AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 30 WEEKLY READING: 1 Chapter PREREQUISITES: Pre- or corequ: Line, 290 EVALUATION: 40*-Quizzes; 25* Midterm; 35?-Final DESCRIPTION: Study of the articulatory acoustic basis for the classification and description of speech sounds; relevance of this phonetic base to phonological analysis. LING A44G SECOND LANGUAGE ACQUISITION AND LANGUAGE LEARNING (A) Rounds, 241 PLC MEETS: 11:BO WF+ FORMAT: Lecture AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 35 PREREQUISITES: LING 290 or LING 421 or consent of instructor. EVALUATION- 25*-Project; 25* Hocework; 20*-MidterBiS; 30*-Final READINGS: Packet DESCRIPTION: Introduction to secona-language acquisition and language learning theory. In addition to lectures, requires one hour per week of discussion section. LING 451 SYNTAX AND SEMANTICS I (4) DeLancey, 245 Straub MEETS: 9:30 MWF+ FORMAT: Lecture AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 40 WEEKLY READING: 1 Chapter PREREQUISITES: LING 290 or 421 EVALl ATION : 20%-Hoteworic; 35* hidterm; 45*-Final DESCRIPTION: The place of syntax in grammar ar.d its interaction with the lexicon, semantics, and cliscourse pragmatics. The basic elements of syntactic structure and grammatical morphology. Oriented toward the analysis of typologically diverse aata from many languages. Mathematics MTH 040 PREPARATORY MATHEMATICS (4) KEETS: Various. See tine schedule. FCRKAT: Lecture/Discussion AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 30-35 WEEKLY READING: 6-6 Hours PREREQUISITES: Open, placement below MTH 100 EVALUATION: P/NP only. Homework, short Quizzes, hour exams anc final READINGS: KcKeague, BEGINNING ALGEBRA DESCRIPTION: The purpose of this class is to prepare stuuents to succeed in ETH 100 Intermediate Algebra. Class includes review of fractions, oecimals, and percents, intro tc signed numbers, solving linear equations in one variable, elementary graphing and operations of polynomials. Expect to spend 6 hours/week or more on homework problems, which concentrate on building basic algebraic skills. COhiiENTS: This is a remedial course with University creuit, for students not adequately prepared for mathematics required by their major. There will be a lee of 4168.0C assessed for this course. MTH 100 INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA (A) MEETS: Various. See Time Scheauie FORMAT: Lecture/Discussion AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: MO-45 UEEKL1 READING: 6-6 Hours PREREQUISITES: Satisfactory placement score or MTU 040 EVALUATION: Homework, Quizzes, Ciateri s, and a common Final Exam lor ail sections READINGS: Keeoy and bittint.er, INTERMEDIATE ALGEERA: A PCDERM APPROACH DESCRIPTION: I.Th IOC or equivalent in skills is a necessary preliminary to most 100 level math courses. Emphasis will te on the mastery of algebraic skills such as graphing lineary equations, solving story problems, working with formulas, factoring polynomials, simplifying algebraic expressions, solving systems of linear and quadratic equations, doing computations with polynomials, radicals ar.0 exponents, and learning notations for sets, inequalities ana absolute value. COMMENTS: One section at 12:30 KUWF is open oniy to stuaents approvea by the Council for Minority Education. MTH 101 COLLEGE ALGEBRA (A) MEETS: Various. See Time Schedule FOF.KAT: Lecture/Discursion AVEhACE CLASS SIZE: 40-45 WEEKLY READIhG: 1C-12 hours PREREQUISITES: KTh 100 or satisfactory placement score EVALUAT10K: Homework, quizzes, midterms, and a common final exart. for all sections. HEADlhGS: Muntil and Foul is, COLLEGE ALGEBRA DESCRIPTIOll: This is an introductory course in college aitetre covering linear and quadratic equations, functions anc graphs; polynomial, logarithmic, and exponential functions; matrices; systems of linear equations. This course, or its equivalent, is a prerequisite for KTH 102, 207, ano 231. Although KTH 100 covers a numter of manipulative skills, homework problems tend to be routine. KTh 101 stuuents learn to apply algebra; there is more emphasis on functions; some new topics ano homework problems frequently require independent thought. KTH 102 ELEMENTARY FUNCTIONS (4) MEETS: Various. See Time Schedule FOKf^T: Lecture/Discussion AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 4C-45 WEEKLY READING: 6-fc Hours the asuo womens task iL WIN S25 DEADLINE: JAN. 9 SUBMIT DESIGNS AT EMU SUITE 4 THE LOGO WILL BE USED ON STATIONERY, POSTERS AND MUST BE READILY IDENTIFIABLE WITH THE WOMENS TASK FORCE. WINNER WILL BE NOTIFIED BY JAN. 16