND ASSIGNED OTHER READINGS DESCRIPTION: Stuoents will engage in and explore techniques for generating and solving problems and will examine the connection between these activities. Various problems posing ano solving techniques will be discussed. The instructor will introouce some problems ana situations for investigation ana students will learn to pose their own problems. Students will write papers alone ana in groups ana will constructively criticize each other's papers. COMMENTS: Open only to education stuoents working towarc a math enoorseient or to qualified teachers.