iiST 292 JAFAH PAST AND PRESENT (3) Falconerl, 358 Gilbert MEETS: 2:00-3:20 OH, 3*1 Gilbert FORMAT: Lecture/Discuasion AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 50-75 WEEKLY READING: 75 P«Ees or 3 Chapters EVALUATION: 10*-ProJeot; *0* Midtem; 50%-Final READINGS: Reisobaust, THE JAPANESE; Vogel, JAPAN AS NUMBER ONE; Packet DESCRIPTION: Designed as an introduction to Japan in tbe past and at present. A oourse open to all students uitb no prerequisites, tbe focus will be on aucb topics aa tbe geographic crucible of Japanese soolety, early and continuing religion, tbe family, tbe world of aesthetics in literature and the arts, education, social structure in a post-industrial society, and business and ecomony. COMMENTS: Owing to the phenomenal growth of Japan aa an econoaic superpower since the end of Horld War II tbe course will eapbasise those facets of history and culture that base contributed toward Japan*s success. HST 302 EUROPE SINCE 1789 (1871 1919) (3) Fracchia, A71 PLC I.EETS: 12:30 »VF, 238 Gilbert FORMAT: Lecture AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 1C0 WEEKLY READING: 80-100 Pages EVALUATION: 60S-2 Midterms; UOt Final READINGS: Gilbert, TEE END OF THE EUROPEAN ERA; Ibsen, A DOLL’S HOUSE; Conrad, HEART OF DARKNESS; Remarque; ALL QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT; Freud, CIVILIZATION AND ITS DISCONTENTS; Fitzpatrick, THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION DESCRIPTION: This course will ananlyze the history of Europe from its rise to worlo domination through its self-destruction in World War I. Topics induce: imperialism, working-class culture and politics, the position of women in society; the crisis cf bourgeois culture, world war, the Russian Revolution. HST 305 ENGLISH HISTORY (3) Lane. 355 PLC MEETS: 11:30 IMF, 151 EL FORMAT: Lecture AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 50 WEEKLY HEALING: 100 Pages EVALUATION: 33.5X-Paper; 33-5Y Kidterm; 33.5£-Final READINGS: Lockyer, TUDOR AND STUART BRITAIN, 1A71-171*; Mattingly, THE ARMADA; Prail, PURITAN REVOLUTION: A DOCUMENTARY HISTCRY DESCRIPTION: This course aits at a broad survey of English history froc the accession of Henry VII to the late eighteenth century. Among the themes to be considered are the formation of the Tuoor monarchy, the English Reformation, the changing role of parliament in government, the revolutions of the seventeeth century, political stability and aristocratic control in the eighteenth century, the beginnings of the industrial revolution and the challenge to aristocracy. HST 308 AMERICAN RADICALISM (3) Pope, 218 PLC MEETS: 11:30-12:20 MWF FORMAT: Lecture/Di scusaion AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 120 WEEKLY READING: 125 Pages EVALUAT10K: 25J-Paper; 25%-Midterm; 50^-Final READINGS: Goocwyn, THE POPULIST MOMENT; Goldman, ANARCHISM AKD OTHER ESSAYS; Evane, PERSONAL POLITICS DESCRIPTION: This course looks at movements of raaloal protest In the U.S. in the last century. Topics include the farm protest movement, socialist anarchist and feminist ideas in the early 20th century, radical responses to the Great Depression,, and the origins of contemporary feminism. Ke will look at the eovements themselves ano at their implications for broader questions about American history and society. COMMENTS: 1 hope the ideas and issues in the course are of personal as well as intellectual interest tc you. The course benefits greatly from active student participation, and I will try to provide opportunities for discussion. H3T 313 EHLICBTEKKEMT TO REVOLUTION (3) Dim, 370 PLC MEETS: 1k:00-15:2G Uh FORMAT: Discussion AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 30 WEEKLY READING: 100 Pates PREREQUISITES: HST 102 recctmended EVALUATION: 33>-Midtenu; 675-Final READINGS: Birn, CRISIS, ABSOLUTISM, REVOLUTION: EUROPE, 16^6-1769; Voltaire, PHILOSOPHICAL LETTERS; Diderot, RAMEAU'S KEPHEV.'; Rousseau, DISCOURSE ON ORIGINS INEQUALITY, SOCIAL CONTRACT DESCRIPTION: The course covers the major themes governing the social, political, and cultural ife of Eighteenth-Century Europe. He shall treat the triumph of aristocracy in Britain, France, Spain, and Central Europe anc' we shall analyze the structural weaknesses of the Eighteenth-Century worlo that leo to the French Revolution. HST 322 HST AKER FOR RELATIONS (3) Kay, 234 PLC MEETS: 12:30 UE FORI AT: Lecture AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 135 WEEKLY READING: 100 Pages EVALUAT10K: 40%-Kidtert; 60J-Final HEADINGS: 11; tern, an, CIA IN GUATEKALA; Allison, ESSENCE OF DECISION; Ambrose, RISE TO GLOBALISE; Herring, AMERICA'S LONGEST WAR DESCRIPTION: This course seeks to provide students with a thematic understanding ot Foreign Relations, 1945-present. Four topics will be discussed in uepth: U.S.-Soviet relations, Vietnam, U.S. policy in Central Anerica, and the recent development in U.S.-Philippine relations. HST 324 BYZANTIUM AND SLAVES (3) Alef, 347 PLC MEETS: 12:30 KNF FORMAT: Lecture AVERAGE aASS SIZE: 25 WEEKLY READING: 50-70 Pages EVALUATION: 3^-Kidterm; 66%-Final READINGS: Vasiliev, A HISTORY OF THE BYZANTINE EMPIRE DESCRIPTION: An introduction to the transition from the Roman to the Greek phase of Roman History - from the third oe.-tury after Christ until the eve of the Arab eruptions. This ievelopment lays the basis for Christian Rome and the kernel from which Eastern Europe would be converted to Orthocox Christianity. Emphasis on the military, religious, and institutional developments. COMMENTS: Important for those who wish to study the origins of the divergent developments for Eastern Europe. BST 351 SURVEY OF LATIN AKKNILAN HISTORY (3) Relaford, 223 PLC MEETS: 9:30 RftfF, 302 C-erlinger FORMAT: Lecture/Discussion AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 100 WEEKLY READING: 100 Pages EVALUATION: MO^-Kidteru; 60*-Final READINGS: Keen and VJesserman, A SHORT HISTORY OF LATIN AMERICA; Stein and Stein, THE COLONIAL HERITAGE OF LATIN AMERICA; Haring, EMPIRE IK BRAZIL; Sarmiento, LIFE II.’ THE ARGENTINE REPUBLIC IN THE DAYS OF THE TYRANTS; Cumberland, MEXICO: THE STRUGGLE FOR MODERNITY DESCRIPTION: This course surveys Latin American history from the mid eighteenth to the mid-nineteenth century. We will focus on Enlightenment reforms, the national liberation movements, and the struggle for political consolidation after independence. Emphasis will be placed on the histories of Brazil, Mexico, and Argentina. BST 365 BISTORT OF INDIA (3) KcGoven, 371 PLC MEETS: 14:30 HUP FORMAT: Lectui e/Discussion AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 30 WEEKLY READING: 100 Pages EVALUATION: 25*-Paper; 25*-Midterm; 505k-Final READINGS: Kipling, KIM; Lynton and Rajan, DAYS OF THE LELOVED; Narayan, THE VE!DOR or SWEETS; Tandon, PUNJADl CENTURY; Packet DESCRIPTION: In this tern., we will be focusing on the history of India. The course will begin with an introduction to such funaacenatl features of Indian life as caste, hinduism, anc village life. We will examine the two major empires of recent Indian history, the Mughal and the British. The course will conclude with a study of the independence struggle, Gandhi's leadership, anc the efforts of India to grapple with population and underdevelopment. BST 376 AMERICAN CITIES IN 20TB CENTURY (3) Wade, 254 PLC MEETS: 12:30 MNP, 341 Gilbert FORMAT: Lecture AVERAGE CLASS SIZE: 50 WEEKLY READING: 120-140 Pages PREREQUISITES: HST 201, 202, 203 or equivalent assumed.